~Part VI.~

This whole fake dating thing, was a joke! It wasn't easy to show any affection towards him. Firstly, you didn't like Hyunjin and he didn't like you as well. Secondly, if it's not enough reason yet, you two weren't comfortable enough to say or do anything amatory with each other. So, when you were trying it became so cringeworthy and awkward that you felt like you are going to sink under the ground from the shame.

The first biggest cringe moment of the week was few days after you and Hyunjin started "dating", when he did a vlive in the JYP building's cafe. He wanted you to be there with him, since they were preparing for a show and Mia's girl group did the same, so Felix and Mia played the absolute perfect couple game in front of everyone. They no longer tried to deny the relationship between them. Also, the managment itself recommended that they should make things offical towards the fans, because they were just way too cute together. Of course, Hyunjin was truly pissed off because of this news. So, you had no choice just continue playing and gave up your lectures again:

- Ahh please, can I leave now? I have a class at 4pm. - you whined, while Hyunjin was busy packing out his foods on the table, he wanted to put on a mukbang show for Stays during the lunch break.

- Did you hear it Y/N? "They are so cute, that they have to announce that they are officaly dating"?! - he imitated them cutely, than added:

- I'm gonna vomit.

- You shouldn't, since your fans will watching you eating. I don't think they are want to see their bias like that.

- Haha... You are right, my reputation is important for me, unlike OTHERS I'm not planning to give a heart break to my fans! - you rolled your eyes, he is getting on your nerves. Why he is so damn jealous?

- A moment ago, you were complaining about how is it so unfair that they will announce the news with Felix and Mia. But I'm happy that you came into your senses, your fans would be disappointed in me. I'm not pretty enough... - well, it's not that true, nowdays you put extra effort in your appearence but still, you felt yourself too ordinary. When you said that, a staff member came into the cafe for an americano. Hyunjin quickly pulled you closer to him and put some kimbap in front of you:

- How can you say that love, that you are not pretty enough? You look gorgeus, you shouldn't count the calories, let your oppa feed you, okay? - you took the chopsticks he offered and made a short calculation in your head, you were older than Hyunjin with a few months:

- You are not my "oppa" and even if you were older, I wouldn't call you like that... - you whispered.

- Shut up Y/N.... Just smile at me and say thank you! - his faked smile was so creepy:

- How can I manage to find such a perfect boyfriend, like you? Oh honey... - you said, grabbing one of the kimbaps with your chopsticks, but then, the staff member left and Hyunjin took away the food from your hands:

- Oh man.... This whole acting thing makes me hungry! If I'm eating from stress, I will look like a pregnant cow!

- Hey... it was mine!

- In your dreams! I just shared with you, because that guy came in! These snacks are made for my vlive.

- You can't eat everything alone! I want my free lunch! At least give me a bite from the topokki!

- If you hold the camera for me, I will give you some, I forgot to bring a stand with myself. - you agreed on it, since you were craving, you left your home in a hurry because you changed your outfit more than a thousand times. 

It wasn't a problem, holding a camera for him, but it started to be a little bit difficult after ten minutes. Your arms getting sore, also it was torturing to see how much he enjoyed his meal. You were really hungry and he just moaned with every bite, he took, like it was his last time eating something so delicious.

- "I heard a rumor about Felix and Mia, are they really dating?" - he accidentally read this comment out loud. He stopped for a moment, he didn't know how he should respond to this:

- Ahh... Sorry, this topokki is just too spicy, I can't answer my mouth is just burning on the inside! - the camera in your hands started shaking a little bit, because you were just laughing so hard:

- My suffering is funny for you? - he asked you, completely forgot for a moment that he is in live now. Someone also commented that, what he is talking about so suddenly:

- "Your suffering can't be funny oppa, don't eat too much if you aren't feel weel." No, I'm okay, thanks for worrying~ - he scrolled down to read other comments as well, when someone asked again:

- "Aren't you going to answer my question, about Mia and Felix?" - woah she was zippy, just she alone wrote so many comments with the exact same question:

- Well, I know nothing about it! Also, please respect our private life! - "she is rude and her arrogance is a little bit familiar" - you thought, when the memories of the sasaeng came to your mind:

- It's her! I think it's her! - you wanted to whisper but the microphone was nearby so everyone heard your voice: "Who is she???" "Do you guys heard it as well?" - a lot of comments popped out at the same time on the screen.

