
Harry's POV

"Black Lake" I whispered from under the invisibility cloak. The portrait moved aside and I snuck into the slytherin common room. I snuck down the steps and searched for the group of sixth years. They were sitting on the couch, playing wizards chess. Draco was playing Pansy while Blaise watched them.

"Check." Draco said. I smiled at my boyfriend. I glanced around and saw no other students. I walked over the the board and whispered "Knight to H6."
The knight moved across the board and Pansy stopped.

"I didn't say that..." She whispered.

I place my hand on Draco's inner thigh and he gasped out loud.

"Is Harry here?"

"Y-yes." He said, voice strained. I smirked, and sat on his lap, removing my hand and taking off the cloak. The Slytherins knew about Draco and I because they were way more accepting, and I was still afraid to tell Ron and Hermione.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey Harry." They all said.

They continued playing chess. Pansy was surprisingly good, and it ended in a stalemate.

"Good game Pans."

"Thanks for distracting him Harry."

"I did not!"

We all laughed and they retired to their common rooms. Draco took my hand and led me to his. He normally shared with Blaise, Goyle, and Crabbe but Crabbe and Goyle didn't go to hogwarts this year, and Blaise always slept in Pansy's room.

We both lay back on the bed, staring at the firelight on the ceiling, with our pinkies intertwined.

"I've missed you." He whispered.

"I know. I've missed you." I breathed.

"I hate that we can't be together outside of here."


"I'm going to figure out a way. I can't keep yelling at you in class and then snogging in broom closets...not that I don't like the snogging." We both started laughing. I turned and looked at him.

"Hey..." I breathed.

"Hey..." He smiled. I leaned over and kissed his nose, and he hummed.

"I love you Draco." I whispered.

"I love you Harry." He whispered back.

We cuddled for a few more minutes before he yawned. We both slipped out of our shirts and crawled into bed.

"Goodnight Potter." He laughed.

"Goodnight Malfoy."


"Shit! Harry wake up! We overslept!" Draco yelled. I shot up.

"What time is it?"


"Breakfast starts in 2 minutes! Crap!"

We both rushed out of bed and scrambled to grab our shirts and ties off the floor. Draco frantically tried to flatten his hair but didn't have time to slick it back. He looked hot. Right as he went for the door I pulled him into a sloppy kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He rushed out the door, and I heard snickers coming from Blaise and Pansy. I threw on the cloak and rushed out after them. I passed the three Slytherins and sprinted towards the great hall. I slipped off the cloak and walked in. A few people gave me funny looks but I brushed it off. I sat down at the gryfindor table across from Ron and Hermione and started eating.

"Where were you Harry? I didn't see you this morning?" Ron asked.

"Oh-um, I had to speak with Dumbledore about something."

"Oh. Okay."

A few more moments passed, and I noticed Hermione staring at me.

"Harry...are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" She asked.

"Er-no?" I said. I couldn't have...I glanced down at my tie...oh shit, that meant when Draco walks in...oh no no no. I had to stop him.

Suddenly Ron spit out his pumpkin juice and stared wide eyed in shock at somthing behind me. Hermiones mouth fell open and she quickly closed it and tried not to laugh. Ginny burst out laughing and Neville looked down right confused. I slowly turned around, Draco's eyes flew to my tie and my eyes to his.

"Fuck!" We both yelled at the same time.

"Well I sure hope that wasn't what you two were doing last night-"

"-but hey! Who are we to judge eh Harry?" Dean and Seamus laughed.

Draco looked scared and worried facing a table full of gryfindors. He turned around and started to walk back out, getting cat calls and wolf whistles from the rest of the tables. I was pissed. People were jerks. Okay...gryfindor courage. I chugged half the bottle of Felix Felecis and stood up on the table.

"LISTEN UP!" I yelled, and everyone froze. "Okay! As most of you may have already figured out I am wearing a slytherin tie. Yes it is Draco Malfoys tie." Draco froze and stopped walking at his name, turning around and giving me a 'what the shit are you doing' face. "Yeah! So Draco and I hated each other for three years! So what? We started dating in fourth year! So sorry girls but we are gayer than Dumbledore with a pet unicorn on Ellen Degeneres!" Dumbledore laughed at that last remark. I turned to Draco. "Draco. Lucious. Malfoy. You stupid sexy slytherin. I love you with all my heart and I am no longer afraid to admit it to the school. Hell! I'm standing on a table in the great hall screaming it. I love you! So get your arse back here and help me off this damn table because I hate public speaking and the stupid potion is wearing off." He chuckled and ran over to me, helping me off of the table. I collapsed into his arms and sat down.

"Next time remind me to not chug a potion and stand up on a table and recite a speech."

"Sorry, next time I'll record it."

It was still dead silent.

Then the entire school burst into applause. I chuckled and he laughed.

"My tie looks really hot on you." He whispered in my ear.

"Kinky bastard."

We both started laughing and couldn't stop.
