Chapter 12

I woke up and was the first one awake. Trent and Trevor were still here and they both were asleep on the couch. Ethan was still in the corner of the couch sleeping, just how he fell asleep. He was so cute when he was sleeping, and he is so unaware of it.

I didn't see Grayson, Maya, or Austin, so I went upstairs to see where they were. I didn't see them all throughout the house, so I went to Maya's room. I quietly opened the door to see Grayson and Maya peacefully sleeping in her bed. I went into my room quietly and saw Austin asleep in my bed. Oh that kid. He can fall asleep anywhere. I closed the door and went downstairs to the living room. I turned on the T.V and flipped through the channels until I saw all my favorite shows in a row. This was the schedule:

8:00-9:00: Chicago Med

9:00-10-00: Chicago Fire

10:00-11:00: Chicago PD

11:00-12:00: Survivor

12:00-1:00: Criminal Minds

1:00-1:30: Friends

And the until the next morning, Friends was playing. I grabbed a blanket from the couch and lay down on my stomach, with the blanket covering my back. I was in heaven.

I watched all of the shows that were on up until 2 pm and then I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Then I turn around and see Grayson walking down the stairs.

"Why are you up so early?" Grayson asked me.

"Early, Gray? It's 2:05 pm. I've been up since 7:40 this morning." I responded.

"Whyyyyy? What are you watching?" He asked. The tv was on commercial, and he couldn't see what show was on.

"Friends. Do you want to watch with me?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh...I love friends!" He said in a girly tone, and then came and lay down next to me.

Grayson is my best friend. We do so much together. We both lay down and watch 3 episodes of Friends. It is now 3:32 pm and nobody is awake.

"Let's go wake everyone up, I'm tired of just laying around all day." I say to Grayson.

"I'm down. We should poor water on all of them. Let's wake up Austin first so he can help us wake up everybody."

"Ok, but first, we need to go to the store and get buckets, let's get 7 buckets, so later, we can have a water fight with everyone." I said.

We got changed and then got our long boards and rode to Wal-Mart to get the buckets and then we went back home. We went up to my bedroom and carefully lifted up Austin's head so we could put a towel down, because I didn't want water all over my bed.

I went in my bathroom and filled 2 buckets with water and Gray took one, and I took one.

"1....2....3!!" Gray counted and then we poured the water on him. I swear, you have never seen a person get out of bed so fast. It was the funniest thing I have seen in so long.

" what was that for?" He asked.

"For not being awake at 4:30 pm!" I say. "Now, are you gonna help us wake everyone else up, or what?!"

"Is that even a question?!?! Of course I will!" We all went into Maya's room and each got a bucket filled with ice water. "1....2....3!!"

*Maya screams really loudly*

"Shhh you are going to wake everyone else up!" I say.

We all go downstairs to the basement so we could wake up Ethan, Trent, and Trevor. We decided to wake up Ethan last because he'd probably get up and run. The 4 of us each got a bucket filled and then we put a towel under their heads.


Trent shot up so fast and him and Trevor were soaking wet. Trevor just sat there trying to get a grab on the moment.

"We're you trying to kill us?" Trevor asked.

"No, we were trying to wake you up. It is 4:35 pm and you guys aren't awake yet. I have been awake since 7:30 this morning." I say.

"Yeah, well I'm not a morning person." Says Trent.

"I'm not either, but I still get up." I say back.

"Shhh, guys, we are going to wake up Ethan if we aren't quiet." Maya says.

I hand Trent and Trevor each a bucket and we go and fill the buckets with ice cold water.

We all have a bucket filled with water to pour on Ethan.

"1....2....3" I say, and we all dump water on Ethan.

He shot up faster than Trent did, and Ethan looked at me, noticing that I'm not wet, but everyone else is. So, I decide to run up stairs, and he follows, right on my tail. I can't help but giggle as he is chasing me around to house. I heard everyone running up the stairs to watch us, but none of them interfere. I decide not to look at them, because I didn't want Ethan to get me when I turn my head. We run all around the island in the kitchen and then into the living room, and it was in that moment that I realized, I was cornered. I was laughing so hard and Ethan was laughing so hard, too, which made me laugh even harder.

Wait, is Maya recording us?? Oh my god she is. She looked like she was enjoying this.

Ethan kept coming closer and closer to me, and I couldn't help but squeal. I just decide that I will try to run. Ethan sticks his big arms right where I was running and I run right into them. He picks me up bridal style and spins me around. At this point, I can't breathe because I'm laughing so hard. I hold Ethan's face in my hands, and he leans in for a kiss. FINALLY. I give him a kiss back. And then pull out and he sets me down on the ground.

"How was that for payback for pouring water on me to wake up?" He asks.

"Well, I wouldn't really call that payback, it was actually really fun." I say.

"Oh really? Well, it was kinda fun for me, too." Ethan says.

I turn to Maya and she is still recording us. "Maya, do you have to record EVERYTHING?" I say while laughing and walking over to her.

"Only the cute moments that happen in your life." She responds.

"Fair enough. Now, I wanna see that video." I say.

We go sit on the couch and Ethan and I watch the video while everyone else is in the kitchen talking. 

"You know, we actually look cute together." Ethan says while looking at me.

"We do, don't we?" I say while smiling back at him. I send the video to myself and to Ethan.

"Brett?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Ethan asks and my smile grows so wide.

"Ethan, I would love to!" I say and wrap my arms around his neck, and he hugs me back.

"Great. How about tonight at 7? I'll come and pick you up, and we can walk to our date."

"That sounds wonderful, Ethan. How should I dress? Casual? Comfy? Dressy?"

"Casual/Comfy" He says.

"Sounds great! I'll see you at 7!" I say.

"See you at 7." He says smiling.

Ethan and Grayson leave to their house, leaving Trevor, Trent, Maya, and myself.

I go into the kitchen with a huge smile on my face.

"What are you smiling about?" Maya asks me.

"Ethan asked me on a date. We are going on our date tonight!" I say with excitement.

"Oh my god, finally!!" She says. I forgot that the guys were there until Trevor spoke up and said:

"That is wonderful! I'm happy for you!" and he gave me a hug.

Trent just stood there, looking sad. "Hey, why are you so sad?" I ask Trent.

"Oh its nothing, my mom texted and said that she actually wants Trevor and I back home for dinner, so we better get going. Hey, I'm happy for you. Ethan is a very lucky guy!" He says and then gives me a hug.

Maya and I walk the guys to the door after they got changed into their own clothes and we hugged and exchanged numbers so we could hang out again. Then they left, leaving Maya, Austin, and I to pick out what I'm going to wear for my date with a perfect guy. Yeah, Austin is going to help, too. He actually has a good fashion sense. He knows what colors go together and what patterns go together. He is going to help a lot, I still can't believe he is here.

