Chapter 10

The Minotaur. 

Fighting him was such an wonderful opportunity for Percy. There was so much history the Minotaur dragged on with him. 

Percy covered his mouth, knowing that he was probably showing off a feral smile. He definitely didn't want Leo seeing that. 

He was standing in a middle of a empty area, waiting for the damn bull to come to him. He didn't even attempt stealth. The forest or water was the most ideal place for Percy to fight since he possessed an affinity towards both but that didn't mean that he was at an disadvantage in such a deserted area. 

He was going back armed with Roman techniques which made him stronger. He was looking forward to beating such a monster with skill alone. He resolved himself not to use any power- siren, nature or water. He even asked Keria to just watch over Leo. 

He summoned Riptide and simply waited. 

It wasn't long before there was a subtle shift in air as the Minotaur barreled towards him. He was loud, smelly and fast. Percy dodged quickly, slashing the air as he just missed him by just a few inches. He had to whirl around just to make sure the Minotaur didn't have his throat in hand. 

It was much more of an intense fight than he'd anticipated. The Minotaur was clever and had the skills to match it.  

The kept going on and on. Percy knew he had to finish the fight fast. Though he was stronger and faster than anyone his age, his stamina was no match for the bull. He had to be spontaneous and end it before he got tired. 

He purposely slowed his reaction speed gradually. He started out with get closer to the omega-shaped blade and then acted as if he was slipping up as the fight went on. He even went as far as getting a cut. He waited just a second before dodging which allowed the Minotaur to give him a decent cut right on his back. 

He grunted in pain but also turned his body in such a way that the bull saw the red stain which was spreading across his shirt.
And like he expected, the bull roared in victory, assuming Percy would be on the ground or too tired and hurt to move. 

That was the exact chance Percy was waiting for. 
He rushed to strike, but just before he could make contact with his hide, fire engulfed his vision. 

He rushed back, trying to grasp the situation. Percy's eyes were wide and his senses were on full-alert. What had just happened? He was completely ready to take him down but suddenly the Minotaur's underwear was on fire?

He didn't really have to wait for the answer, though.
Leo appeared, yelling like a banshee, "WAHHH!" and surprisingly, his hands were on fire. 

He directly appeared in front of Percy and shot more fire towards the Minotaur. He kept screaming and running, trying his best to avoid being near the Minotaur. Keria was also in action, using her bronzed talons to distract the Minotaur when he got close to Leo. 

He had already managed to put out the fire on him, but it really did leave a mark. It was scorched and black but thankfully, still on him. 

Percy hastily started moving again, trying  to put the pieces together. He had suspected Leo was a Hephaestus or Vulcan kid and his fire powers just confirmed it. He was also pretty sure he was Hephaestus's child. His ideas and attitude was too crazy for the kid to be Roman.

"Hey!" He tried to get Leo's attention. 
"WAHHH!" Leo replied. 
"Bring him here!" Percy called to him. 
"AHHH!" Leo replied. 

Was that a confirmation? Who knew. 

Nevertheless, Percy stood ready, hoping Leo would run towards him. The place where the Minotaur had chased Leo was too barren and had no obstacles which Percy could use. Fighting there would mean a more difficult struggle and he wanted to end it quickly now that Leo was involved. 

He felt touched Leo thought he was in danger and rushed to help but he really needed Leo to calm down and listen to him. 
Fortunately, it seemed like Leo had indeed given the confirmation earlier. 

He ran towards him. Still yelling. Still screaming. And with the Minotaur right behind him. 

"PERCY!" With the silhouette of the Minotaur behind him, he looked absolutely tiny. "HELP!" 

And help he did. 
Percy cut in their way, shielding Leo from him. Though it was different from what he planned, the concept still remained the same. 

The minotaur was focused only on Leo and failed to notice Percy who was ready with Riptide in hand. Using the fact that he can't change directions, Percy got ready and leaped to the right, using the same momentum to stab him right in the chest. He also had a dagger in his left hand which he aimed at his eye, but the Minotaur managed to dodge it somehow. But it still wounded him. Percy managed to slice off one of his thick horns cleanly. It fell to the ground with a thud while he roared in pain. 

He wasn't strong enough to stab him all the way through but he did manage to lodge it in him. He took advantage of his surprise and pulled it out quickly, making him bleed profusely. Just as he was going to stab him again to finish him off, Leo sent a blob of fire right at him, making him burst into gold dust. 

Leo stood and watched intently as he disintegrated. Even though the dust got all over him, he didn't move until the Minotaur was gone. 

Percy converted Riptide back into a ring and brought out his arm-sheath for Keria while he waited for Leo. He could understand the emotional turmoil he must've been going through. 

"Good job. You really helped me out there." Percy decided to keep his plan a secret. He didn't want to disappoint him. He reached forward to pat him on the shoulder when Leo turned around and roughly hugged Percy. 

He realized there were tears rolling down Leo's face. He patted him gently, waiting for him to be alright. This was probably his first monster. He must've been filled with anxiety everyday, knowing that this horror was after him for days and days. 

Leo hugged him even tighter, but pulled away in shock when Percy jerked. 

"Y-you! You're hurt?!" Leo looked at his own hands which now had red stains. His hands were shaking even more than before. 
