Chapter Six: Loyalty Binds

Annalise's POV:
Me and Mr. Scrooge have grown a bit closer ever since the conversation. It's suprising how generous and kind he has been towards me. But for me, it's not suprising how much of a liking i've taken to him. He has listened to me with past trauma, made me feel comfortable even if the atmosphere is quiet and overall the energy he has given off is calming. I like it. I like that he cares about someone like me.

Yesterday, he asked if he wanted to spend Christmas with him. I've never been so happy! I had to make sure i looked alright. It was already midnight, and i needed to get some sleep, but first i wanted to pick out a noticeable but suitable dress. I went over to my closet and rumaged through my clothes until I finally found one. It was perfect!

I tried it on to make sure it still fits, since i haven't gone to any occasions in so long. I looked in the mirror and smiled in relief as it still fit me well. I was impressed too because i managed to make that one dress. It was special to me. I took the dress off and put a silky robe on, then hung the dress up with some stockings next to it and shoes underneath to match.

I blew out the candle and laid in bed, thinking about tomorrow. Mr. Scrooge said to be there at about twelve so i could possibly help with the decorations and food. I closed my eyes and dreamt.

The next morning came around and i groggily rolled out of bed, shivering. I quickly washed my hair and body, brushed my teeth then slipped on my dress. I buttoned it up then put my stockings and shoes on. I wanted to be there a little bit earlier than he said to be so i could talk with him. He was delightful to talk with. It was like he just changed all of a sudden and I wanted to know why.

I put my coat on and headed downstairs. I opened the door and went to his house.

No-ones POV:
Annalise arrived at his house and knocked loudly. A thump of footsteps and barking could be heard coming down the stairs and the door opened. In front of her stood a sleepy Scrooge and Prudence. His hair was messy and the only thing he had on was his pants. Prudence barked joyfully and lept onto Anna but she managed to hold her by her paws and stroke her head.

"Hiya, girl! Goodmorning! And.. Goodmorning too you." she looked at Prudence then at Scrooge and blushed deeply, taking in the sculpture of his upper body.

He grunted under his breath and he moved out the way so she could come in. She made her way inside and he shut the door.

"How come you're here so early? What time is it?"

"It's only half eleven, Sir! I thought you'd be awake by now. I'm sorry for waking you up. If you want, i can come back later."

"No, no. It's fine. I needed waking up either way, so thank you." he smiled and rubbed his eyes then yawned.

"Heh, alright then. What do you want me to do?" She smiled and tilted her head.

"Not too sure. Anything that you can think of."

She thought for a second.

"Well i'll make you some tea first, then get you your clothes. You can sit down and wait, if you want."

"Hm.. okay, sure." He smiled again and went to his living room and sat down on the chair.

Annalise quickly followed and made the fire for him. He watched and chuckled.

"Feels like having my own maid."

She laughed.

"Yeah, and you better get used to it! I'm going to be helping a lot around here today."

"Not if i do it all before you."

"Is that a challenge, Mr. Scrooge?" She stood back up and faced him.

"Maybe it is, and what?"

"Well you're wrong. I know that i can cook and clean better than you."

"How do you know i'm not a well known Chef?"

"Because you'd be richer."

"Are you saying i'm not rich?" He stood up and loomed over her.

"N-No! Of course you're rich! But, if you were a well known Chef, then you'd probably be even richer." She put her hands on her hips.

"I was joking. I know i'm rich, and you love it." He smirked, which made her blush again.

"Blushing now, are we?" he said as he put a finger under her chin and leaned close.

"I uhm.. I-I don't know what you're talking about, Sir." She looked up and him.

"Of course you don't." He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "You little Minx." This caused her to blush a lot more than before.

"I'm not a Minx! You're the Minx!" She laughed nervously.

"Oh.. really? I didn't notice." He was being sarcastic and she could tell. She thought about something.

She leaned up on her tiptoes just so their noses were almost touching.

"You're the Minx right now. Don't test me, Ebeneezer. Otherwise i might have to pour the tea onto your bare body."

"Is that a threat, Miss?" He tilted his head to the side and moved foward slightly. They were almost kissing at this point.

"Maybe. Maybe not. And what will you do about it?"

He grabbed her waist and brung her so their bodies were touching. He went for her neck and started sucking near her jawline. She hissed at the feeling and arched her back. He sucked harder then bit hard. Bit so hard that some blood was drawn. She gasped loudly and accidentally moaned too. Scrooge pulled away after a couple seconds.

"What the hell! A-Are you a vampire now? Why'd you do that??" she breathed heavily and touched where he had been.

"No, I'm not a vampire. And i did it because you said what i'll do about it, so i showed you. If you want me to do it again, then keep your attitude up." He sat back down on his chair.

Annalise straightened her back.

"No i will not keep my attitude up. You've had your fun.. for now.." She walked off into the kitchen.

"For now?" Scrooge thought in his mind.
well then.. that was unexpected 🫡
1067 words!!
