Chapter 26wentysix


Nias pov

fuck fuck fuck

I don't know who I should tell fu--gco

the helper=th



th: so did u listen in

n:no because whoever he was talking to does not concern me I trust him

th:u need to pay attention look I heard he was cheating on you go to (the phone starts staticing)park next week Tuesday at 5:00pm

n:what park

th:kos(static in phone)eam park ok I gtg bye

n:wha-(phone cuts off) what ever some park

I got off the phone with "the helper" and called Kay

k:heyy boo Imy we don't talk no more u have to come over for dinner later on today

n:i will but I just have to tell u something its stressing me out plz don't say anything to no one

k:girl just tell me already

n:im pregnant with rays baby

k:fa real omg imma be a aunt

n:yea just don't te no one

k:ray know

n:no but I don't want him to know just yet he is being slow

k:oh that's just him but I gtg c u later boo


I finally got that off my chest I hope she won't say nothing , Ik she won't
