Finding out

Okay lets establish the fact that I would be a dragon slayer and I am Laxus's  younger sister and I do water dragon slayer magic. ub
So the ships are :
So without further a do let get the show on the road
Luna's POV(Me)
Man am I tired but I get to see big brother and grandpa again after 18 years but I have to warn Fairy Tail about dragon slayer mating season . With that in mind I quickened my pace , almost running then I stopped in front of Fairy Tail I opened doors and once I saw Laxus I screamed "BIG BROTHER !!" and I tackled him  in a hug.
Lucy POV
A girl that looked around 18 ran  into  the guild looked around till the her eyes landed on Laxus landed and she screamed " BIG BROTHER " causing all dragon slayers to cover their ears . The whole guild stopped and whipped their heads in Laxus and the girl's direction and shouted " Big  brother?! " . The girl looked nothing like Laxus having dark purple hair with a few golden streaks and  blue  eyes and she was petite. She was wearing a  orange crop top that had in black caps '#FILTER ' and deep blue shorts. She had tanned skin like Natsu . She turned her attention to the guild and flashed a smile , she stopped hugging Laxus and said " Hi I'm Luna , sorry for the disturbance , but please take me to your master " Wendy-chan immediately escorted her to Master's office and left to question Laxus about her and pretty soon the whole guild was questioning him.
Meanwhile Master's office
Master POV
There was a knocking at my door and I said " Come in " the person I saw brought tears to my eyes, Luna I thought.
Luna's POV
Gramps I said quietly, I ran up to him, hugging him with tears running down my cheeks. After 20 minutes of reunion I said " Gramps I have something to say and it concerns the dragon slayers" he nodded giving me permission to continue " OK so it is dragon slayer mating season and it is very important because it only happens once every 50 years and lasts for 1 month. There are 3 stages which are :
Clinginess : The dragon slayer will always want to be near their mate and feel pain if the mate push them off.
Aggressiveness and jealousy : The dragon slayer will have a power surge and their power will increase 1000x and they will be aggressive towards and jealous of others that come near their mates, be very careful when they are in this stage.
Marking/mating : This final stage is where dragon slayers mark their mate but 18 down only do kissing while 18 and above will do mating.
And during the season do not separate the dragon slayers from their mates it will not work. "
Once I was done talking Gramps looked shocked. Then I asked if I could join and gramps said yes" What would you like your guild mark colour to be? "" Ice blue " with that I walk out to meet a platinum haired girl to get my guild mark" Um hi, are you Mira " She replied" Yes I am and where will you like your guild mark to be "" My left forearm " I turned and she put the stamp on my left forearm feeling comfortable I decided to go back to my apartment and tell Kira ( my exceed) what happened today, I quickly got up and left the guild with a small smile on my face. I can't wait to meet everyone and my mate, some how I know he is there and I will make him mine.


HI this is my first story about dragon mating season so please let me know what you think is good or bad about the book. And I don't do lemon but I read it, how ironic 🙍😑😑 and the cat is Kira just place her standing sorry I couldn't get a picture of Luna.







DRAGONS!!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
