23. I Still Get Jealous

"Let me guess," Dylan started, "Colton Haynes uploaded a selfie?" He questioned my giggles. I nodded quickly and gave his photo a double tap. "He's so gorgeous! Look at those eyes!" I tried to show Dylan the picture, but he swatted me away. "Yeah, yeah, I've seen Colby's eyes." Dylan states flatly. I narrowed my eyes at his attitude. "It's Colton." He shrugged and replied "That's what I said wasn't it?" I gave him an annoyed groan. "No. Why do you get such an attitude when I show you pictures of him? You enjoy looking at the puppies I show you! What's the difference?" I questioned him. He stood up, nearly shouting, "The difference is the fact that you can't fucking date a puppy! You can date this guy! I don't like when you talk about him!" I tried my best to hide my laugh behind just a smirk. 

"Is my baby jealous?" I teased him. "Dylan, babe, you don't need to be jealous. I love you and only you. I couldn't love someone the way I love you." Dylan sighs and sits back down next to me. "I know, I know, but that doesn't mean I won't get jealous. I just want you to look at me and only me." I give him a playful frown, "Okay baby, you and only you." I said as I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.


Hey guys! I've been so focused on my exams so I haven't been able to write and I'm sorry about that but thank you to everyone who is still here! If you want to send me ideas/requests message me on my tumblr  (romance.tumblr.com) or just ask me personal questions on there too. don't forget to vote/comment/share ♡

[p.s. thank you @ayesprayberry for this image idea ♡]
