Mad at gods, mad


Robbie Hernandez - the schools biggest dork and the target of Phil's antics, soaked in the new glory of his popularity.

Put on a pedestal by others, Phil's death was his greatest blessing.

"How do you feel knowing Phil is now gone?"

He felt fucking amazing all thanks to the hands of his brothers. He'd never felt better once in his small, weird life.

And the normie kids, all which had been scared of Phil felt more intrigued in being friends with him.

Robbie wasn't that bad, truly..
But he was poorly raised and his family was stricken by poverty - he didn't have a normal upbringing.

Odd interests, didn't like music, always quiet and refrained -
And always the center of Phil's torture.

He couldn't help the smile that came apon his face as he thought about Phil dieing in the middle of the courtyard.

Phil's blood gurgling as he wheezed, the slight cries of pain.
Nothing else felt better.

He'd never be bullied like that again.

Today at the school there was to be an assembly held for Phil - as the school couldn't keep this hush hush.

Everyone had seen Phil lying dead.
People even had taken pictures.

Robbie and the entire school gathered there, everyone looking as miserable to be there as he was.

And as he sat with his new group of friends who now where no longer scared of Phil either, he felt on top of the fucking world.

"This is so stupid." He muttered, as everyone packed in tight in the stand of the gymnasium.

"He was the school bully for god sakes, he deserved it."

"Biggest fucking asshole around!"

The people around him muttered.

Staff stood in the middle, a picture of Phil's face on the projector and another thing he noticed was - Rex. Rex fucking Brown. Phil's partner in crime.

"Everybody listen!" The principal now stood at the podium before them.

He cleared his throat.
"Today we are here because one of our dear students was murdered in the courtyard.
Despite Phil being not the nicest figure we take matters like this very seriously."

Robbie couldn't peel his eyes off Rex. Rex stood there, head hanging low and ashamed.
Not daring to make eye contact with anyone.

"The cause of death is unknown, but local police are searching for suspects.
We ask all students for empathy, despite Phil's upright rude figure - he was a living being too." He added, sighing before pushing up his glasses.

"I would also like to note that disrespect to Phil's friends and family will not be tolerated and you will be punished.
I have also been made aware of polaroids of Phil's body being sold, if you are doing this - stop it right now. Anyone being caught selling the polaroids or copies - will be met with a week of detention and a searching of their belongings." He threatened, his voice very stern and serious.

Everyone collectively sighed.

"No fucking way he's asking us to feel sorry for that dickhead." Robbie's friend to the right of him murmured.

"I just wanna know why Rex is also standing there. He was Phil's best friend." Someone else had said.

They all pondered, but Robbie couldn't help the hate that surged through him - his eyes where practically burning a hole in Rex.

"Now, Phil's close friend, Rex - who was a cause of this relentless bullying would like to say a few words on account of all students and his friend who just passed away."


Rex didn't look at anyone as he walked up to the small podium, gently adjusting the mic before standing there in silence.

"Um..." Rex mumbled.

His heart pounded as a few giggles sounded. He knew nobody gave a damn what he had to say. But the school forced him into this.

"I'm really sorry about my behavior.. on account of Phil and everyone else who was affected. Phil was always a bad influence on me but, he was my friend and growing up in the dumps of Texas he showed me all kinds of new things."

Rex mumbled again, his bangs in his eyes as he begged himself to not cry.

More laughs sounded. Rex felt like shit.
This was absolutely humiliating.

"I especially want to apologize to Robbie, who got the worst of it." God, his name felt like sandpaper in his mouth.

" I hope all of you can understand that I'm am so very sorry and I know I can't fix the damage that's been done but, I will change."
Rex's voice broke, Phil was just constant in his mind.
The emotional pain made his chest hurt, like real, genuine, heartache.

Someone in the stands stood on their feet, yelling at the top of their lungs.

"Someone autta get you next Brown!"

The tears left Rex's eyes, hitting the wood he'd fixated his eyes on.

"I hope you can find sympathy and forgiveness for me. Phil was my best friend..." Rex sadly ended.

The principal took his place, giving Rex a rub on the back before Rex stood out of the way.

The murmuring of students carried on.
Rex felt the insults crawl under his skin and make him sweat.

"You're not fucking sorry!" Another had yelled.

Robbie even dared to stand, his eyes cold and mean.

"I hope you die, motherfucker!"

It was the loudest his voice had ever gotten.

The crowd got louder, pitching out the principal trying to quiet them.

"Go join your boyfriend in hell, faggot!"

Rex's nails dug into the leather of his jacket. He fucking hated being the center of attention.

The laughs got louder - the insults broke his heart - and crushed his spirit to nothing.

He was a horrible human.

Rex took off. Running as fast as he could away, and out of the gymnasium.

Tears welled in his eyes, making it hard to see as he left.

He just wanted to go home.

Everyone hated him here.

And as he saw the police outfront the school again, he collapsed and cried harder.

Asking god why, why?!

Why did Phil have to go?

The only person who'd ever brought him happiness since loosing his dad.

Phil meant so much to him....

Rex even thought he loved Phil at one point..

And now he couldn't ever have it back.

He cried in absolute agony, curling into a small ball on the grass.

Rex was living out his worst nightmare.


Robbie wished he could've had a camera for that moment of Rex running off, crying like a child.

His smile was sinister, he and his friends laughing amongst themselves..

Cracking jokes, bickering about karma and how he had it coming.

And as he sat in his next class, he pulled out his sketchbook - his jaded mind thinking of all the ways he could have Rex killed.

The thought of Rex begging for his life was so fucking exciting. Just how Phil had pleaded for his own.

He'd always had a obscure fascination with death...

He slowly started to draw.

A dead body.. one that almost looked like a skin walker with Rex's face on it.

He knew for certain..

Rex was next to die.
