사십 40

The nexy morning, Chanyeol wake up with no one beside him. At first, he felt nothing. But then, he remembered,

"Shit!" he cursed, "Hajin-ah!" he called.

He was panicked a bit. Then he ran out the room, to find a lady in oversized white shirt, that of course belonged to Chanyeol, was making an espresso. 

"My gosh, you scared the hell out of me," Chanyeol unintentionally smashed his chest instead of rubbing it in relief. He ended coughing. 

"Isn't it good?" Hajin chillingly replied and sipped a cup of her own espresso.

"Uh - what?" and continued to cough, Chanyeol. 

"That the hell is now out from you," Hajin said and poured a glass of water before going to Chanyeol. When Chanyeol  grabbed and drinked the water, he eyed to his beautiful angel that was smiling at him. 

Hajin took the glass and Chanyeol immediately hugged her. 

"I love you," Chanyeol said with his eyes closed.

"Me too," Hajin replied and patted his back, ended up to slap it," and I would love you to take a bath and take care of the rest of the mess you made last night," Hajin added.

They broke up the hug, "Can I kiss you?" Chanyeol said and pouted.

"Not now," Hajin replied and pushed him to the toilet.


Chanyeol went out of the toilet and ficed his suit. 

"Ah," he forgot something. He went back to the toilet and looked directly to the mirror. 

"That's why I come back," Chanyeol pointed at the crooked bow tie on the mirror. 

He fixed his bow tie and his hair in the end, smiled before really going out. He nervously went towards a door. He stopped right in front of the door. Took a long deep breath before knocked exactly 3 times. 

"Get in," a person responsed from inside. 

Chanyeol finally entered the room. It was decorated with white and gold decoration, giving it a some of the royals vibe. In the end of the room, he could see, just like what he imagined but more gorgeous than he thought, his bride.

"You're gorgeous," Chanyeol praised. 

"I am," Hajin replied. 

Chanyeol sat beside her and took a closer look on her. Scanning every inch of her face, neck and stopped at her shoulder. She was wearing a sabrina-styled white wedding dress. It was giving both innocent and sexy vibe. Although Chanyeol was the one who picked the dress, he was kind of uneasy so sudden. 

"I should not pick this dress in the first place," he kind of regretting. 

"Why? I like it. I like sabrinas~" Hajin lively replied. 

"It is too exposed," Chanyeol whined. 

Hajin rolled her eyes and slightly slapped Chanyeol's back.

"Even if you re-pick it, I will still choose this dress. Now, you should get out and greet the guest! Yoongi oppa and our parents may be waiting for you," Hajin replied and pushed him away.

"Why are you sending me away? I won't let this happen twice," Chanyeol warned, glaring at Hajin, "You should be aware now," he winked and went out. 

"Seems like you are going to have a tough night, bride-nim," one of the staff teased.

Hajin smiled shyly and replied, "Maybe." and blushed.

Many people came to their wedding. The wedding that they had been waiting for years. Their complicataed relationship, that was going through up and down, broke up and made up, would be finalized.

Baekhyun's family was the first guest to visit the bride. Together with Hyemi and little Baekhyun, Byun Hyunmi, they lightened up the silent bride's waiting room. 

"Omo, Hajin-aaah!!" Hyemi squaled. 

Hyunmi was kicking happily on her father's arm as soon as she looked at Hajin. 

"You look wonderful, Hajin-ah," Baekhyun said in the amid of struggling to hande his daughter. 

"You work hard, Baekhyun-ah," Hajin teased.

Hyunmi finally was taken back by her mother. 

"It should be like that since the beginning," Baekhyun rested anad greeted Hajin properly, "Good day, bride."

"Bad day, Baekhyun-ssi?" Hajin teased again.

"Oh, gosh stop teasing me. I know I am a bad father," Baekhyun sat at the edge of the sofa that Hajin seated. 

"Appa, good good," Hyunmi suddenly spoke. 

It made Baekhyun smiled in a second and kissed Hyunmi right away. 

"If you think having a kid will give you a good life, you need to think twice," Hyemi advised, "because you will always end up to have one more kid."

Hajin got it right away and looked at Baekhyun, who had started to be like a kid. 

"But the happiness can't say with words, doen't it? You tell me by yourself," Hajin said. Hyemi nodded and smiled at her kids. 

"You've worked hard, Hajin-ah," Hyemi suddenly being so sentimental. 

Hajin looked at her, asking why.