- Someone just came in, I have to continue my dance practise now! Byeee guys, please have a nice day!! - he turned off the vlive and glared at you with anger in his eyes:

- Y/N YOU IDIOT! You messed up my live!! Now, I have to make excuses for them!

- Hyunjin! It was her, the sasaeng, who attacked me! I'm sure about it, we have to check that comment again! It's serious! You can say that the staff member, who held your camera started talking to someone at the background, you can explain it easily! - always right on the worst time, he maybe felt it, when he should came into the scene because suddenly Felix appeared with a big smile on his face. Oh yes, after what happened, he started to act like a psycho with you. He was unnaturally kind with the two of you, but in the meantime he enyojed that he and Mia got all the attention and he knew how much this bothered Hyunjin:

- Did you finish your vlive? - he asked. Hyunjin awkwardly nodded and put his arm around you:

- Y/N tell him, what I ordered to you! We ate so much and everything was so incredibly delicious, right? - you also nodded with a forced smile. Felix stared at you, his freckles became visible in the sunlight, which came through the windows:

- Y/N eyes, seems pretty hungry for me. Take this choco pie with you! - he put into your palms, you didn't want to accept it but your mind was still wandering around the sasaeng and who you are to fool anyone? You were still hungry... 

- Also, I made a suprise for you guys! - Felix declared.

- Really? What suprise?

- Today, Mia and I will go out to watch a movie, so I asked the others to join us to give some alone time for you two! So, you can have the dorm all to yourself, just how you like it, for hours! - ShOcKeD.... Deep silence, then Hyunjin chuckled:

- Wow, this is amazing, we can be, just the two us, isn't it amazing love?! - he glanced at your pale form:

- We talked about, how happy we are that you two are together! - filthy liar... and what a good actor he was, the whole thing seemed so generous and honest.

- Of course Jeongin is a little bit heart broken but this is a part of becoming an adult! I'm so happy that I could find some alone time to our second lovebirds! We were worrying that you Y/N can't meet enough with your boyfriend, he is too busy with his idol life. But, come to think of it, yesterday you had free time Hyunjin but you rather stayed inside the dorm with Changbin. I'm wondering, why?

- I was busy yesterday! I had to learn, but we facetimed at night! - you lied.

- Correct, we were facetiming! - Hyunjin confirmed. Felix hummed and then asked:

- But I didn't hear you facetiming with anyone...

-We were facetiming in the shower! - your eyes widened at his words. WHAT THE HECK HYUNJIN, ARE YOU CRAZY?

- Huh... - Felix sighed.

- I didn't know that you guys went this far... Isn't it too soon? I mean, maybe we should ask Chan to talk about bees and flowers.

- NO! We only talked in an innocent way... - Hyunjin stuttered.

- Yeah, I just only saw his collarbones, nothing more! You are so sweet Felix, that you are worrying about us.

- It's just what friends do Y/N! I'm looking after you! Then, tonight, have fun! We will try to arrive home after the movie as late as possible! - he winked and then, he left. Your heart was beating rapidly, Hyunjin grabbed the chair dramatically he just wanted to faint and hit his head and forget this afternoon also skip the awaiting night:

- Fuck it! - you both said it out loudly. Spending more time together, sounded like a nightmare.


The boys left the dorm at 8pm, Hyunjin stayed at home alone and he was waiting for you nervously. He didn't know why, you weren't his real girlfriend after all but still he felt like it's really an indoor date night,  but how can he make the others believe that you and him spent these hours in a romantic way? He was thinking, after a while a genius idea came to his mind. He gathered together all the candles he was able to find and he lighted them. Soon, candles were lighting on the desk in the living room, also on the kitchen's counter. The dim light of candle made everything cozier and the dorm looked like an ideal place for a couple to enjoy some quality alone time. It's so sad that Mia wasn't the one, who come over tonight.

