45. Ishika

Every wound leaves a scar.
Wounds heal but scars stay forever. Fine, Ishika Mishra is not giving literature but the wound Ishaan Sharma got on our first encounter on Kanpur road, in front of my Dada's factory...had healed but left its scar. And apart from the sharp jawline, height, stout arms, and the passion his ash-brown eyes held for me, that three-centimeter whitish glistening scar on the left side of his forehead said that Shanaya Chauhan is my moron. My inamorato.

 In just Fourteen days Ishaan Sharma turned me into one insane woman, that I began hallucinating his presence around me and kept babbling with no one other than emptiness. Even though I wanted to laugh my ass off watching the cold, arrogant, wretch, animal-like aggressive attitude personality to dress as female, I hugged him wholeheartedly. And the hug was to implant myself into him so that I can breathe oxygen from his lungs and feel alive with his heartbeat. Along with my heart, brain, and senses my lips and tongue also missed him so plus so much. Henceforth, Ishaan Sharma inside of Shanaya Chauhan proved his love is incredible.

I received a nudge in my belly from Brother Adi's elbow. I glared at him, he gestured with his eyes towards my parents, whose existence I happen to forget. 

 I pulled away from Dr. Ishaan's embrace and gulped to swallow the lump formed in my throat. "I-I got emotional because of his-hers, speechless disorder!" 

"Even I!" Mama added then passed a compliment, "By the way, Anitha your cousin is beautiful!"

"Beautiful!" I mumbled and pressed my lips tightly to hide the amused chortles. Presently I want to lie flat on the floor,  clutching my hands on my stomach, and laugh loudly by rolling over the floor. I studied his features from head to toe. Well, he seems to be anxious. Shoot! I want to kiss him.

"But she is stout and muscular!" my Dada commented. I turned around to find them watching Shanaya Chauhan with an intense and strong gaze from head to toe as if he is a Roman sculpture. Well, he is!

"Self-defence. For self-defense, she did gymming, karate!" Anu spoke immediately with a sensible rationale. 

"That's great, isn't it Yash?" Mama enquired with dada. "I was thinking why don't we appoint her as a Plus size Model!"

Plus-size model! Holy crap. Holy shit. Holy amusement. 

My brain did a wild imagination of Dr. Ishaan walking on-ramp with plus-size lingerie. Holy fuck.

As I reached the maximum holding capacity of laughter, I took my fingers in my mouth and bite hard. Still, I can't control my laugh. Seriously, I can't. I didn't even smile in the past ten days, and today I want to laugh my ass off, but the scenario is not letting me to. God, please help me. Please. Anu tried to sush me by placing her index finger against her lips. 

"Y-Yes!" I added. "I don't think...you can find someone better than her!" 

Just then someone entered the living room and eyed the whole family of Dr. Ishaan and ceased his eyes at Dr. Beast urf Shanaya. "By the way, who is this beautiful female!" of all he interested to ask only about Dr. Adi's CCBFF. He was one of my father's old friends, I knew him since childhood. To my knowledge, he was known to be a filthy person. Cause being in the early fifties his manhood is still active for younger women. And had three wives in past. Well now, hunting for fourth. 

Dada gave a basic intro about everyone, last to end was Shanaya Chauhan.

"Oh!" he gave once-over to my Shanu with a sardonic smile. All of a sudden Brother Adi got possessive and cleared his throat to distract that old lusty, filthy uncle. Even though, he forwarded his hand to Shanaya for a shake as an intro, "Hello, I am Jagendar Varma. Well-known journalist. I hold a newspaper printing factory"

"She. Can't. Speak!" Saying Brother Adi pulled his CCBFF behind him, possessively and stepped forward to take Uncle's hand with his healthy one. Instead of giving a healthy and formal shake, he squeezed his hand till it turned pale with anger and threw a ferocious glare at him.

"Ishu!" Granny called to divert everyone's attention and spoke, "let's cut the cake!" She sounded stressed. 

"Yeah! Yeah!" I nodded then we all made our way to the center of the hall.

I cut my first twenty-fourth cake. My Dada put the first juicy sugary cake piece in my mouth and wished, "Happy birthday, my princess" with a smile, I accepted both his regards and the cake piece. Now that I have seen my moron I can eat as much as I want, till my heart feels contented. I put another piece in his mouth followed by mama, Granny, Anu, Brother Adi, Shanu (Shanu being a king of Morons, bite my fingers.) Last was Nisha, and Harsh. I even invited Sudhir but he didn't come. 

