Get Back

Blue screamed.

"Dusty, please!" Dust's teeth bit deep into Blue's shoulder as she screamed. 

"I'm sorry Blue. Don't think of this as me."

"Inky please, help me."

"No, Error stop!"

"I-I can't!"

"Horror, please."

"Run Lust."


"If you love me you'll run!"


"It hurts Dreamy, it hurts."

"I'm here, I'm here."

"No, you need to go."


"Go, please."

"It's five Gen. You gotta go."

"Is aggressive so bad?"

"That's my line~"

"I'm going."


"Nightmare? You're in pain..."

"I'll be ok, Cross, I'll be ok."

"I wanna help..."

"Get back Cross!"


"Get back!"