You pushed a doorbell once, and twice, still no reply, your arms wanted to fall off, after you carried all of your notes and books from your flat. If you had to be here, let's pass the time with studying because there is no way that you and Hyunjin had anything to talk about (beside your fake relationship of course).

- Hi Y/N, come in! - he finally opened to door and you were in agape, when you saw all these candles, also the rose petals on the kitchen counter:

- Are you really dating someone? - you asked, he just shook his head:

- We have to pretend! This is yours. - he pointed to a bouqet of flowers in a porcelain vase.

- You seriously wanna look like a perfect boyfriend material. Aren't you? It's such a shame that I know how rude you are...

- Shut it Y/N! I'm just doing this because when they arrive, I want them to see how cutely we spent our time together!

- I hope you brought champagne as well.

- No, my girlfriend is won't be an alcohol addicted, I want her to be addicted by me! - he flicked his fingers, you grimaced:

- Eww sure. Then, bring me some green tea at least and turn on a lamp, because I have to learn. - you said, and to be honest your mood wasn't matching with the enviroment.

- Help yourself, you can find some in the fridge, I'm off to play some games in my room, you can have I.N's desk! Then, we are seperated and you won't bother me! Also, don't you dare blow out the candles, even if the whole dorm caught up on fire, I want them to see how romantic I am.

- If the dorm is burnt to ashes and we are too, they not gonna see anything Hyunjin! - you clarified, while opening the fridge.

- Well, they will think that the dorm caught on fire by our passion... Haha... - he couldn't laugh as well on his own lame joke, neither you:

- Just go into your room Jinnie, and let's survive each other's company.

- Don't worry I'm not planning to spend more time with you! - he stated clearly offended.

Finally, you had some time to learn, it felt so refreshing that you don't have to pay attention to anything else. You burried yourself in your books and started to get lost within the text. Poor Jeongin's desk were covered with papers and different kind of marker pens, you highlighted the important parts and make notes about the difficult ones. With no time you got lost in your work and you didn't even realized how fast time passed.

- Y/N... - Hyunjin came in, you turned around with the chair, you were wearing glasses and your hair was tied up in a messy bun. Hyunjin just stood in one place, for some reason he still felt himself a little bit nervous. He couldn't pay attention to the game:

- Do you want to take a break? I think the others will come home soon, we can order some sushi if you want.

- Sounds good, just let me finish this. - you answered and focused on your book again, half an hour passed and the delivery arrived at the dorm. You stood up from the desk, packed your things and went out to the living room. Hyunjin was sitting on the couch with a pillow in his arms, the sushi was on the desk, he didn't unwrapped it yet:

- This time, can I eat from your food?

- Only if you pay for it. - he muttered, while scrolling on his phone.

- Can I pay for it later?

- Just joking, it's yours, you can eat the whole pack. - did you hear this right? Is he really ordered sushi, just for you? Then, the reality hit you:

- Is it because the others come home soon?

- No, Jisung texted me, they went to a BBQ restaurant. I think, they will arrive a little bit later than expected. Felix really did everything to keep us alone. - you hummed in agreement and started eating your well deserved feast: 

- Thanks for the sushi then! - you said happily.

- You owe me one meal now.

- Don't fool yourself, maybe I will buy you a cup noodle, but nothing else. Isn't it enough that I am enduring you? - Hyunjin chuckled at your words:

- Y/N, I hate you.

- Awww, me too. - beside the candle light and the rose petals, this "hate you" sounded like an absolute, honest confession. You both laughed, the situation was so funny and somehow comfortable at the same time.

Later, you turned on some trash romcom and positioned yourself on the couch, still you felt yourself a little bit cold. The memory flashed back to your mind, when you were sleeping here, covered with that fluffy blanket, which had Felix's cologne on it. You covered your face with your hands, the memory only itself it's so embarassing, maybe Changbin still has those photos of you.

- I saw this drama once. - Hyunjin said, while he put down his phone. Okay, things started to get strange, he ordered food for you and now he is willing to watch the television with you? Are he gone mad?

- You know Jinnie, after today it's suprising that you are not a prick right now. - you admitted.

