Rules and Payments


* Follow Elysium_Community
* Share this book on your message board.
* Save this book in your public reading list for further updates.
* Vote on all the main chapters of this book not the reviews itself.
* Follow your designated reviewer when given and do their given payments. (Chapter reviewers)



* It's just a small review. Read 2-3 chapters max.
* Fill in the form on the next page to enter.
* I'm not giving points only my honest (Password: favorite color) review on your story.
* Please understand that it will take some time since we have private lifes as well.
* Apply for one book at a time.
* The review will only be published when you did all the payments.
* Vote or leave a comment on your review chapter when seen.
* I will do reviews per batch. (5 at the time)

!!!Not following these things above will get you on my blacklist!!!!

Additional info (become a reviewer)

You can not only apply for a review but you can give your review as well. Don't worry I will not overload you with books to review.
To be a reviewer, please fill in the form on the next page and you can become part of this community.

The assignments will be given throught dm's. You will be given 1 week to do the task. You can ask for extension but only once. When done give it back to me through instagram or discord.

If you want to quit being a reviewer please let me know so that I can remove you from my list.

Advantage of being a reviewer:
* You get a follow from my personal account and this community.
* A follow from the person you give your review.
* You build up experience if you want to join other communities.
* You can encounter stories that may be pleasing you.

Forms Next page !!
