Departure of Destiny

(Third Person POV)

Aside from Transfiguration class, she doesn't really looking forward to get back to her studies at Hogwarts. She stare at the enormous luggages of her.
The tag above the bag shows a beautiful feminine name.
(y/n), (family name)
4th year,Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

Who doesn't know about the famous and rich (family/n)?
Well maybe certain peoples and those clueless muggles.

She remember the first moments when she entered the magical castle.
The buildings are full with students from different backgrounds.
There were Pure bloods breed like her,
Or even a Half-bloods
There's also muggle witch and wizards among them.
It's the first time of her life seeing so many people.
She was fascinated with the floated candles surrounded by magnificent bewitched night sky as pretty as the twinkling chandelier in the royal ball.

The Sorting ceremony starts a while after,
The students gather around making a perfect line, waiting for their turn.
(Y/N) whispers to herself..

"Ravenclaw, is for the witty "
"Hufflepuff is for the loyal"
"Gryffindor is for the daring"
"Slytherin is for-"

She was snapped from her little rhythm in her head when her name was called by Professor Minerva McConagall. She took her place on the chair,waiting nervously as the Sorting Hat places on her head.

"Hmm..Ambitious yes, and very organized"


The crowd roars with cheers

She took her place on the Slytherin's table with a round of applause from her housemates.

 Her heart was full of joy and happiness.

Back to Present
Feeling unmotivated,
She half-hearted gather her tidy clothes and pack it altogether inside her big case. She also packs several books for the long journey. She straightens her crinkled shirt,
brush her beautiful (h/c) while humming a little melody.

A grand black litter had waited for her outside the mansion, before heading to their destination.
"9/3 quarters, Hogwarts Express"

Those afternoon in the Hogwarts Train Express is quite bland and felt so long. (y/n) takes out her book that she bought from Flourish and Blott's bookstore. She didn't bother to talk to any 4th graders since she barely know any of them beforehand.

Her pair of beautiful (e/c) orbs fixed to a boy who sat on the different side of the coach.
The boy look charming in his tidy uniform.
He had a rather pale face and a pointy nose.
He had a grey eyes, with a very subtle soft blue .
His gaze was dazzling, mysterious
She feels like she could drown in that beautiful sad blue eyes.
She feels like she could lost in the blue melancholic ocean in his iris.
Their eyes met the very moment.
Both of them are inbound, sucked in to their own world.

The times feels like stopping
The second feels like stopping
It's just two of them that actually moving in this dimension

But then, they looked away
Neither of them know,
this was their fate
and destiny would rejoice them once again.

[Credits goes to the original artist]
(Repost with permission)
