so... the truth is.

Sukino pov:

I was following down the halls after Ulquiorra. When he suddenly stopped. "Women... what powers do you possess in your soul reaper form..?" He stated but some how asked.

"Perhaps we should practice together... it's easier to understand by view, over explanation." I dead panned.

"*sigh* women you have a very odd spiritual pressure." He stated. "...I see... now that is truly interesting..." I stated in thought.

He looked back at me for a moment then turned back. "Women we will have reached my room in a few moments." He said in a monotone.

We continued to walk in silence for a few more minutes until he stopped yet again. "Women, we are here." He stated emotionlessly.

"*sigh* can I have some tea please..." I asked. "...Women, I have tea waiting in the room." He stated emotionlessly yet again.

We then walked in. The room was... well more of a large single living apartment. There was a kitchen in the corner. A lounge aria in the middle. Two walk ways on opposite sides of the room, one I assume to be the bathroom, the other the closest.

And in the other corner a boxed of room of its own... I assume to be the bedroom... 'I think I'll take the couch.' I thought to myself.

Ulquiorra and I wour soon in his room sitting on the couch, drinking tea. "This is new... I've never come across this type of tea before... though, it is most definitely very good." I stated enjoying my tea.

"Lord Aizen, has this tea very often, even I must admit, this one is... as humans would put it, delightful." He stated somehow still in a monotone.

"I must agree, the perfume, of the tea serves as a pleasant atmosphere, to the cold feel of even a prison cell." I stated plainly and emotionlessly.

"Perhaps... that's it's purpose woman." He said in a monotone back to me. I just nodded vaguely. "It also tastes, of truth serum." I stated staring at him.

"*sigh* that's because we trust no one here." He stated emotionlessly. "I see then... that makes sense, I suppose." I sighed quietly.

Then the question's started.

"Where are you from.....?" He more or less asked me in a monotone. "Kioto, in an alternative reality." I stated plainly. "How did you get to this reality...?" He asked. "By making a stupid wish, in a wishing fountain." I stated.

"Do you know about emotion's and the heart?" He asked. "In a sense, I know how they work statistically speaking." I stated. "Explain them." He ordered. "A heart is two things, but physically only one so I'll start with that." I dead panned.

"1st definition: a mussel that has four chamber's, designed to pump blood around the body of most living creatures, further more it's an internal organ, necessary for survival." I specified clearly.

"...I see, that makes sense." He said in a monotone. "Go on" he finished.

"Now the second meaning doesn't make sense... though I will explain it non the less." I warned.

"2nd definition: the heart of emotional response, otherwise known as human reaction to most situations." I started.

"The theory is: a heart is of the mind body and soul, but can not exist with out the interaction of others. It is because of this a person who is alone can never be whole." I finished despairingly.

"I see... what of emotion's?" He said more than asked. "I was going to start on that one next." I said heartlessly.

"Emotion's are a chemical reaction in the neural cortex of the brain in reaction to various situations, all of wich is eather programmed into the genetic code or it is taught from child hood as set behaviour patterns." I dead panned emotionlessly.

"Are you satisfied with my answer?" I more or less asked him.

"...I suppose so." He stated emotionlessly. "You should know though, if you asked any other human about such things they would have no idea of how to answer appropriately, in other words... their responses would be... illogical to say that the least." I stated with crossed arm's and closed eyes.

"...I see..." was all he said.

"...(*stomach growl*)... can I have something to eat...?...I haven't eaten in two days or so..." I more or less stated/questioned.

"...I believe there is something in the fridge." Was all Ulquiorra said. "...ok... also we should do proper introduction's, though to be honest being called woman doesn't really offend me, though again it does offend other females." I all but said emotionally, and all but rambled on.
"... ok woman, I am Ulquiorra Shiffer, Esparda number four." He introduced himself emotionlessly.

"I am Sukino Alorah, in my reality I'm ranked the 1st strongest in Japan. And the Fourth world wide. As for intellect, try having an I.Q of over 200." I introduced myself fully.

"...I see." Was what he said. "Also on another note 'he who weeps', Esparda is Spanish for sword." I said blankly.

"... I believe that is why Lord Aizen choose that term." He replied equly as blank.

"...I see... in any case, thank you for a proper introduction." I stated.

"....... I see." Was his replie.

""''''""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" W.F.W:

...I'm sick!!!!!!! I really am!!!!!! Also looks like Ulquiorra senpai is getting a room mate!!! (Thanks to Aizen Sama!) Let us all hope Sukino is nice to him...

Sukino:...You may own me, however, that does not change any thing, insect.


Me:... what ever happened to Aizen Sama's orders? *sigh*

Ulquiorra: very well, I will have Sukino do the disclaimer.

Sukino: *Ulquiorra is pointing a finger at her with a cero forming* ...Iochi Umai, doesn't own bleach, nor Ulquiorra for that matter they both belong to Tite Kubo. I on the other hand do belong to her, as well as this story line.

Me:...*coughing fit* ok this is Iochi Sorra Umai reporting from Bed still in a emo corner though... signing off.
