Chapter 5 :)

Corinna's POV
It's been a few days since I've seen jack yet he's texted me good morning & good night text every day.

  New text from SNACC NAMED JACC <3
'What did you see?'
'Are you scared of me baby?'

I ordered Uber, ignored the text, and went to Johnson's house.

I walked into his house and called out his name.

"Hey love you look cute today"

"Thanks Johnson"

"Who's all here?"

"Just me."

I nodded and walk over to his pantry sighing.

I grabbed a few bottles and set them down on Johnson's coffee table in the middle of his living room.

"That kind of week babe?"

I nodded and he told me he'd be right back.

He came back with two blunts & a pipe packed with weed.

"You're a life saver Johnson."

He laughed and I grabbed a bottle opening it.
Johnson sat on the L shaped couch. And patted the spot next to him. I sat down with the opened bottle and chugged until Johnson pulled it away from me.

"Chill out babe"

I giggled as he finished the half empty bottle.

'Do you want your own or do you want to share?" He asked me holding up the blunt.

"Lets share."
he nodded lighting it.

After sharing both blunts and finishing the bowl. I grabbed another bottle setting it between my lap and Johnson wrapped and arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to his side.

I opened the bottle and Johnson put music on the tv. I drank almost 1/4 of the bottle and Johnson did aswell.

I stood up pulling Johnson with me.

I began dancing around the room and Johnson wrapped his arms around my waist and I spun around making my back side towards him.

He unlocked his phone and kept one hand on my waist and I bent downward.

I started to twerk on him and I saw the flash turn on and a few seconds later he grabbed my ass and then ended the video.

I giggled and pulled him back onto the couch and he sat down first pulling me on top of him so I was straddling him.

We finished the  bottle together and opened another only taking sips at a time.

I started grinding my hips on him dancing to the music and he let out a grunt.

I leaned in pressing our lips together and we started making out.

He lifted my shirt off and I did the same to him.

He grabbed at my boobs as we made out and I couldn't take it anymore.

I slide down his sweats and boxers and took off my pants.

I slid onto him and started off slow and eventually went faster.

After a few minutes he told he to turn around.
I turned so my backside was once again facing him.

He made a make shift pony tail and pulled it a lil bit.
I was a moaning mess as Johnson kept whispering to me.

'You're so fine'
'Keep moaning baby'
'Goddamn you're so thick'

I slowed down as I hit my high and eventually he did.

We both feel asleep and I eventually woke up and it was 11:30 pm ive been sleeping for 1 & 1/2 hours .
I notice Johnson was back in his sweatpants and I carried his shirt with me into the bathroom putting it into the bin.

I walked over to the bathroom in only my Lacey black bralet & underwear.

Limping and slightly still drunk.

I threw up then washed my mouth out and heard the door open.

I mumbled cuss words to myself as I put on some sweat pants that where lying on the floor of the bathroom.

I walked out slowly and noticed gilinsky.

"Yo Johnson."

The door creaked causing gilinskys attention to shoot over at me.

"Hey baby."
He smiled.

Fuck fuck fuck.
I had sex with johnson, again.
I sighed at the thought of me and Johnson.
We've done it before and it's never been a problem we both argreed it was fine.

"Hey gilinsky"

He grabbed the back of my neck.

"Let's talk okay? I want to know what you know."

"I won't ever hurt you though I've hurt many others."

My heart rate picked up and my eyes got teary.

"Listen you can't tell anyone but, I'm a drug dealer. I work with Sammy and Johnson.
I make so much money and I just wanna spoil you."

He let go of the back of my neck.

"Okay. Okay yeah that's cool."
I responded not knowing how to react.

"We're cool baby?"

I nodded.
We don't have a label. I'd consider us friends.

"If u ever need something just ask me."

I nodded.

"How long have you been here ,whys your hair so knotted?"

"Oh I just woke up from a nap."
I lied
"It's sorta hot in here love go turn on the ac while I find Johnson."
I nodded and went and turned on the ac to find Johnson in the kitchen on his phone.

"Hey baby feel better?"
I nodded.
"Good. That was fu-"

"What was fun" Gilinsky cut in.

I looked over at Johnson.

"Oh we smoked and drank while listening to music it was hella chill" Johnson said.

"She knows" jack said.
"Oh good. I'm glad you finally know."

I nodded.

"Yo Corinna ima call a few people and you get some of your girls here we'll smoke and drink and just hangout."

Once everyone got here we all decided to be immature and play a game of truth or dare.

One girl pointed at me, she knew of my previous relationship and probably guest he was my first

I picked truth.

"You've lost your virginity right ?"

I nodded. Cringing at the thought of my first boyfriend Wesley.

"Okay then after losing your virginity who was the second person you had sex with?"

I looked at Gilinsky then Johnson who shrugged indicating he didn't care.

" Johnson"

Gilinsky immediately looked up at me.
Johnson and Sammy high fived.

A few other people & questions later and a blonde girl who tagged along with Natalie pointed at Jack.

"What's the worst thing you've done"

He moved his hand behind his back crossing his fingers.

No one else saw his crossed fingers.

His eyes flickered to me then back at everyone and he chuckled darkly.

"Tagged someone's car"

The game eventually ended and I tried to avoid Jack and slip upstairs to the guest room where Johnson said I can stay the night at.

I layed in the bed in just my underwear & bra due to me trying to be comfortable.

My door opened and the light flicked on the door being shut behind whoever came in.


"You've fucked Johnson"

I shot up and saw gilinsky some what drunk.

"Who fucks their best friend?"

I started to shake my eyes getting foggy.

"We just do it for fun there's no feelings from it."

"Slut" he murmured taking another sip from the bottle he was carrying.

"Shit I'm sorry. Wait baby please forget I said that"

"I'm gonna kill Johnson"

"No im not, Johnson's my best friend I
shouldnt be mad he's getting pussy from someone hot as fuck."

"But you're my girl"

He came closer to me.

"I love when you're scared of me."

"Do you trust me baby?"

He pulled out a gun from his back pocket.
He held it up to my head.

"Do you trust me baby?" He repeated.


He clicked the gun and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I thought you trusted me baby. I told you I'd never hurt you"

I sighed.

"I fucked up my life."

I grabbed him and layed him down besides me. I played with his hair as he inhaled and exhaled slowly as though he was about to Cry.

I shushed him and continued playing with his hair.

He flipped so he was facing me.

His eyes were red and he slurred his words a bit as he said.

"I'm fucked up baby but I want to kiss you so bad."

I sighed pressing my lips against his.

"Now lets go to sleep please Jack I'm tired"
He nodded and we snuggle closer eventually falling asleep.

Authors note : hey hoes hope y'all enjoyed thank for reading
