~ 17 ~

~ Chapter Seventeen ~

The night that I have been dreading has finally arrived. Way too soon. It's been about three days since receiving my new outfits from Tiana. As well as trying the ogre soup. Something I still don't know how I feel about.

The ogre soup had been nasty to look at. It was a thick, green broth that contained the meat from the ogre. Such as the stomach, liver, and who knows what else. A few vegetables swam inside too, but I don't think it helped with the appearance. I saw how they cut up the ogre, and I think it made me feel guilty for eating beef and chicken back home.

Although, when I first dared to take a sip of the soup, I was actually surprised that it had a decent flavor to it. It was neither delicious or disgusting. But I didn't finish the entire thing like everyone else. My mind kept overthinking. I was imagining the ogre I first encounter and how nasty it looked. I almost threw up the little that I had consumed.

I wish I could say that I won't be eating it anytime soon. But, unfortunately, dragons like to use ogre as their main ingredient for special events. Such as the mating ceremony.

Fortunately, Libelle had allowed me to take the day off in order to prepare myself. I was certain she meant physically and not mentally.

She had come into my room in the morning and proudly stated that tonight was the full moon. I must've made some type of scared expression because she tried reassuring me that everything was going to be alright. That at first it may seem scary but the whole tradition is actually simple.

I doubted her words.

I took advantage in the morning and told her that I wanted the reversal option that Tiana had mention. Libelle was surprised that I knew what that was. But she didn't care as long as I still continued with the ceremony.

After Libelle had left, I had gone to the hot springs in order to cleanse myself. As well as hoping that the natural warm waters would calm my anxiety. It worked for a while, when I was washing alone. However, a few other women entered the area and disrupted my peace.

So I quickly left and returned to my room. Where I am currently removing my used gown in order to where one of my new ones.

The outfit that I had chosen for tonight was a two piece. The top was a burgundy colored crop top that barely reached my belly button. It had sleeved that ended at my elbows. The material was thick enough to keep me slightly warm if it's chilly outside. I loved the color because it was a nice contrast to the bottom piece.

The skirt was white and it flowed nicely around my ankles, barely exposing my feet when I walk. The skirt contained golden dragon designs at the bottom, so that when I walked, it seemed as if they were moving.

The entire ensemble was exotic and beautifully made. I had to thank Tiana again for doing this for me.

As I wore my outfit, I silently wished that I had a mirror and makeup. Mostly makeup. And a hair straightener. I needed something on my face to hide the blemishes and the tiny stress pimples that appeared by my hairline. I'm also tired of having my hair frizzy.

I let out an exasperated breath and slipped my sandles on. Gosh, I'm sounding like my sister, Marisa. If she knew how worried and anxious I'm being with my appearance, she'd tease me for the rest of my life.

Alright. Tonight is the night that I will be practically giving up my rights to these dragons. My only wish is that I'm not made a fool and that at least one decent guy is interested in becoming my mate.


"Ladies and gentlemen. We have all gathered here, under the full moons, to celebrate our mating ceremonies that will take place tonight."

Xenon spoke loudly and clearly. He stood tall, holding his cane in his right hand, as he faced the crowd in front of us. He, myself, along with two other women stood on the platform where I usually eat dinner. Libelle was in the center at the front smiling brightly at us.

The two women besides me were smiling happily and anxiously waiting to get this started. While I'm mentally committing suicide.

I looked above and saw two full moons shining brightly. It's a beautiful phenomenon that happens on every "full moon". I didn't know until I've seen it when I came out of the cave. I had assumed that it was going to be a regular moon showing its entire self. Just like in my earth. But I guess not. A second moon appears, showering us with more light.

"Up here with me are three women who are ready to become a wonderful mate to one of you men." Xenon gestured to us and summoned the first girl to my far right.

She was a tall, muscular woman with black hair and hazel colored eyes. Her skin was golden, like she spends most of her time in the sun. She wore a pink, strapless gown that didn't really show the curves of her body. I guess she had some appeal to her, but I don't think that matters. She grew up here, knowing everyone around her. And it goes the same with everyone knowing her well too.

It'll be easy for her to have men accept her.

Xenon stepped aside. "Cora, please announce the names of the men you wish to have as a potential mate."

As she took over the stage, she began pointing at guys and calling out their names. "Atticus. Byron. Julius. And... Kaene."

I was surprised that she chose Kaene. He's an asshole. But perhaps this tough chick can change him into being a somewhat decent guy. I'll cross my fingers for Kaene and Cora.

Xenon had the men walk forward. "Do you each accept to fight for Cora as a mate?"

Byron and Kaene had refused. I was surprised that they didn't want to fight for Cora. She's tough and pretty looking. Although, Kaene probably refused because he's an asshole. He simply likes to be a jerk to everyone. I'm sure of it.

Cora watched as Kaene walked back to his original spot, next to Landon and Zander, in longing. However, she quickly forgot about him when Xenon announced that the two remaining men will now fight for her.

I watched in fascination as the two men morphed into their dragons and shot up towards the sky. They each roared and flapped their wings as they collided with one another. Both the moons shined brightly above them, making their shadows dance on the ground. They used their forearms as well as their hind legs to scratch one another, dragging blood that landed on the floor like a raindrop.

I was so mesmerized by their way of using their dragon forms that I didn't notice how viciously they were attacking one another. Not until I heard a loud roar of pain and witness one of the dragons landing on the floor... Dead.

Its scales were filled with scratch marks. Its neck and stomach contained punctured wounds from either the other dragon's teeth or claws. I don't really know if a serious wound caused the death or if it was his fall.

All I really know is that no one cried in anguish or fear that a death occurred. Instead, everyone cheered for the winner.

I was rooted to my spot in shock. I didn't clap along with everyone as the winner morphed back into his human form and claimed Cora as his mate with a big kiss on her lips.

What in the world did I agree to?

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted: 8/25/19

So it's a fight to the death! Dun dun dunnn.

Vote. And Comment!