"You and Chanyeol reunited after 3 years, going through another ups and downs, and needed to wait for another year before going to this stage, I salute you," Hyemi explained, "I don't think I can stand on this kind of relationship if i am you."

"Well, love makes me strong? If it not cringy I can say," Hajin said.

"It is," Hyemi replied and acted like she almost puked. Both of the gigled.

"Now, let's take a picture," the photographer came and all of them gathered. 

After Baekhyun's little family, a lot of guests was queueing to enter. Bogum, Namjoon,  Do Kyungsoo - Chanyeol's loyal secretary, even Jiyoung came. But Hajin was waiting for one person. The one who stayed and protected her for those 3 years she had. Those years that she thought was going to be like hell, but that one person came to save her. 

Speaking of the angel, someone came at the very last minute, when the ceremony was about to start.

Wearing in fromal grey suit with black necktie, here came Park Jimin. 

"Hi," he greeted awkwardly. 

Hajin smiled and greeted back, "Thank you for coming. I know it was hard for you."

"I am fine. As long as you are happy, I can let you go without any guilt. I am cool, right now," Jimin replied. 

They smiled at each other before the wedding staff called for the bride. 

"Can I, accompany you? At least to the door, I'll send you to your father," Jimin asked. 

"Would be nice," Hajin replied. 

Jimin let out his hand and Hajin grabbed it. She stood up and went to the door of the hall. 

"Can I tell you something?" Hajin asked while they were walking. 

"Anything," Jimin replied. 

"I'm nervous," Hajin spilled out. 

Jimin giggled and not saying anything until the reach the main door. Before letting her go to her father, he looked at Hajin. 

"Hajin-ah," he called. Hajin replied with a yes.

"Thank you," he said, making Hajin to confuse. 

Jimin smiled,"Thank you for staying by my side for those 3 years. Looking after my mom and even be my lover. I was happy that time, and now I want you to be happy forever. Don't hesitate to tell me if you get any problem. This oppa will always be there for you."

Hajin heard it and almost teared up.

"Don't cry first, your makeup if going to be ruined, I don't want to be blamed," Jimin joked. Succeed in making Hajin laughed. 

"You look beautiful today, very" Jimin said his last word before putting her hand to her father's. 

Jimin went inside the hall and the ceremony was going to start. 

Baekhyun, who was the MC, was hyping on his bestfriend's wedding. 

"To all of our guests, just for your information that to reach this wedding, our husband and wife-to-be took 4 years, 4 years everyone. What a fantastic number isn't it? But love makes them strong that they could go through all the obstacle and proved that they are meant to be," Baekhyun mentioned, "Accomanied by her father, here comes the bridge. Are you ready Chanyeol-ssi?" 

All the attention went to Chanyeol. Chanyeol nervously nodded and cleared his throat. 

"Okay, now music?" Baekhyun asked and the music played, "With this, I call the bride, Min Hajin, to enter the hall."

The main hall immediately opened and the crowd applaused. Slowly but surely, Hajin went to Chanyeol. They were smiling at each other. When it was geeting closer, Hajin looked at her family's place and caught Yoongi was sniffing with his red eyes. Hajin mouthed him not to cry and was responsed with a nod. 

They reunited at the end and the priest said the vow. Both of thme answered yes and kissed in the end. The crowd went crazy and it was ended smoothly.

They rested in a hotell before heading to their honeymoon tomorrow. Both of them were wasted up and took a quick bath together. 

And Hajin should have not do that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"I am going to sleep first, I am soooooo tired," Hajin said and threw herself to the bed. 

"You need to drink this wine first, Baekhyun's special request," Chanyeol said. 

Hajin sat up and just nodded. Chanyeol grinned and poured the wine to two glasses. 

"Why aren't you dress up yet? Are you not going to bed soon?" Hajin asked as Chanyeol gave her the wine. 

"I am. But not as soon as you, and so do you," Chanyeol said and drank the wine slowly until it finished. 

"What do you mean?" asked Hajin. Chanyeol shrugged and sat beside her. 

"I just think that you should not suggest us to take the bath together," Chanyeol said and started to lean forward.

Hajin took the signal and tried to dodge but failed. 

"I told you it won't happen twice, didn't I?" Chanyeol smirked and....

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Thank you for all of you that have been started to follow this stroy even from Book 1!!

I am so sorry if I took a long time to finish it,

It's personal issues and I'm going to face the reality as high school has ended,

no more leisure,

society has been waiting for me :')

WIsh me luck <3

Ah, check out Taehyung's fanfiction >>> COFFEE 
find it in my works :')

-sleeping gae-