- Don't worry Y/N, now you are a prick instead of me. - it was too early to compliment him. He is starting again. The living room was engulfed into the silence, as you and Hyunjin started to pay attention to the series, you've been watching. It was almost the last episode, so the two main charater after all the troubles felt in love with each other. Of course, like in every kdrama the heroine had to leave because the mother of his boyfriend opposed the marriage between them, but also like in every kdrama the boy came to the airport and kissed a girl in front of everyone, while some touching violin music was playing in the background. It was a little bit awkward watching something like that with Hyunjin, in a candle lighted room and it's escaleted into a more awkward moment because the kiss became intense between the two main character. You stared at the scene with wide eyes and you tried not to take a glance at him:

- Y/N.... have you ever kissed someone? - the sudden question made you shiver and you gulped, without thinking you opened your mouth:

- No... Do you... want to kiss me? - Hyunjin stared at the screen, why did he ask you something like that, but why did you ask him an even more stupid question? You shouldn't had to turn this freaking television on! Waiting for his answer, you chewed on your bottom lip nervously:

- I was joking Hyunjin!! You asked me a strange question! - you laughed hystericaly. Then, you looked at him, oh no! He was blushing, like he was truly blushing, what's happening? A moment ago, he said he hates you and now what is this reaction?

- I know. Sorry Y/N. I don't know why I asked you, I guess I'm just too tired. - after this, you couldn't speak with him. The series felt boring after a while and you were exhausted.

You didn't know what happened then, or how this happened but you fell into sleep and Hyunjin too. When, the others came home, they found you two sleeping peacefully in the couch, tangled together like a real couple. Maybe, in your dreams you can act better than in the real life because you definetely moved Felix's heart but not in a positive way.


On Saturday's night, there were an important show. Mia and her group performed as well. That's why Hyunjin invited you as well to cheer for him like a proper girlfriend. You were in a rush again, after your last lecture you went home, to eat something and change your clothes to the concert. Lexy was laying on the couch, eating her ice cream and crying because of a new boy, who dumped her:

- Oh Y/N where are you going again?

- Sorry, something came up! I can't stay at home tonight! - you shouted from the bathroom, while trying to get your zipper up on your dress.

- You are always busy, do you have a boyfriend or what? - you just sighed:

- No, nothing like that Lexy. Don't worry, I will be back soon! I'm just meeting with some of my friends from the university. - lying wasn't an option but what else can you do? You can't tell her, or maybe one day you will be able to tell Lexy about this, but not now, when the sasaeng is still outside. You can no longer trust strangers.

When you arrived at the place, where the concert was held, you quickly made your way towards to the backstage, but suddenly your phone started ringing. You cursed and put your cellphone to your ears:

- Halo? Can I call you back later?

- Y/N...- you froze when you heard your father's voice. You called him couple of days ago, you were running out of your money, you had to ask him to lend you some. You never wanted to be someone, who is living on her parent's money but because of your extra outgoings you were in trouble with financies.

- I'm sorry, right now I'm on my way home from the university. - he was too strict, if you tell him about the concert, he will be mad at you.

- I just wanted to tell you, that I'm planning to visit you on the next week. Can we have a dinner appointment together? Then, we can talk about your money issues and also I have something to tell you Y/N. - maybe, another boring wigging about how you should manage your money.

- Sounds good dad! - you replied shortly because the elevator just arrived and you had to get in:

- I have to hang up now daddy, we will talk later! Bye, I love you! - finally, you could put your phone away.

- To the top floor? - someone asked you behind your back, his voice sounded too familiarly:

- Felix?! - he was there, right there, beside you! His makeup was on point, even with his fake wounds he looked like a beautiful painting and his leather outfit made him even more another wordly. You quickly covered your mouth because you wanted to scream. This is the first time, being alone with him, after that argument on the rooftop. Awkward silence, then Felix spoke up:

- Who are you calling "daddy"? Maybe, you and Hyunjin make things a little bit too spicy, don't you think? - why he is so rude to you?

- Felix, it was my real dad. You know him as well, he is planning to visit me.

- Wait.. your father?! - he asked in disbelief, and then the worst happened, suddenly the elevator stopped. The show is starting already, but you and Felix stucked between two floors, alone. 
