
I have this HC that Rush and Ambush are cousins and sometimes they CONSTANTLY annoy each other.

"Hey Ambush," Rush said with boredom.

Ambush leaned over near Rush and whispered, "Wanna race?"

"No," Rush responded sternly.

"Aww. Why not? Are you afraid you're gonna loose?" Ambush taunted.

"What?! No."

"Is it because you're slow??" Ambush laughed.

"Fine. I'll show you I'm fast." Rush smirked.

They lined up behind the first door.

"First one to the library wins. 3..2..1..GO!"

And they both rushed off, opening each door ahead of them. Ambush was ahead of Rush. Ambush looked behind him, not paying attention as he slammed into a wall.

"BAHAHA!" Rush went into a laughing fit. Ambush groaned and started to run again.


Ambush sped past Rush. He chuckled. Rush tried as hard as he could, but Ambush already reached the library.

"DANG IT-" Rush yelled.

"Imagine being slow, like could never be me," Ambush said, laughing.

"Says the person who bumped into a wall. I bet your blind like Figure cause you can't even see what is in front of you," Rush joked.

Ambush scoffed. "Am not!"

"Are too!" Rush responded.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

They went back and forth continuously until Figure suddenly stomped between them.


(213 words bc I'm lazy and I didn't know what to do for this chapter)
