Clang! Clang! Clang!

"1940! Get up!" Groggily, I rolled out of bed and moved towards the cell bars. "We're moving you to a new cell." The guard stated. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the cell, immediately cuffing my wrists.

"I don't see anything wrong with this one." I yawn. The guard didn't say anything in response. When he didn't move to handcuff Matthews, I became curious. "What about her?" I nudged my head in her direction.

The guard glanced her way then locked the cell. "She'll be moved later." He said. Matthews lay on her side, facing the wall. It looked like she was sleeping but I knew better. Knowing that I was being moved, she must've have been terrified as to why.

We walked down the long hallway, passing many cells. All the inhabitants pretended to remain oblivious to my passing by and I could only guess that it was very early in the morning.

The guard's heavy boots stomped loudly against the tiled floor, creating sinister echoes throughout the quiet halls. His keys jangled at the side of his hip as they clinked against his taser. Every once in a while, he'd clear his throat and reach for his taser as though he feared it would suddenly disappear.

We walked for fifteen minutes until we came to a stop. When I saw the door, panic coursed through my veins and I turned to run. There was a sudden pain that rose at the back of my head and it took me a few seconds to realise that the guard had struck me with his baton.

Grabbing me by the arm, he dragged me through the door and took off my handcuffs. I don't recall a time where I was as afraid as I had been that day; that moment I heard the doors lock and realised that I had no way to get out. I was back in the Dreamzone testing room.

"Let me out! Please!" I cried. I pounded my fists against the cold metal door, wishing desperately that someone could hear me. I slid down the door, the material of my shirt riding up slowly, allowing the metal to burn my back as I let out pathetic sobs.

"41, 42, 43, 44. . ." I gasped at the whispers from one corner of the room. "Collins?" I croaked out. The whispering then stopped and a ghostly silence fell upon us. "Hey Reyes." He said, looking at me with those familiar green eyes.


"Stop staring at me." I demanded, pulling my legs close to my chest. I couldn't tell how long I'd been in the cell, with him just staring at me. He sighed and turned his body to face the wall. I stared at the back of his head, wondering if he hated me or if his feelings hadn't changed.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked, his voice soft and almost inaudible. "I think that's a question for yourself." I replied. "I'm always mad at myself. I hurt you and you didn't deserve to be hurt." He spoke.

"Correction: you killed me." I said as memories of the dream filled my mind. "I'm sorry." He whispered gently.

"I know."

The door creaked open then and another body was shoved through the door. "No, please, no!" She screamed. The sound of her voice breaking and her fists pounding futilely on the metal door broke my heart. "Why me?" She sobbed incredulously, grabbing fistfuls of her long brown hair. "Why me?" She cried again, softly, as if the words were only meant for her ears.

"Matthews?" I called out, slowly crawling over the cold tiled to reach her. With a gasp, she looked up and caught my eyes. "No, no, no ,no ,no. . ." she repeated over and over. "I'm in the Zone. Why am I in the Zone? " She yelled after she saw Collins and I crouched before her.

"It's your fault." She stated, pointing her finger at me. "I've been good since I've come to this hellhole. I've been obedient. And now? This is what I get in return. All because I shared a cell with you. Because of you, I am stuck in the Zone with a murderer and his girlfriend."

Collins stood up at that point, a clenched fist at his hip. "Stop it." I commanded, standing up in front of him. "She's not in the right state of mind."

He looked deeply into my eyes, intensifying the green in his. They had a dangerous look in them, as if he was not in control, as if a beast had taken his place.

He exhaled and ran a hand through his hair before retreating to his corner. I too blew out a breath. Three people in the Zone was pushing it, I thought to myself. I had a feeling we wouldn't be able to survive the Zone.


Hello reader! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. From now onwards, Reyes/1940 will be narrating the chapters for a while. Feel free to drop a comment about what you think is gonna happen! Also, sorry for not posting in a while, but hopefully I'll be able to start writing regularly. Anyways, thanks for reading and as always, stay tuned!
