
Tony's POV

"What?" Mike said after I explained what happened in the elevator. Avi was sleeping on the bed and I couldn't look at her without wanting to break down and cry.

"Her doctor said it's dissociative amnesia, part of her dissociative identity disorder. She had a nervous breakdown and her brain made her forget who she is. She probably doesn't remember any of us" I whispered. It breaks my heart that she broke down to a point of forgetting herself. "It makes sense"

"How does it make sense? She forgot us" Matt said.

"She told me how it'd be easier if she didn't meet any of us. She planned to kill herself on New Years Eve" I said quietly. "That she hates that we care so much for her because it's easier for her to leave with nobody knowing her"

"What do we do?" Vic asked. He was the most distraught, I think he feels as guilty as I do for not seeing this.

"We can't force her into anything, we start from the beginning again. Introduce ourselves and just try to talk to her" Everyone agreed and we stayed in silence. There wasn't much to say, we were all just worried about Avi.

"Tony?" I looked back at Avi, her frightened eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. You fell asleep in the elevator" I said and she nodded.

"Is this your room?" She asked.

"Yeah, these are my friends" I said and sat next to her.

"I'm Mike" he gave her a small smile and she nodded.

"I'm Vic"


"Matt" his voice cracked but he cleared his throat to cover it.

"It's nice to meet you all, my name's Aviana but you can call me Avi or Ray" she said and everyone nodded. "Oh, Ray's my middle name"

"It's a beautiful name" Vic said. "Did Tony tell you why you're here?"

"I'm working with Matt and the crew, seems pretty cool" she said. "I also know that Tony's my dad, pretty weird but I can get used to it" I smiled and told her I'd be right back. I went to her room and grabbed her phone charger, makeup wipes, and her pajamas. Vic and Avi were playing guitar together and she was doing a great job.

"You're really good" he said and she smiled.

"Thanks, I didn't really know I could play" she said and I handed her the wipes while I plugged her phone in for her. There were a few texts from Shawn and Kris on here, I didn't know how I was going to tell them she wasn't okay. But Kris being the woman she is started a facetime call. I sighed and picked it up.

"Hey Tony, is Avi around?" She asked.

"Who's that?" Avi asked and I closed my eyes before stepping out of the room.

"Hey Kris, uh... Avi had a breakdown today. She broke down to a point where she has amnesia now. She doesn't really remember much, but you can talk to her just don't say anything specific. The company, what she does, or anything like that unless she asks" she agreed and I went back in the room. "Avi, there's someone on the phone for you" I handed her her phone and she smiled.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" she said.

"It's nice to meet you too, my name's Kris Jenner" I could tell she was worried just by the tone of her voice. I don't know how she's going to tell Kylie and Kendall about all of this.

"Can I ask you something?" Avi said.

"Of course" Kris said.

"What do I do? Tony told me I'm done with school but I know I'm almost seventeen" she said.

"Well, you do a lot of things like modeling, you have a YouTube channel, and a styling company" Kris said and Avi nodded.

"How do I sleep with all that on my plate?" I smiled and so did Kris.

"You know what sweetie, I don't know but you've done amazing" she said and Avi blushed.

"Are you my manager?" Avi asked.

"In a way, I'm more of your business associate and connection for all your modeling gigs" Avi nodded and soon hung up the phone since it was already late. She took off her makeup and went to the bathroom to change. I was on my phone catching Shawn and Erin up on what was happening when Avi came out of the bathroom frightened. She looked at me and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Avi, what's wrong?" I asked and she looked at her legs.

"What did I do?" She was so scared of herself. Her lip quivered and she ran towards me. I held her while she cried, my darling girl left me and this isn't her at all.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you" I whispered. "Not tonight" she cried until she fell asleep. I cried with her and kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry" I whispered and set her head against the pillow. I watched her and felt nothing but sadness. I ended up crying myself to sleep and I knew I couldn't help her this time.


Avi's POV

I fluttered my eyes as the sun shone through the window. It was too bright, ew. My eyes finally focused on the man sleeping in front of me. He was grimacing, even in his sleep his mind wouldn't settle, how sad. I gently brushed away his fringe and smoothed the creases in his forehead. He looked at me and I blushed, this isn't awkward at all.

"H-hi" I whispered.

"Do you remember me?" He asked.

"You're Tony, my dad" I said and he smiled.

"I have a nickname for you, you know?" I furrowed my brows and he laughed. "When you were a baby you hated being called princess. Your little face would turn red and you'd furrow your brows together before screaming" I laughed and moved closer to him.

"What's my nickname?" I asked.

"Bubz, it started out as mini me, bubu, baby girl, and bubz. You love bubz more than any of the other ones" he said and I smiled.

