Usui Takumi

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Author's Note: Exams are done! *Parties* *Throws potato everywhere!* o.o What? Hah, So here you go Airi-chan! Usui for you :) I hoped you liked it ;) 

 (Y/BF/N) = Your best friend's Name! :)

(Y/N) = Your name

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"(Y/N)! Usui is here!" Your best friend squealed almost everyday when she saw Usui she would totally say-

"My ovaries, Gah! It's gone!" and there she said it.

You chuckled, took a glance at the blonde boy which he was looking at you. You automatically blushed and looked back at your best friend.

"Ne, (Y/n)-chan, I know you like him." (Y/BF/N) wiggled her eyebrows.

"(Y/BF/N), Keep it down. His fangirls might hear." You shushed her, She is still her 'I knew you liked him' face.

"Don't worry (y/n). I promise if he likes you and asks you out, I would totally support you guys and kill those fangirls on whoever ruins your relationship!!" (Y/BF/N) shouted which caused Usui's fangirls to glare at her.

You both gave them a sheepish smile and both mumbled a quick"Sorry."

"Oh wow, Thanks a lot (Y/BF/N)." You took your seat as (Y/Bf/N) hers beside you.

"Gee, It's not my fault that i have a loud mouth." She pouted

The teacher walked in and all of the students back to their places.

You took a quick glance at Usui and saw him looking outside the window, smiling.

His smile was contagious so you couldn't help but smile. You glanced back at your teacher, Listening to the discussion.


"Oi! (Y/n) look! Usui is there!" (Y/BF/N) pointed at usui, who was sitting across the cafeteria.

Usui's attention directly turned to you, which caused you to blush and hid yourself behind (Y/BF/N).

"Shut up." You half-whispered, Half-shouted.

"Alright (Y/n)-chan." She smirked.

You sighed in relief, Boy, You really need some relaxation.


When dismissal came, You hurriedly walked to the library. When you came in you were instantly greeted by your librarian, Mrs. Smith.

"Ah! (Y/n)! Thank god you're here! I really need your help."

"What is it?" You asked.

"I need you to watch the library, I need to go get something from the store. If I'm not back on 7:30. Close the library for me will you?" Her eyes filled with hope as she waited patiently for your answer.

You took your phone and quickly sent a text to your mum that you would be home super late.

You quickly put your phone to your bag and gave her a smile "Sure."

She quickly said thank you's and gave you the keys.

"Bye!" You waved at her.

"Bye and Oh good luck with Usui!" She winked, You automatically blushed.

Luckily the Library was quite empty today, It's really quite today.

You quickly found some seat to sit  and some table to lean in. You set down your bag and grabbed your (Favorite book).

Time passed by you were captivated by your own little magical world but then suddenly your phone vibrated, You put your book down and  grabbed your phone and it was only a reminder that you need to close the libary at 7:30. You put the phone back.

You realized your book was gone now and then suddenly large two hands covered your sight.

You chuckled as you felt his lips on your cheek. You removed his hands off your eyes and there he was smirking at you.

"Usui, Can i have my book now?" You asked politely which caused Usui's smirk to widened.

"Yes (Y/n)?" He cooed teasingly,

"Can i have my book now please?" You pouted.

He chuckled, "Alright." He took a seat next to you.

"(Y/BF/N) was a bit loud today." He sighed.

"Yeah, She wouldn't keep her mouth shut." You rolled your eyes.

Suddenly you felt something leaning on your shoulder, you look to see Usui leaning on your shoulder.

"Tired?" You asked.

He just hummed in response.

You went back to your book, Minutes passed by your trying to hard to concentrate on reading but you couldn't you were so distracted by Usui's cute snoring, His chest rising and falling calmly and his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful.

You lovingly stroked your boyfriend's hair and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Yeah..Maybe we should tell them soon." You smiled at the sight of him sleeping.

You laid your head on his and drifted off to dreamland, hoping you would see him there.


When Mrs. Smith was done with her job, she came to check up the libary if you locked it right when she walked in the libary at 8:15pm and saw the sight of you together sleeping. She squealed quitely, not wanting to wake you guys up.

She quickly grabbed her phone and took a photo of you both sleeping <3

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Author's Note: Woah, I got 52 reads :D Feel free to request me! Thank you again and see you on the next drabble or oneshot!

I don't own usui! He owns you ;)

Usui: I own you, Got it?

 b e l i e v e  y o u  d r e a m e r s 
