Chapter 6

   (ranked #1 in Ticcidrowned, OH YEAH MR. KRABS!)

  BEN slowly walked over to me, a sly grin on his face that only got bigger as he came closer. Ok, Toby, pull it together. You don't really have a choice here. I took a deep breath in and returned his smile.

"So Tobes, guess it's you and me," BEN says, there was a sly look in his eyes.

I inhale deeply and give him a really forced smile, "yep," I say with sarcastic happiness.

Jane clapped her hands once to get everyone's attention, which worked. "Okie," she started, "now  since ol slender is kicking us out for the night, I say we throw a party. Just for the simply fact that most of us are reckless teenagers. So all in favor?" she asks raising her hand. Puppeteer's hand went up pretty quickly along with Blondie and Clockwork. Lj slowly put his hand in the air as well.

"That's more than half!" Puppeteer shouted excitedly. Swear he has the mentality of a four year old. That's pup though...

"oh yeah. Ok so certain people should be in charge of certain things. Example, I'll be bring the alcohol! BEN, you should be in charge of the music. Choose whatever, not porn, please, not like last time." a chill runs down my spine thinking about it.

"It was A JOkE!" Blondie protested, but with his history, most don't believe him.

"Anyway," Jane continues, "Pup, Painter, I want you in charge of decorations. Masky, Hoodie, activities. Toby, snacks and fire wood. I would put LJ on snacks, but I don't feel like dying. LJ, uh you can come with me and get alcohol. Clocky, get the good stuff, gasoline, and help Hoodz and Assky put up tents and junk. That's it. Make sure it's done by tomorrow night. Uh, dismissed."

With that everyone had left, I decided to just hang out a bit. Simply taking in the fresh air that doesn't smell like death and blood. It smells of pine, my personal favorite. I close my eyes and begin to drift off.

"Yo, twitchy. You coming, bro?" I reopen my eyes and look towards the person.

Letting out a small sigh I reply, "yeah. Yeah I'm coming Pup, just relaxing." he nods and continues walking away, yelling for Painter to wait up. Painter didn't stop or even acknowledge Pup. What a tsundere...

I stay in the woods till its sundown. Only then do I start to make my way back to the mansion. Everyone tries to get out of the woods before 11:00. That's when Slender likes to roam. If you're not careful, he might accidentally attack you, without knowing it's you.

But 11:00 is quite a bit away. So I'll be fine. The sun had only started to dip below the trees, and a beautiful sunset erupted with it. I always loved sunsets, but I never noticed them until I read a certain book. I can't think of the name, but I remember the name Ponyboy. Oh well, best not to rack my empty skull for answers long forgotten.

Taking one last look at the sinking colors, I step (autocorrected to Sero *happy sobs*) inside the slender mansion, home to the lunatics. Who happen to be taking bets and playing an intense game of Wii sports tennis. I decided to just ignore them and go up to my room.
However my money's on Jane...

Once I got into my room, I locked the door behind me. Running a hand down my face, I look towards my window. The colors of the sunset had already started fading away. Just like my nonexistent happiness...

Oh! Would you look at the time, it's sit in a corner and cry time again. I walk to a corner of my room, sit, and sob.

(I just made a hella chunky smoothie)

After a few... - Hours?- Of sobbing my eyelids began to droop. It was around midnight, and I was a tired boy. So I fell asleep, on the floor, in the corner of my room.

*time skip brought to you by my chunky smoothie and the fact I had no blueberries to put in it...*

When I woke up the next morning, it was probably about nine. I stood up, and walked down stairs. BEN, Jeff, and Ej were still passed out on the couch. Jeff was shirtless, no surprise there really. This is -what- the fifth time this month? It's the tenth...

I continue my walk and go into the kitchen. Turning the shove on and grabbing some eggs, I decided to make scrambled eggs for myself. Soon after I had put the eggs in a pan I feel a presence in the room.

I turn to see a tired Brian stumble in, must have had a long night. He lays his head on the counter beside me. Dark bags had formed around his eyes and his hair was mess. It seemed that this was a rare occasion of seeing a wild Brian in his natural habit without a mask.

"hey buddy, want some scrambled eggs?" I ask softly, looking down at the tired bean. He nodds his head a bit then closes his eyes. Finishing up, I put the eggs on two plates, and give one to Brian. He thanked me and we ate, nothing special.

Until the three in the living room woke up and started screaming, well Ej didn't... Why is it that when it's peaceful those two always ruin it? Answer; they're the definition of chaos.

I put my plate in the sink and head outside. A morning breeze hit my face as I took in the scene. Taking a deep breath in, I start to walk to the edge of the woods to go retrieve snacks for tonight.

I had made it a few minutes away from the mansion before I hear stomping and heavy breathing. Oh God. I turn to see a monochromatic clown running towards me with a Jane on his shoulders.

"bitch we comin too!" Jane yells at me. I stopped in my tracks and waited for them. As soon as they caught up Lj collapsed to the ground. He's not a very active person....

"thanks pal," Jane says getting off Lj and patting his head. We let the clown rest for a moment and then take off again.

"So," Jane started, "Jeff broke the coffee table again."

"What's new?"

Word count: 1079 words)
