Shizou for Ally Fudo

This is for you Ally Fudo thanks for requesting again 
“Rock paper scissors lizard spock,” Raska and Mikako said before putting down Spock for the tenth time, “Damn.” Ally watched the two “what’s the matter you two,” she asked. Raska sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Were trying to pick which one of us is going to wake up Shizou,” Mikako nodded, “Before Izaya sees and annoys him.” She shook her head slightly, “Well how about I go wake him up since you too can’t decide,” she suggested the two looked at her and nodded in agreement, “Thanks,” they said. Ally nodded and went to the guest room where she saw a sleeping Shizou sprawled out snoring happily, ‘ he’s so cute when he’s asleep,’ she thought coming over to him. He let out a quiet snore before turning his head slightly causing some hair to fall in his face, she sighed a bit and pushed it back in place, when his hand shot up and caught her wrist. His sleepy golden eyes met her brown, “To early,” he grumbled before pulling her down and cuddling against her, “Shizou,” she shouted trying to pull away but he held onto her tightly till she quit realizing he wasn’t going to let go. He smiled lightly before leaning down a bit and kissing her lightly before falling asleep again. She blushed lightly before falling asleep as well.
Aw looks like Shizou has a teddy bear- Raska
We hoped you liked it everyone and that more requests come soon- Mikako