A few minutes later again we five stood in a group at the corner of the living room. I, trying hard to suppress my laugh, Dr. Ishaan shooting glares with his mascara eyelashes and eyeliner eyelids at me, Brother Adi glaring at men, who were leering at his Miss CCBFF. While Anu, Granny, and Mama chitter-chattered about fashion and flowers. 

"Ishika!" I bit my inner cheek and paid attention to the voice owner, that's my Mama. "Why don't you show your guest, your room?" 

"Yeah. Great idea!" With delight I let them follow me all over the staircase and then to my room, that's the second one from the left. The moment I stepped I fulfilled my desire to laugh. 

"Oh, my God! Dr. Ishaan, I can-can't believe it–" I couldn't make out till my bed and sat on the floor and burst out with laughter. As my stomach began aching I lied flat on the floor and rolled to and fro. "Oh my god!"

"Ishika! get up, girl your gown will spoil!"

I didn't consider that and rolled to and fro. "So-so-sorry Anu! I can't!"

"Ishika!" came a cold warning from the cold personality dressed as a female. 

"Enough is enough, don't make fun of my friend, Partner!" Though his words are like a warning, they didn't seem like one as I sensed a smile in his voice. 

My eyes turned wet and a few of the happy tears made their way out of my eyes. I lied on the floor trying to suppress my laugh and stared at the ceiling. My smile began fainting when my brain processed the difficulty of my inamorato's heart to accept the decision to dress as a female. Just to meet me. I sneered and stared at him. He stood leaning against a wall with hands flexed on the chest. I love him. 

"Ishu enough!" Granny offered her hand but the heavy dress I wore didn't let me stand even with her help. So, Anu approached me and pulled up by grabbing my other elbow.

"Thank you. And thank you for coming." I said to them then smiled at Brother Adi.  Earlier,  Anu updated me on his status, so, I didn't bother asking him.

"You both stay. We three will go out!" Granny announced.

After they left, Dr. Ishaan locked the door. I turned around to hide my laugh. Suddenly, I was whirled and got clamped against my moron's body. Though multiple layers were separating his skin from mine, the intimacy I felt in his ash-brown eyes made me warm. As warm as I felt the last time he hugged my bare body with his. He tugged my hair behind my ear. I mimicked his action on him and a faint smile formed on his lips. 

 "Happy Birthday, my inamorata!"

 "Thank you, Inamorato!" I mumbled. "I missed you!"

"That's the reason, Shanaya Chauhan took birth!" I giggled and hugged him. He smelled like his sister. Even appeared like her.

"I...I tried speaking with Dada. But he is being stubborn."

He chuckled. "I expected, by watching that banner."

"I am sorry–"

"Hey, inamorata. Forget everything and Let's leave the moment."

"BTW, you didn't say. How am I looking?"

"Hmm...Can you see the Taj Mahal from roof-top?"

I nodded and added, "it's in a six hundred meter range from my house."

"Then go and see, today its color should be red."


"Cause Mumtaz Begum is jealous to find that there is another female in Agra who is more beautiful than she was."

"Cheesy moron." To not miss the chance of teasing I pried, "you mean because of Shanaya Chauhan?"

"What a perfect guess, my inamorata."

"Moron!" I mumbled and was about to kiss him when a knock and a voice of Brother Adi came from another side of the door. 

 "Shanaya!" I giggled.

"Yes, donkey" that very moment I realized how similar we three are with the three main characters of Shrek Movie. Dr. Ishaan as Shrek, Brother Adi as Donkey, and me as Princess Fiona.

"Birthday girls presence is demanded by her guest." He informed.

"Yeah coming," I responded and pushed him away.

"I will join, later," he said to me. I didn't bother asking, maybe he wanted some me time. I did some touch-up and walked out.

I received all gifts and wishes and then got busy chit-chatting with Nisha and Harsh.

"Ishu" Brother Adi came and whispered against my ear, "Shanu is nowhere."

"He was in my room."

"I checked it's empty. Ishu, I doubt–"


"You remembered that filthy uncle, Jagender bastard Varma," I nodded, "he was eye-raping Shanu the whole time. And since he is nowhere,  I doubt maybe he is responsible for Shanu's missing." 

My eyes wandered here and there. I didn't find that filthy bastard anywhere. "Fine. You go and check in the backyard." I said to brother Adi. Then to Nisha and Harsh, "you both check at the second floor, be careful it's my mama's working place. Meanwhile, I will check on the first floor."

We four dispersed in search of Dr. Ishaan. If brother Adi's guess is right. I swear on God, I will not leave that filthy bastard to leer my Shanu's body. Not only women even men are not allowed to put an eye on him.

