The Great War

There's a story where I'm from. It doesn't matter your background, what village you were born in, or how oblivious you are to reality. Everyone has heard this story. It's a myth of sorts, but viewed as complete truth in most parts. It's a story about the Great War. When humanity was at a divide between a good and an evil. During those times everyone thought the Dragon was just a thing of myth. No one could believe that the great beast of magic actually existed. Nevertheless, this dragon called itself the guardian of Eden. When the world was at its divide the dragon sought to erase humanity, or so the story goes. But in its decision something swayed him. Instead of erasing humanity he decided to give it a second chance. Now that the world was full of believers upon seeing the dragon for the first time, he divided his power into six parts: Fire, Ice, Life, Death, Myth, and Storm.

After the war, the Dragon had used all its magic granted the world power of a God. To regain its strength, he sealed his magic within seven rare blue roses. And this is where the story begins. The story that most people consider a myth, but view it as completely true. It's said that if you find one of these roses it will give you powerful magic and unlimited strength. These seven who find the roses are supposed to be the protectors of Eden.

I was never one of those to believe in a legend as far fetched as this one. Of course, I always knew that the magic we had in this world came from somewhere. I just never viewed the Great Dragon as a God, or that it would seal its power within seven blue roses to one day be found by chosen warriors. It just sounded so farfetched. But, I guess I was wrong.

Because the day that I found one of those blue roses, everything changed. 
