Episode 3: Seeds of Doubt

Venti arranges a series of "coincidental" meetings with Edgy, each meticulously planned to show her in the best light. The office atmosphere becomes tense as Polor starts feeling isolated. 

Venti begins her campaign against Polor by spreading subtle rumors. During a lunch with key executives, she casually mentions Polor's closeness with Edgy for personal gain.

Venti: "It's wonderful how dedicated Polor is. I just hope her ambitions don't cloud her judgment."

The executives exchange glances, and soon, Polor feels the chill in the air. Edgy, noticing the tension, tries to reassure him.

Edgy: "Don't let them get to you. You're the best at what you do."

Polor: "Thanks, Edgy. It just feels like something's changed."

Meanwhile, Venti organizes a charity event and invites Polor to assist, only to set him up for failure. Polor finds himself overwhelmed and humiliated when key elements fall apart, seemingly due to his oversight.