"Just listen for once!" I heard a voice coming from the storeroom and hurled towards it. As expected that filthy Uncle was standing in front of Dr. Ishaan. I took an iron rod and decided to poke that in his arsehole. Prior to my stunt, Dr. Ishaan knelt against his crotch. I heard a scream followed by whimpers. I went to Dr. Ishaan. His hair was messed slightly, well his breast.

"Oh, my god. Your left breast is gone." He tilted his head down then stared at me with a dropped jaw.

"Fucking bastard squeezed it so hard that, the balls got pucker in."

"You can speak? And why your...Ahh... Voice is like a man." that filthy fellow spoke in the middle of his whimpers. 

"Because Bastard–" Dr. Ishaan lifted his knee for a second shot.

"Dr. Ishaan let him go, you come to my room we need to set up your breast. Or else you will get suspicious."

We left the storeroom and meet with Nisha and Harsh on the way to my room. Both tried hard to suppress the laugh. I glowered at them. As he is my future—Except for me, no one can make fun of him. "Guys! Go to the storeroom, that filthy uncle shouldn't come out."

We went to my room, I made him sit on my bed. I used small paper globes to make Dr. Ishaan's breast.

Just then, I heard a scream. The source of the voice was my mama. "No. No. This is the only day left in my life to see my daughter romancing with..." She shook her head, with disgust crinkled her nose. "I should have anticipated when you hugged her tightly this evening. That female, Chaya changed you like her in just one night–"

"Mama, stop babbling and listen to me"

"–Your intentions shifted to females. It's fine for once, cause it's your life. But, You are cheating on Ishaan. What will happen to him, when he will knew that you are a Bisexual. Oh, my goodness!"

"Like mother. Like daughter." Moron mumbled with a coy smile.

"Shut up, moron!" I scolded him. "Mama. Listen. This person is not Shanaya Chauhan."

"Whoever, she is...Ishika we said we will make your dada realize your love toward Ishaan. You could have waited before–"

"Aunty, I am Ishaan."

"Ahh! Umm! What?" she shouted and soon a pinnacle-like crest formed between mama's perfectly trimmed arched brows. "Ishaan. You mean Ishika's, Dr. Ishaan!" She confirmed.

"Yes," Dr. Ishaan replied with pride.

"Oh, my god. You dressed like a female to meet my daughter." We both nodded for once. She approached us and gave him a side hug. "Ishika told me everything. I am upset with you, but not like to apart my daughter from you, after knowing how insanely she is in love with you."

"I know that Auntie!" He replied her calmly staring at me. It was appearing weird to watch him in that dress but there is no option.

"Let's go!" I said to them

Suddenly we heard yells and screams from outside. I trod to the door and there stood that filthy uncle hands on his crotch and mouth yelling to reveal out about Dr. Ishaan to my Dada, "she is a man. That female is a male."

"Who?" My biological father, Yash Mishra asked.

"Nobody uncle!" Harsh tried to stop that filthy uncle but he emitted.

"That dumb female is a man, I heard her speaking and her breast–" he cut off but dastard added, "yes. Dr. Ishaan. Your daughter called him that."

Immediately, I received a questioning glare from my dada. "Where is he?" Dada questioned.

"Dada!" He grasped and stormed inside my room. "So, my wife and daughter planned instead of a strict warning."

"Uncle, they have no idea."

"Ishaan. I am not speaking with you. So please shut your mouth and get out of my house."

I strolled in anger and stood in front of Dr. Ishaan. "Dada. He will not go anywhere." I denounced. "And please I don't like you insulting him." I intertwined my fingers with dr. Ishaan's. Dada stared with one fierce and intense glare at our hands. Whatever I will not leave him today, I might have walked out that day to keep my Dada's esteem but today I can't let him down my boyfriend's esteem. 

"Dada, I love you and I even love him. I know he can't love me as much as you can, but his love is enough to keep me happy. My happiness is in him."

"I don't accept. You are leaving or should I call the guards."

"DADA?" My voice sounded like a warning.

"He risked your life, Ishika," Dada shouted.

  Anu, Brother Adi, Granny came and stood behind my dada with terror-stricken eyes they studied the whole scenario.

"He is not the one to get the blame, it's..." I thought and thought having no words I decided to blame my well-wisher. So, I pointed my right index at Brother Adi, "it's him."

Dr. Adi drew his brows in, tilt his head left and right and when Dada turned to stare at him, he got confirmed that I was pointing at him and objected, "Oye, I don't exist in this picture. Nowhere!"

