I Found Myself As A Queen

The chilly winds of first winter entered in the room..making every little corner of it shiver. My tired eyes slowly opened with the gentle touch of the morning sun rays.
I wake up beside maharaj Jayadrath, who is still in his world of dreams.

                   I wrapped a swal and left my bed as i walked towards the balcony. A rosy hue has filled the sky , white puffy clouds are scattering all over, birds are so busy to start a new day, a sweet fragrance of  flowers captured my senses.

                   I was enjoying this splendid morning beauty while the royal peacocks have gathered around me , showing their love to me ...when two large arms hugged me from behind as my head touched the firm rigid chest.

Jaya:" waking up on an empty bed , is not
            really my thing you know.."

         He said as he placed his chin on my head.

Du:" of course not ..its just you are in a
        hurry to start your journey towards Malav with jiji. You should get dressed maharaj before jiji sees you in this state."

       I tried to release myself from his embrace but it become more tight. He turned me to face him.

Jaya:" oho Duhshala ..don't tell me you are
          still mad at me because i am leaving you here in the palace. Try to understand priye..one of the royals must have to stay to maintain the royal businesses , its important for the kingdom!"

Du:"No no maharaj, i am not angry at all .
         You should go now to get dressed and to have breakfast ..after all you guys are going on a long journey . Jijj must be waiting for you ."

Jaya:" Really? ..what am i sensing then ..a
         bit of spark in your words ? I want you to make me ready today ..come on "

Du:" No arya..give this honour to jiji. Who
        am i to you ?..you can even leave me just after a month coming back home .."

         I don't even know why i had said those words..it is like they just simply make their way through my tongue. 

       He kissed my forhead and said " Wasn't it you who advised me to return the honour of your jiji to her ? Now when i am going to settle everything you are angry with me?"

        I didn't reply to it. I am just a little scared to stay here in this new place all alone. These few months jiji was always with me , so it didn't bothered me this much ..and now its safety, prosperity,  everything is on me. I just don't know if i am mature enough to handle this huge responsibility.   

Jaya:" And don't even question me who
           you are  to me Duhshala! you know many things had changed in me since you had appeared in my life ..it is a completely new me ! I never had discovered these sides of my character before."

         His eyes are glittering , i know he is telling the truth, from the firm expression on his face. I have noticed this too that he is acting differently since our first night. His words warmed my heart. This is the love i wanted. I must give him a chance.

Du:" Forgive me arya. I just don't want to
        be separate from you again. Forgive my stupidity and selfishness. I will make you ready ..lets go !"

          He kissed me on my lips while saying " i too don't want to be separate from you priye ..you are my dearest, always remember that. And i promise you i will surely try to return as soon as possible. "

               After our lovely morning , i dressed him up myself and we left to have breakfast where jiji was waiting for us.

Dev:" At last! There you are arya..we will
          be late if we don't start the journey in an hour"

Jaya:" yes yes..but first have some

          Jiji gave me a quick smile as i sit beside her. She is so busy these days to attending maharaj. It seems like we never shared a bond like sisters. I guess it is the actual behaviour co-wives  share. I just don't know this jiji of mine. 
          Meanwhile the servants informed us that everything is ready for the journey. 

                          I took their 'arti' and pranipat them one last time. Jiji left to board the chariot telling me to take care. Jayadrath hugged me and said " Don't worry priye ! everything will be fine ! Take care of yourself and your people. You have the potential to manage this tough work. I have full faith in you. Mahamantri Sushen and Senpati Sutshome will be here to cooperate with you. If anything wrong happens inform me immediately ok ?"

      As i nodded..he kissed my cheeks and left for the chariot. Soon the horses started running and they waved me good bye ...i stand still their until they become invisible in the dust.    

                   I sighed heavily..when Lalita said " let's go maharani , you have to be ready for the court.."

                   I left for my chamber and the maids started dressing me up . It is my first time on the court. I don't know if i can handle political issues.

       I also have got an idea..this month i am going to find out about that letter i had sent to Madhav. The maid whom i had given the duty to send it to Dwarka, has told me that she had successfully delivered it to Dwarka through a spy. If she is telling the truth then I can assume that Madhav don't want me in any trouble so he didn't reply ..but he could have just sent me this message just like we had sent him the letter. He knew very well that Sindhu Naresh was not here. So ..even if i accept that he wanted to avoid trouble , he simply could have just sent me the message to not to write to him anymore by a bird transport. And ..Madhav is not like someone who would ignore someone who is asking for help ..No no..something is really fishy here.

                I was thinking all these ..when a maid informed me that Mahamantri wants to meet me before the court ..its urgent. 

                 I asked him to wait in the living room and i headed towards there after some time.

           Mahamantri Sushen is in his mid sixty's . He is bramhin in cast . The sharp eyes clearly indicates his intellect. Signs of ageing is clearly visible in his fair, bright face. The skinny, slightly crook-backed old man greeted me with a warm till hypocritical smile.   

Su:" Pranipat choti maharani! You are
        looking great today."(in a hoarse voice)

Du:" Pranipat mahamantri ji. And thank
          you! Please sit down"

Su:" Yes maharani ! As i know it is your
        first time on a court duty. So if you need any help i am always here for you.hehe"

Du:" yes of course. So i would like to know
          about the urgency of this pre-meeting before court ."

Su:" Oh yes my lady ! There is a very. 
       important matter that needs your attention. Again a dead body of a married woman and most probably of her husband has been found on the east border area. From the primary investigations it seems like it is again a rape case. Some suspects will be presented in today's court. So what is your concern about this matter."

Du:" What! A rape case ? And you are
         saying 'again'? How many times these cases had appeared before ? And what actions maharaj had taken ?"

Su:" yes maharani. Including this we
         have got a total of four cases yet. And every time it is in a completely new area , where no one expect such things to happen . As a result people of Sindhu specially the women are terrified and they had refused to step out of home. And to be honest maharaj seems a very little concerned about this matter. He had just punished some of the suspects randomly without even judging properly. And all the decisions were made without even consulting with 'mantri mandal'."  

Du:" Hmm..very difficult matter. I assume
        this is the reason why the roads of Sindhu lack women. But what maharaj has done is ridiculous. Mahamantri ji i would like a thorough investigation in this matter. Send more soldiers and sentinels throughout Sindhu. Boarder areas need more attention. After sunset carfew is a must. We have to endure this situation and punish the real culprits as soon as possible. And..every steps we have taken and will take in future have to be completely private. Except the royals no one would know the real reasons behind our actions . Am i clear with everything ?"

Su:" Yes maharani. I am very happy that
        finally this matter is going to have a proper concern. I assure you that everything will be done as you have stated".

Du:" Yes! And it is really shameful that
        such a crucial matter had been neglected through these years. Try to solve it in one month , we are already late."

                I leave the living room after this. How maharaj can allow  such incidents to happen in his kingdom three times more after the first one. Why he neglects such matters.

             I have made my decision! I am their queen. As long as i am here i will make sure that the people of Sindhu gets justice and safety. Women are very neglected here..my first concern will always be their happiness and prosperity. "Oh Mahadev give me strength to fight with the evil and to bring happiness in my kingdom."
