twenty seven

Abrar never knew that not answering his phone call would cost him this much. But it did.
"YOU DID WHAT?" he was seething in fury trying not to hit that stupid woman who has accused his wife of something so cheap and disgusting.

"HOW DARE YOU?" unable to control his emotion, Abrar goes to strangle her neck in frustration and all the family members gasped at that scene and came in to pull him away from Bano, but he was stronger than them. Bano was never so scared in her whole life, but today she was.

"You're going to kill her." it was his mother, Sarah. Who was pleading for him to stop.

"I wish I would," Abrar growled coldly, his expressive eyes burning with rage and fury.

"What were you all doing? Watching this lady insult my wife? You all are equally mistaken as her." Abrar yelled in anger as he let go of Bano's neck and turned to face his family, who hung their head in shame and embarrassment.

"And you all let go of my wife? Alone? You don't know how dangerous it is for her... God..." running his hand through his hair, he let out a frustrated groan.

"Abrar... I tried to stop her okay, I did. But she was so adamant to leave. She's a stubborn lady." Meruza muttered helplessly. Abrar gave a sarcastic laugh.

"What else do you expect from her, after all the humiliation would you still be on the same roof as her if you were in her shoes." he snapped angrily as he eyed Bano with a nasty glare.

"It was your wife who gave that idea to us, I mean look at these pictures." the fact that Bano was still sticking to her point made Abrar feel so disgusted and angrier.

"Who gave this to you?" was the first thing he asked and Maheen gasped inwardly, she was praying hard that he wouldn't come to that point but Abrar was smarter than she thought. Bano's eyes directly trail towards her and Abrar closed his eyes to compose himself.

"I'm giving you two seconds to get out of here and never show us your face ever again. The time's ticking," he warned in his dangerous intimidating voice and Maheen need not be told twice, she ran away as fast as she could and never turned back.

"Listen Bano Chachi... and to everyone who had a problem with these goddamn pictures. What Haya did before marriage is none of your fucking business. How she is after marriage is what matters and she is a great wife so far. And I give you all no rights to butt in my married life. So, stay the fuck away." Abrar muttered angrily as he tore the pictures into pieces, which Maheen has taken efforts into print as soon as she could.

"Bi jaan, I'm going to bring my wife back. But I'm not sure if we will live in this house anymore." Abrar mumbled angrily, the old lady shook her head.

"First get her back, Abrar. We will discuss everything later."


Haya switched off her phone in anger as she called her best friend and informed her about the sudden arrival,  her friend was more than happy to pick her up. After texting her friend, the bus's departure details, she closed her eyes for a short nap. She needed a rest, so badly. Everything that has happened some time ago has taken such a toll on her and on top of everything Abrar was not picking his stupid phone. Which made her angrier if anything.

At that moment all she needed was to have him by her side and comfort her but he wasn't there. He must have been busy but that didn't let Haya cool down. She voluntarily switches off the phone, just to make him angry and helpless, like how she felt when he didn't answer her calls. It was a sick move, but her little sadistic heart was pushing her to do it and so she did it.

He must have realized things by now but too bad she's already halfway through her journey.

When she opened her eyes, the busy hustle and bustle of the city life welcomed her with a shock. It took a moment for her to grasp everything and when she did, everything made sense. With a frown, she picked her phone switched it on again and as expected there were many missed calls from Abrar and Meruza. She felt like calling him back but stopped as another call came in and a small smile etched on her lips as she answered it.

"Natasha. I'm here. Just getting down my bus and look, I see you." Haya waved at her friend, who turned her back and forth but when her eyes finally reached her, the girl's face lit up happily.

"Finally!" Natasha Rehman pulled her into a bone-crushing hug, and Haya felt herself getting emotional. It's been a while since she saw her, but god... she missed this woman so much.

"I missed you," Haya whispered once they broke the hug.

Natasha glared at her friend, "says the one who never called or texted me after her marriage."

"I was too caught up with my marriage life I guess." Haya gave her a guilty smile and her friend shrugged with a knowing smile, "it's okay. Let's go home and relax first. Where's your luggage?" she looked behind Haya, hoping there was a bag but seeing nothing Natasha became confused.

"I didn't bring anything." Haya bit her inside her cheeks, how was she going to explain all of this to her?

"Although I'm worried sick right now, let's go home. You must be tired." Natasha whispered with a small smile and Haya was very thankful that she didn't pry on it.

The busy streets filled with people and vehicles. The crowded streets, long signals and loud honks made Haya realize how much she has missed this city. It felt good to be back here after so long.


"So, you're telling me that you didn't inform him and you just left?" Natasha asked her friend accusingly, once Haya has had breakfast and took a bath; she sat and explained everything to her.

"Pretty much, yeah," Haya answered guiltily.

"That was so stupid if you ask me." Natasha expressed herself with a frown.