"Of course! You do! Seemingly, You play a major role. It's your wife who kidnapped me."

"What?" Dada yelled out. Turned and glared with a questioning look.

"Wait. He dunno anything." Dr. Ishaan inquired.

"His system is also devoid of listening. But, mama heard the whole story."

"Yes. I accept that but I dunno that she will kidnap you..." I raised my brow that was enough to remind him about the secret letters he wrote me as a wellwisher. "...okay, I knew from the beginning. But. How am I involved in the kidnap?"

"You could have come shared with me with a cup of coffee, right?"

"Wait. Full stop. I don't drink coffee."

"What about Tea?"

"Nope! Lactose intolerance. Only juice. That too orange, black grapes, pomegranate–" grasping that, his list was not gonna end, I cut him off.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. You could have shared me with a glass of orange juice, right?"

"Don't try to confuse me, Ishika. I heard with my ears that Ishaan left you in the  middle road." Dada acknowledged. Arms crossed over the chest. And one brow cocked up.

"Because Dada, it's because of a misunderstanding..." and then I narrated the whole story. I began with a well-wisher's letter and ended with Dr. Ishaan receiving an anonymous call. "Dada neither Dr. Ishaan nor Brother Adi, I am responsible for everything. Without informing anyone I tried to investigate about everything and hadn't realized that I was digging my own well." And as a topping, I exaggeratedly narrated the scene of Moron saving me. "And Dada, if he hadn't come on time I would have shot dead. You have to be thankful that he saved my life."

"But, I still don't understand. Why did Aditya's wife kidnap you?"

"BECAUSE SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH ISHIKA!" Except for me and Dr. Ishaan, everyone roared at once and shell-shocked my dada. I facepalmed with abashment. Well, my mama was more shocked than dada when I shared everything a week ago, except the kissing part. Or else she would have scrabbed my lip skin with a nail trimmer.

"Oh! Seriously! Is my daughter on demand?" I grinned and nodded. "Still, Ishaan you shouldn't have left her like that, I trusted you more than anything."

"And I apologize for that, uncle.  Please forgive me and don't separate us. Please." I tilt my head and stared at him. My moron sounded weak and debilitated. His eyes shimmered with tears. I strengthened my fingers' grip to make him realize that I am with him. "That day I was neither angry nor jealous, I was insecure. I felt lost.  I am so embedded into her, it scares me to imagine a life without her. Yes, she was right I can't love her as much as you love her, but," he chuckled and gave once-over to himself, "I can transform into Shanaya Chauhan for hundred times just to make her happy."

Along with humans, my boudoir air also stayed calm.  Meanwhile, I didn't let my eyes drift from his face. He was a well-known cheesy fellow, but all those words seem to be hearty. Direct from the heart. "For these many years, I was just taking a breath but felt alive when she embossed me for the first time." There was a lilt in his voice, as he was working hard to control the tears. Then turned his head to face me and stared into my eyes. Even though a silent tear passed from his left eye. He sniffed and spoke, "and without Ishika, Ishaan is down and out."

The way we stared took me into past days when I first time saw him in the hospital. I puckered my lips as I do always when I get denied to let myself buy me, a favorite toy. 

"Ehem!" That's our Donkey. "Shanu, you made me emotional today"

We both ignored and averted our gaze at Dada with an expectation. 

"Please, Dada. I value his feelings but it doesn't mean I disrespect your decisions." It's hard to convince a businessman, that I was experiencing at that present moment.

"Only in one condition, Ishaan!" Dada spoke.

"Anything!" a voice came from my beside.

"Whatever my daughter will say you have to say–yes."

"I will uncle. I will." Dr. Ishaan exhilarated and squeezed my hands.

"Then she is all yours. If this mistake will repeat in the future, instead of a banner, I will install a body detector. No entry even in Shanaya Chauhan's avatar." Everyone burst with laughter.

I left his hands and went to hug my Dada, "thank you", I whispered.

"I overheard everything when you shared with your mama," Dada whispered. I pulled away and scowled at him. He took me in his embrace and whispered back, "Sorry to make you carry, I just wanted to make him realize that my daughter is precious. Not an easily available woman. Now he will value your importance."

"And from today, Ishaan will start calling me Dada," Dada announced as he pulled away from the hug.

"What. I am fine with uncle or. Dad is good."

"Ishika, make him call me DADA."

"Dr. Ishaan, call him Dada, I said."

"Why I doubt that this was planned by you both."