"It's different, I like it" he kissed my forehead.

"I love you bubz" he said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. I didn't want him to feel sad, the dark energy surrounding him made me want to cry.

"I'm sorry I don't know you as well as I used to" I whispered.

"It's okay love, it's time to get dressed and ready for today. I'll get breakfast okay?" I nodded and went to my room. I looked around the room and grabbed my laptop, wow how did I not have a password on here? I should probably set one up. I looked up my name and was shocked at everything. I did a lot of things, and my outfits are cute as fuck. I decided to do a broader search.

Aviana Perry and Shawn Mendes

I have a boyfriend... He's cute. He had a cute smile and an amazing voice. My phone buzzed and I blushed at the picture that popped up.

I miss you so much beautiful, sending you all my love @AvianaJacobsPerry

"Hey bubz, I got some blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, and- I see you've been doing some homework" Tony chuckled and I smiled. "You remember him?"

"Kind of, it's fuzzy" I sat up and grabbed the plate and cup of coffee from him.

"Understandable, it's only been a day" he said and kissed the side of my head. "I do have to ask, do you want to tell your fan base what's going on?"

"I haven't really thought about it, it's a lot of people to talk to" I said and he nodded.

"Okay, you know it's your decision. What do you want to watch?" He asked. "We could watch star wars"

"Sure, I'm guessing you're obsessed with it since it's tattooed on your knuckles... Did you let me get all of these?" I asked.

"Yeah, your first one is on your rib cage. I knew it was numbing your pain for a while and it was a lot less destructive than what you found last night" he said quietly and I nodded. I ate some of my food and looked at all of them. There were roses on my leg but I saw the triangular burn scars underneath. "What happened to me?" Tony stopped eating and gave me a sad look. "You said you couldn't tell me last night about these scars and why I did them, can you tell me now?"

"Please be patient, I can't tell you right now" he whispered and I glared at him.

"Dad... If you want me back you have to tell me" I said and he closed his eyes. He looked pained, it hurt me more to see him like this.

"I want you back, I really do, but if I tell you it might make this worse" he said and kissed my forehead. "Start getting ready love, we have a lot of things to do today" I nodded and went to the bathroom with some clothes and a towel. I showered quickly and looked at myself in the mirror. This girl... I didn't recognize her, this isn't who I am. This Aviana isn't me, I needed a change.

I left the bathroom and Tony wasn't anywhere, guess he went back to his room. I slipped on my high waist black skinnies with the knees missing, black lace up crop top, and black boots with a lacing detail on the sides. I stepped out of the bathroom and sat by the window to do some makeup. I looked in all the bags I had and found a pair of gold rose earrings, a choker necklace, and some black round sunglasses. I looked at my camera on the table and sighed. I grabbed my phone and went to Twitter.

Just an update for everyone, I'm gonna take a break from vlogging for a while. Video coming soon about why, I love you all ❤️

I didn't look at everyone who was tweeting me back. I just said the same thing on all my social media and grabbed my denim jacket with iron on patches all over it. I grabbed my purse and looked at two rings that were next to my purse. I couldn't pinpoint why they weren't with the rest of my stuff but one look at them made me want to cry. I grabbed them and slipped them on before leaving the room. I saw Vic by the elevator and went up to him.

"Hey Vic" I said and he smiled.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked.

"A little fuzzy, but other than that I'm okay" he nodded and we got into the elevator together. "Can you tell Tony I have to do something? It's kind of important"

"Sure, is everything okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just need a little time to myself" he nodded and we got off the elevator. I slipped my glasses on and walked out of the hotel, there were cameras flashing everywhere and I hid my face while I walked towards the salon.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?" A woman asked.

"I'd like a haircut please" I said and she took me to a chair.

Tony's POV

"Hey bubz, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm walking to the building you told me to go to, but there's cameras surrounding me" she said and I sighed. I hated how those stupid paparazzi treated her, and now it wouldn't help much either.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside" I couldn't see her yet, but the cameras and men screaming her name made it easier. She ran towards me and I pulled her into my embrace before we went inside. She sighed in relief and I really looked at her, my eyes went wide. All her hair was gone, she had cut it all off and it was styled in a pixie cut. That part makes sense, she's so small. "You cut your hair"

"Y-yeah, do you like it?" She asked.

"I do, you look just like your mother" I smiled and she did too with a small blush covering her cheeks. Ray would've loved to see her like this, the short hair, big brown eyes, and wearing her ring. That's our little girl.

"Thanks, who is my mom?" She asked.

"Her name is Ray, we can see her when we get home" I said and she nodded.

