Very happy



After I took a shower, I picked out an outfit. I went with a pair of high wasted shorts and an Aerosmith t-shirt, and for shoes, my high top vans. I chose to let my hair air dry and leave it natural. I did my makeup. Which is mascara, eyeliner, and bronzed colored eyeshadow. I walked out and saw that Slash was the only one not up.

"Good morning everybody!" I said cheerfully.

"Well somebody is in good mood??" Izzy said while strumming on his guitar.

"Hell yea I am!" I said.

"Well why is that babe?" Duff asked me.

"Good question McKagan." I said while smiling at him. "Probably because I'm on tour with all my best fucking friends!"

I plopped a seat next to Duff while placing a quick kiss on his lips. When I pulled away Duff was smiling really big. Then he wrapped his big, long arms around me.

"Those shorts look real cute on you." Duff whispered in my ear sending shivers ever where on my body.

"Dude you stink." I whispered back at him.  He just laughed

"I have to take  shower. Wanna join me??" Duff smirked at me.

"I just got out, why would I go back in?" I said.

"Aye worth a try right?" We laughed. He left to go take his shower, leaving me with Izzy, Steven, and my brother.

"Hey little sis, can I talk to you? privately?" Axl spoke up.

"Uh sure?" I said confused. We both got up and walked to my room. I sat on the bed then Axl did.

"How much do you like Duff?" Axl asked.

"I've liked him for a year and half, so i'd say a lot I guess." I said

"Well if he hurts you, tell me so I could kick his ass." Axl said hugging me. "Oh yea, theres one more thing."

"What?" I asked.

"I told Duff about your past with depression and that your still a virgin." Axl said slowly.

"Axl why the hell would you do that????? Now he probably thinks im a 19 year old freak who has depression and is still a virgin!" I said flopping on the bed, covering face with my hands.

"Babe I don't think that you're a 19 year old freak that has depression and who is still a virgin, I think that you're a beautiful 19 year old who has over come depression and you're just waiting for someone special to do it with." Duff smiled at me.

"omg you heard all that???" I said even more embarrassed then before.

"See!" Axl said.

"Oh whatever."  I said.  Axl  gently tapped my knee and walked out, shutting the doors behind him.

"Taylor come here." Duff said while taking a seat on the bed. I stood up from my side the bed and walked over to where Duff was. When I reached him he pulled me onto his lap.

"Taylor Rose you're fucking gorgeous! I don't care that you had depression, i'm just glad that you over came it! And I don't give one fuck that you're a virgin. You want you're first time to be special, I get it." Duff smiled.

"I just don't wan anyone to know about that part of my life. I'm ashamed it even happened or hasn't happened yet." I said looking down at the floor.

"Hey it happened with and its over with. Be happy." Duff covered my face with kisses. This made me giggle. Duff stopped kissing my face and looked into my eyes and I did the same but into his eyes. He leaned in and I leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss. This made me very happy.