"Call him Dada!" I demanded

"Fine. Dada!" He whispered.

"I didn't hear." Dada teased

"Louder," I shouted

His lower jaw twitched with frustration. "DA-DA" he shouted. Ahh! I love to annoy him.

"Once again, son"


"How cute," I whispered.

"Okay." Brother Adi called out.  "Now who wants to take a selfie with our Plus-size model, Shanaya Chauhan, lift your hands please." Everyone except Dr. Ishaan lifted their arms. Well, Dada lifted both.

"Fuck you,  Adi."

"Later. first, let's take a selfie" he grinned. "All form a line" in a minute we all stood in one straight line. First was brother Adi, next was a Plus-size model, then me, then Dada, mamma, Granny, Anu, Nisha, and Harsh.

I tugged my arm around my morons. He sent me a glare and mumbled "I hate you."

"Aww! But, I love you so much."

He smiled at me, "I love you, too, my inamorata."

"And say cheese everyone", Brother Adi shouted.

After the photo shoot, everyone left to have dinner leaving Dr. Ishaan and me alone. That it seemed to be purposely. Dr. Ishaan excused himself and went inside the bathroom. After five to ten minutes he came out as Ishaan Sharma. Dressed in black from top to bottom.

Gazing strongly he ambled towards me. Once he stood in front of me with just a foot away, he took out a small pouch from his trouser's back pocket. Then crouched in front of me. He pulled out a pair of musical anklets with a bunch of metallic balls that made a sound 'Chan! Chan!' when he tapped his thigh with the same hand. I kenned his gestures and placed my foot on his thigh. He tied one anklet around my ankle. Then gestured to place another foot. I did.

"Whenever you will walk, it will make a sound. And this sound will never let you forget that there is a moron name Ishaan, who is insanely in love with you!"

The wetness on my cheek said my eyes were streaming with tears.

Then he stood and took out another box. It was a white gold necklace with a human heart pendant. Then gestured to turn around.

Pulling the necklace around my neck, "This to prove that your Dr. Ishaan belongs to you."

He took another small-size box that contained a rose-gold ring with an infinity symbol. He took my left hand and slipped it in my ring finger. "This to say that I love you infinitely. Ishika Mishra, you came like a thunderstorm in my life with rain and snow of only happiness."

I sniffled, "I love you." I hugged him.

"I love you, too." He kissed on top of my head, well I kissed at the place where his heart was located. The same heart whose lubb and dubb are only for Ishika Mishra.

"So, how was your experience to be as a woman!" I asked and smiled, amusedly.

"I felt very embarrassed."

"Don't!" I cupped the perfect, clean shaved lower face of his between my palms. "You proved how crazy you can go to just meet your girlfriend."

"No girlfriend. I consider you as my better half."

"Without my permission?" His image turned blur as the sheath of fluid thickened in front of my conjunctiva. Why I dunno but tears didn't stop. Maybe I am very much deeply in love with him.

"Didn't I declare, You are made for me!" I wiped the tears and nodded vigorously.

Maybe I would have rejected it, but these two weeks of being apart from him made me realize–I can't leave without him. "But, there is a small problem."

"And what's that, inamorata." He asked and nuzzled my nose with his.

"I want to be your best half."

And then he placed his lips on mine. His lips stayed still without any movement. "I missed you, so much, Ishika!" he mumbled against my lips sending a tingling sensation along my spine. "I don't want to see a day without you again in my life. If possible tonight itself I will take you with me." No words were exchanged then as we exchanged our saliva. It was an open-mouth kiss, where our tongues played the dominant role. And It said we both are made for each other.

He lifted me, I tried to encompass my legs around his waist, but my ball gown didn't let it. So, he dropped me on the bed. Then loomed over me and kissed once again. Swirled his tongue all over my mouth, tasting each cell of my mouth. Two weeks hungry made me growl like the polar bear as if it was of centuries and planted my palms at the back and pressed to deepen the already ongoing deep kiss. 

💖💖💖THE END💖💖💖

Dear Readers, Thank you to support me by reading my work and by voting and commenting. And keep supporting my future works.

The most depressing fact of writing is to write the end. I will be missing Ishika and Ishaan so much cause I automatically began living with them. They existed in my world And me in their world for all these months. Just to remind most of the chapters are humorous, anytime if you encounter a bad mood or day you can come and meet with Ishika, Ishaan, and even Adi too, to escalate your mood. Hope you enjoyed reading it, hope I made it at least good work for you all to enjoy.

A special thank you by Ishaan and Ishika in form of a smooch 😘