"Are you guys married?" She asked while we walked towards the practice space.

"No, we were just teen parents that didn't stay together" I said and she frowned. Maybe she thought that everything worked out, maybe she wanted to think that everything was okay, I didn't want her heart to shatter right now. Only six months ago we would have been reading Ray's suicide note, everything's change so much.

"Okay, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah, her name is Erin, she's the best. You guys are really close, and we have a dog he has a huge personality" Her eyes lit up at the thought of Doug.

"What's his name?" She asked.

"Doug" she laughed.

"Doug the dog, I like the alliteration" I smiled and opened the door to the practice room. Everyone looked at us and I knew Avi felt uncomfortable.

"Hey Ray, I like the hair cut" Mike said and she smiled.

"Thanks, I needed a change" she said and hugged him.

"Now that everyone is here, Avi you're on soundboard" she nodded and sat down while I went to grab my guitar.

"Do you think this will work?" I asked and Vic shrugged. We started practicing and Avi was doing a great job, maybe her muscle memory on this still works. We started playing Floral & Fading and she turned up the bass a little more like she did yesterday.

"Why'd you do that?" Matt asked.

"I... I don't know, it just sounds nicer" she said, she looked confused about how she knew what to do. Is this working? She looked pained at one point before she shook her head. Maybe not. After a while she sat down and was on her phone, but she wasn't doing anything on it. She was spacing out, I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so I walked over to her quickly and knelt in front of her.

"You okay bubz?" I asked and she looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah... I'm just trying to respond to Kendall. It's hard" she said and I nodded. I smiled at her and she leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"If you need anything I'm right over there bubz, I love you" I said and she smiled, her bright smile that made me happy.

"I love you too" I nodded and went back to the guys. I shook my head and they nodded, maybe we were impatient but we missed Avi. After we finished practice, the guys wanted to go get dinner so we went and Avi was on her phone like usual, but she was reading an article.

"What are you reading bubz?" Jaime asked.

"An article on Daily Mail about me, about what I tweeted out today" she said.

"What did you tweet?" I asked.

"That I'm gonna take a break from vlogging, but I'm making a video about why soon" she said and put her phone away to find something she'd like on the menu. "I think it'll be good, to just relax and work on my memory"

"If that's what you want to do, you can do that bubz" she smiled and set her head on my shoulder. Sammy took a picture of us and I looked at her. She was worn out, it's been a long day for her.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" she left the table and I sighed.

"Is there any way we can see how long it's gonna take for her memory to come back?" Jaime asked.

"No, it's all on her working on remembering" I said. "But if she doesn't completely remember... Maybe it won't be a bad thing"


"He's not wrong" Vic said, cutting his brother off.  "Think about it, all that she's been through. All the guys who ruined her, completely gone from her memory. Maybe she'll actually be happy if it doesn't completely come back"

"Thanks Vic, I'm not saying I want her not to come back. Just... If she doesn't it wouldn't be the worst case scenario" Everyone nodded and Avi came back not long after. Her eyes were a bit red and puffy, was she crying in the bathroom?

"Are you excited to travel with us Ray?" Mike asked, he's been trying out Ray more than bubz recently. I still stuck with bubz because it was our thing, bubz and pops, I miss when she called me pops.

"Yeah, it should be fun" I smiled at her and she just went through her phone. She had a lot of pictures of her and her friends in there, it made me smile when I saw she had an entire album of pictures that we're just the two of us.

"Are we best friends dad?" She asked and I nodded. "They the nine hundred and fifty six photos of us together in an album makes more sense now" I laughed and ruffled up her hair a little.

"We've been best friends since you were born. Your mom hated it" she laughed and so did everyone else.

"So who exactly at this table do I call my uncle?" Everyone raised their hand and she nodded.

"You don't always call us uncle though, and Vic is technically your God father" Casey said.

"I didn't know I was religious" she whispered. "There's so many things to remember and I... I can't" I pulled her on my lap and kissed the side of her head. She was frustrated with herself only after a day, maybe it's not a good idea if she doesn't remember.

"I'm sorry baby" I kissed the side of her head and held her close to me. All of me wanted to just cry with her and hold her, but I had to be strong for her. "You know what though, we're all gonna be here and help you out as much as we can because we love you" she held on to me tighter and I squeezed her until Mike plucked her out of my arms to hug her. She sniffled and chuckled while I pouted at them.

"You give nice hugs Mike" he smiled and wiped away her slightly smudged makeup. "Thank you"

"Always Ray" he kissed the top of her nose and she hugged him again before she came over to me again.

"Can I know more about me?" She asked. She was nervous to know, but I knew what I had to do.
