Lost and Found

This is inspired by "Four Weddings and a Funeral" which if you haven't seen you should go see right now! It's a rom-com, by the way.

205. "I... I lost the ring."

A mere glance at Ron's panicked face had Hermione sighing in despair. "What happened?"

"I... I lost the ring," he admitted hesitantly and took a large step back out of her immediate slapping zone.

"What do you mean you mean you lost the ring? The wedding ring? The one thing you had to look after?!" They were rhetorical questions, obviously, mostly meant for using up some of the panic in non-lethal ways. Hermione groaned in misery as Ron's face turned progressively redder in shame. She told them they should keep the rings together instead of giving them to the Best Men.

"How did you manage to lose it?!" This question wasn't rhetorical, a fact Ron learned by an increase in Hermione's anger when he didn't immediately provide an answer.

"I don't know! I had it in my pocket and it must have slipped out or something while I was running around..."

"And you didn't notice a metal box slipping out of your pocket?" Hermione raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I – I took it out of the box because it wouldn't fit inside my pocket," Ron whispered, barely audible.

"Of course, you did." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Of course."

"The pockets are tiny on these robes! What was I supposed to do?!"

"I don't know? Enlarge a pocket maybe?" Hermione said icily but when Ron said nothing to that suggestion she asked, "And what do you expect me to do now?"

"Er, transfigure some rings?" Ron muttered and then cast a quick Protego as her expression darkened.

"Vow Magic won't bind to magic-made rings, Ronald! You should know that after having spent two weeks trying to find handcrafter rings for our wedding!"

They stared at each other in panic and furry combined for a moment, both unable to do anything and having no clue how they were going to fix the situation.

"And what's the going on here?" The question came from behind Ron, and he turned to see Blaise Zabini's amused face staring at them. He was dressed in a sharp set of robes and holding a glass of champagne with his left hand so that his engagement ring was on display, perfectly accented by an assortment of other, colourful rings.

Ron froze and blinked. Rings!

"Rings!" He said with a manic laugh. "We just have to find some rings!"

"A ring," Hermione said. "You're the one who lost Harry's. Blaise presumably still knows where Draco's is."

Blaise nodded in confirmation when she glanced at him, trying not to react to the fact that Weasley lost a two hundred galleon goblin made wedding ring.

"Do you know when you've last seen it?" he asked, carefully only to be interrupted by Weasley's enthusiastic, "It doesn't matter!"

"What do you mean it doesn't matter, Ronald Weasley?! This is Harry's wedding ring you've lost! His wedding ring!"

"Yeah, but we can just ask someone, like Blaise, if they have any rings to spare and we can use those," Ron explained quickly, scared of his wife's wraith. He realised he'd perhaps miscalculated slightly when her hand twitched to draw out her wand.

"Ron, I swear to Merlin –"

"Hey, guys?" All three of them turned to find Harry standing a few steps away with something in his hand.

"Um, I found this near the entrance," he opened his hand to show the missing ring. "Might be a good idea to hold onto it so I can get married. Wouldn't want Draco to accuse me of sabotage."

"More like accusing Weasley," Blaise remarked, and they all chuckled awkwardly before Ron shuffled over to take the ring and put it into the backup ring box Hermione handed to him.

"Take care of that, Ron, please," Harry said with a nervous smile and then turned to leave through the left hallway.

Hermione checked that Ron's pocket was properly expanded and was just about to pronounce the ring safe when she swiftly turned and ran after Harry. "Harry James Potter! Come back here! You're not supposed to see each other before the wedding!"

The door of Draco's room was locked and warded when she finally reached them, and she sighed in resignation. She didn't know how she expected this wedding to go peacefully but a girl can hope. Despite the wards, the sound of two bodies hitting the door was very much clear and she made her exit before she saw something she wouldn't be able to forget.
