New life?


I saw Kina staring at her, the woman I saw at the hospital before. She raised her gun at Kina. "I'm sorry my dear Kina." I tried to reach for the bullet but it managed to escape from my catch. The bullet has reached her. It was too late... I tightened my grip on the crow bar and sprinted towards her. Tears of hate rolled down my cheeks. I swung he crowbar at her but she dodged. Over and over again. Until, she grabbed my crowbar and snatched it from me. I dropped down to the ground. I felt like everything Kina and I had been through was a dream. I crept towards her. Blood was everywhere. I held her hand as tears splattered on her face. The bullet had already gone through her head. There is no way she can be healed ever again. "She would have died from a disease anyways." The woman knelt down beside Kina. I looked at her. "You probably didn't know this but, I adopted her. I felt sorry for her as she lost all of her family members cruelly. Not only that, she was captured by them and they injected something into her veins. Kina was a test subject after all. I rescued her from that past and now I ended up killing her." The woman mumbled. I carried Kina and started walking away from this place.

3 Weeks Later...

Kina's picture was placed on her polished coffin. There was a note on the coffin in her writing too. It read, 'When we both started talking, I felt like I could already die happy and already, I knew that I loved you. By the time you are reading this, I'm probably already dead. Or else, this will be my future note. I'm sorry, I couldn't get out of that place alive with you. I planted this letter in the coffin for someone to take it out and put it on.

Please look out for my next life! Then tell me!!!

Bye.' I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth, trying hard not to cry. A life without Kina, is merely impossible. I need to stay alive to find her next life that replaced her.

52 years later...

I strolled around the park, carrying tons of groceries. I sighed. Suddenly, I heard a gentle voice behind me. "Uh, Grandpa? Do you need any help?" The gentle voice belonged to Kina. Is this her next life? I slowly shook my head to her question. She smiled and turned around. The Kina that I have always wished to be together with. Disappeared from my sight. I started walking towards the same direction as her. I stopped to hear a voice behind me. "Kina!" I looked as I saw my younger self running towards her. I stopped. My younger self and Kina's new life would make it through.

I did it, Kina. I found your new life now. You can now rest in peace...










-Thank you very much for reading this! This story has ended so I won't be releasing new chapters! Thank you suh much! ^v^
