Session Eighteen (Monday)

"Anything that's been on your mind you want to voice?" Dr. Quinzel asked. 

"Not anything appropriate," Pamela smirked. 

Dr. Quinzel chuckled. "What am I supposed to do with you?"

"I guess that's up to you, Doctor."

Dr. Quinzel paused. "Have you always been this flirty?"

"No. It happened after the powers. I found it in regaining confidence."

"Is that confidence still there?" Dr. Quinzel asked. 

"For the most part," Pamela said. "I have my moments, but for the most part I flirt my way through."

"Is that a power thing or does it have truthful feelings beneath it?"

"Depends on the person." Pamela paused. "In the case of Batman, it's for power. When I do it with you, it's true feelings."

Dr. Quinzel paused. "Is that how you show affection?"

"I guess I do now. I wouldn't say I have affection for Batman, though."

"But you haven't killed him," Dr. Quinzel said. 

"He hasn't outright killed my plants," Pamela said. 

"But he's stopped you from getting the people that do."

Pamela paused. "My affection for you is different, though. Why is that?"

Dr. Quinzel cleared her throat. "I believe that you have affection for him, because he is your nemesis. If he's not there, you can do whatever you want. There's no thrill for you in that. It's why you mentally unknowingly feel like you need him."

Pamela paused. She didn't say anything for a few moments. 

"How do you show affection, Doctor?" Pamela asked. 

Dr. Quinzel paused. "I'm not sure. I never really put thought into it."

"I think you show it through your speech."


"I'm sure you don't talk to me the same way you talk to other patients."

Dr. Quinzel paused. "I don't. I have to assess you all differently."

"And your accession of me?"

Dr. Quinzel chuckled.

"I'm just teasing," Pamela said. She paused. "But I can just tell from your movements and the things you say to me. It's sort of like your love language."

Dr. Quinzel paused.

"I'm guessing your love language is words of affirmation," Pamela added. 

Dr. Quinzel paused again before clearing her throat. "You'd be correct. And yours?"

"Physical touch." Pamela paused. "You can see how my current predicament is everything but."

Dr. Quinzel chuckled before she paused. "How is that for you?"

"What? My love language or being stuck with it in here?"

"The first part."

Pamela paused. "It's craving the touch of another. Wanting them to touch you or you to touch them. It's a longing that never ends. And when you long for them, but can't touch them, it hurts more."

Dr. Quinzel paused. "Do you crave someone now?"

"It's hard not to when I see them so often."

Dr. Quinzel paused. "Have you ever fallen in love properly, Pamela?"

"Not that I know of," Pamela said. "Jason was the last person I loved romantically and that was one sided, which I figured out too late."

"Would you like to fall in love again?" Dr. Quinzel said. 

"One might say I already did."

Dr. Quinzel didn't say anything.

"Are you in love, Doctor?"

Dr. Quinzel took a breath. "I...I don't know. I have never fallen like this before."

"That is the first sign."

Dr. Quinzel paused. "There's a couple of things I need to figure out, Pamela."

"Take your time. I'll be here waiting for you."

Harleen hit the stop button of her recorder. She sighed and ran her hands over her face.

"What am I gonna do?" she whispered.

She paced back and forth in her apartment running through different things in her head: her job, Pamela, and her feelings she was trying to suppress, but continuously showed up.

The door to Harleen's apartment slammed open.

She looked over. "Pamela?!"

Pamela was standing in the doorway in her orange Arkham jumpsuit. It was ripped and tattered in places that her vines stemmed out of. Her eyes were a bright green, like lasers. She immediately looked at Harley, as her vines shot out towards her.

"You left!" Pamela cried.

"Pamela," Harleen said.


Pamela's vines inches closer to Harleen, as she folded into herself.

"Pamela," Harleen repeated, a little louder.


"Pamela! I had to leave!"

Pamela's vines wavered. They stopped where they were in the air, inches away from wrapping themselves Harleen.

Harleen paused before standing up straight. She looked deep into Pamela's eyes. She walked up to Pamela, slowly. "I had to leave, because I was falling in love with you." Harleen placed her hand on Pamela's cheek.

Pamela closed her eyes, as she leaned into the touch.

"I didn't want to go, Pamela," Harleen continued. "But it wasn't professional to keep seeing you."

The vines floating in the air went down and disappeared. "Harleen."

"Yes, Pamela."

Pamela opened her eyes. "You could've told me."

Harleen sighed. She let Pamela go, but Pamela quickly grabbed her around her wrist.

"I know you didn't want to threaten your job," Pamela said.

"Or you," Harleen whispered.

"You're foolish to think my feelings are not the same as yours." Pamela paused. "I'm not in Arkham anymore, Harleen."

Harleen slightly smiled. "I know." Harleen paused. "Are you sure it's safe? Will you be okay?"

Pamela moved to hold Harleen's hands. "I'll be fine. Don't worry. I've been doing this for years."

"But you still end up in Arkham."

"Don't worry. I care too much about you to mess this up." Pamela leaned in close. "I'll take care of you."

Harleen glanced up into Pamela's eyes before focusing on her lips.

"I don't want to mess this up," Pamela whispered.

"You won't," Harleen whispered back.

Pamela closed her eyes. "Harleen."


"May I kiss you?"

"I was hoping you'd ask."

Pamela leaned in and met her lips with Harleen's. Their lips easily slid over one another, as pent up love bubbled over the surface. Pamela pulled Harleen's hips to her, as Harleen pulled against Pamela's jumpsuit. Both of them, afraid to even let air pass between them. The cravings of touching one another finally being fulfilled. Harleen pulled away first, out of breath. The only thing filling the air were uneven breaths coming from the both of them.

Pamela placed her hands on Harleen's cheeks. "I refuse to lose you again."

Harleen kissed the inside of Pamela's palm. "You won't. I promise."
