Prompt 33: SBI and Tommy

Art by elesii on Tumblr

I saw the talons on the design and my mind went BRRRRR


AU where avians just came out of nowhere one day and started preying on humans.

All avians are some variety of raptor (AKA birds of prey) and the only thing they can thrive off of is human flesh. They can survive off of other things, like the flesh of animals, but a diet like that makes for a weak avian. All avians also have taloned feet to snatch up prey with.

So, Philza is a vulture, Techno is a harpy eagle, and Wilbur is a shrike (feel free to change any of them) and they make up the Sleepy Flock, one of the most powerful and feared flocks of avians in the world.

Meanwhile, you have Tommy, an orphaned street kid who's just trying to survive in a world where it's not unusual for people to be snatched up from the sky and eaten by bird people. He's used to it though, having been born after the arrival of avians. One day, he encounters Philza, who has hidden his wings and is posing as a human for some reason or another, and they end up really hitting it off. Even better (bad for Tommy), is that Phil's bird father alarm goes off and he immediately claims Tommy as his fledgling.

Phil rushes back to the nest to tell his boys the good news, and Techno and Wilbur each individually go and meet Tommy. Both of them absolutely adore him and claim him as well. They all spend a couple more weeks visiting Tommy and bonding with him before they can't wait a second longer and snatch him up to take him to the nest.

One closely guarded secret of aviankind is that they can actually turn claimed humans into avians. The process can be started by whatever you want because I can't think of anything. I don't like the idea of it being biting though because I feel like that's more of a vampire/werewolf thing. The first thing that happens is that the fledgling instincts come in, making Tommy very clingy towards his flockmates. After a day or so of that, the wings and talons come in, which is excruciating and can take up to a full 24 hours to grow. Tommy can be any type of raptor you want! :D

During the time after that, fledglings can only eat human flesh so that their wings grow big and strong outside of their body. I imagine a scene where Tommy wakes up the day after growing his wings and talons, having passed out from the pain, only to be offered a gigantic chunk of dripping flesh from Phil. It makes him sick to his stomach to even think about eating it, but it smells so godsdamn good and he's so fucking hungry. It's not long before he succumbs to his instincts, especially with Phil, Techno, and Wilbur there.
