The demon and his little angel

Dream x Quackity
bottom Dream
Top Quackity
tall Quackity(wich is impossible)
short Dream(also impossible)
demon Quackity
angel Dream
Dream was at his favourite place,a forest wich was the 'gate' that connected heaven and hell.There was a river with many beautiful flowers in ever colour you could imagine.The angle really liked the place because it was calming him down when he was stressed.

*like 10 min. later*

The dirty blond heard wings flap,he looked up and saw that a black haired man was flying towards him.He knew the demon since he was 5 y/o,he got lost and bumbed into the taller male.

"hey,my little angel!How are you?" The Demon asked as he landed
"i'm okay,you?"
"hmm~ I'm better now that you're with me,mi amor...~" the raven haired mumbled
The blond needed to smile when he felt that his lover put his arms around his waist
"well...Quackity,you know we cant stay here for long...we both have duties to fullfill...." Dream whisperd as he put his hands onto Quackitys.Dream and Quackity are both royal,the prince of heaven and the prince of hell.

*3 years later*

"What is it mi amor?"
The green eyed male was sorta scared to ask what he was going to do
"d-did you ever thought about...uhm...telling our parents about our relationship?"
Quackity sit up and looked at Dream,their eyes locked together.He nodded,he knew that they probaly would never be able to see eachother again
"Darling~i know that you're probaly nervous and sort scared about your parents finding alwyas have me,dont forget that~" the dark brown and light blue eyed male told his little boyfriend,he adored him so much,he would give everything he has for him
this was rushed,so i'll leave ya'll on a clivehanger,i'll try to update it as soon as possible