"I know but that was an impulsive move though. I needed to get out of that place, it felt so suffocating and Abrar wasn't picking my phone calls. I wanted to go somewhere and realized I've nowhere to go." Haya mumbled the last part to herself but Natasha has heard it unknowingly and frowned at her friend.

"I'm going to kill you now. How many times do I have to tell you, You have me and Farhan too. We are your best friends, do you even remember that?" Natasha asked her friend accusingly.

"I know... Abrar used to say the same thing." Haya smiled involuntarily as she recollected the memories of her husband telling her that he's there for her, always. It was so hard not to smile.

"I guess he's a great guy?" Natasha asked with a teasing smile on her face and surprisingly to her, Haya blushed.

"He was a jerk in the beginning but yeah, he's changed now." Haya mumbled shyly and Natasha threw herself at her happily, "you're blushing... I've never seen you so happy like this. My god, Haya... You're so whipped."
She was so happy for Haya, that girl deserved all the happiness in life.

Heat raised to her cheeks as she refused to look her friend in the eye, who was smirking at her mischievously but a call disturbed their moment.

Abrar *double heart* Calling.

"I'm scared." was the first thing Haya mumbled as soon as she saw his call. But Natasha shook her head in disbelief. Her friend still hasn't changed pretty much.

"Knowing how you left from there, he must be more scared than you. Answer his call." Haya nodded her head as she picked the phone in her hands and swiped answered his call.

There was a moment of silence from both sides.

Haya wouldn't be lying, but she was really scared. Scared of his reaction. What if he too believes if the child was Farhan's? No... Abrar wouldn't think. Would he? She hoped not. On top of everything, she has switched off her phone and basically ran away from the village. He must be pissed at this. He sure would be.

Neither of them spoke a word. Haya could hear his long uneven breaths. She wondered if he could hear hers too.

"Come down, Haya." he finally spoke something, but her eyes widened at what he said.

"What?" she gasped at his statement. Was he kidding her or something?

"I said come down. I'm here for you..." his voice sounded so dominating yet romantic. But that I'm here for you line surely has made her heart skip a beat. Was he seriously here? Suddenly Haya became self-conscious of how she looked.

Angry bird t-shirt and pyjamas were not the most appealing clothes but that's not the point.

"What?" Natasha mouthed curiously but she brushed it off hurriedly and ran to look at herself in the mirror, the first thing she did was to set her hair in a bun, it so happens that there was a window behind the mirror and the glasses were pretty much open; Haya could basically see Abrar standing down there, with a phone in his hands.

They both stared at each other for a few seconds. The whole world seemed to stop for her, all she could see was him, who came all the way just to get her. The thought made her so emotional that she was tearing up in happiness.

Haya still couldn't believe herself but he was really here. Her phone fell off her hands in shock and now Natasha was worried.

"What happened?"

"He's here," Haya mumbled that part more to herself. She was nervous to go down and meet him face to face. That thought was scary. But she missed him like crazy since the morning and having him here was such a relief but she was scared nevertheless.

"Then go?" her friend said like it was the most obvious thing to do.

Haya nodded with a small smile and ran downstairs. Happy at the thought that he's here. For her. Honestly, it felt so good.

"Careful, Haya." Natasha's worried voice followed her behind but she couldn't stop herself.

As soon as she came close to Abrar, she paused on her steps. And the world seems to freeze for both of them. All they could see was each other.

"Abrar..." his name came out as a whisper as he came close to her and before she could realize it, Haya was in his arms crying her eyes out. The people passing them gave weird glances but they couldn't care less. They had their own business to mind.

Abrar protectively wrapped his arms around her, as he let her cry. He promised himself that it should be the last time she's crying like this. He caressed her hair lovingly as she continued to cry.

"You didn't pick my calls," she stated accusingly whilst trying to break the hug but he didn't just let her go.

"I'm sorry," he whispered audible enough for her to hear but to his utmost shock, she began to hit him on his chest in the middle of the street. And he didn't do anything to stop her, he thought he deserved it for not answering her calls.

"I needed you so much, yesterday." she whimpered as he made her face him, and the moment she looked him in the eye, she stopped crying.

"I'm sorry." and he meant it. She couldn't help but melt like butter.

Haya shut her eyes in bliss as he kissed her forehead and hugged her yet again. He didn't believe his Chachi then. It was such a relief to her until he said, "I'm so mad at you nevertheless. Who leaves like that? You scared me like shit and what if something happened to you or the ba,"

He stopped from uttering the word and she looked at him wide-eyed. There was a moment of silence, as they just stared at each other. Happy tears flowed down her cheeks as she initiated the hug this time. He hugged back almost instantly, feeling very overwhelmed, happy and excited. 

They were going to be parents and that truth was still so unbelievable. They were happy nevertheless. So happy that words couldn't describe what they felt at that moment.
