Going Home Part 1- The Question in Hand

"Take me back" you whispered gently, staring at the mark on your arm. As you understood it, exile didn't mean forever. Maybe it just took some convincing. 

It was a few days after the incident involving the tree and, for now, everything seemed quite normal. Of course you still had no idea what you and Loki were in writing but you knew it was more than just friends. Also at this point the trickster understood why his activities were being reported. He DID try to take over earth after all.

The look you got was...odd. A mixture of concern and excitement. 

"Back?" He paused for a moment looking at your arm before back into your (E/C) eyes. You could see on his face that the concern had won him over. 

"That mark...means you can never go back Y/N.." He sounded so sad and so genuine that it made you re-think. [Its true..] you thought silently still staring at the scarring on your arm [it was stupid to ask]

"I understand" you said with a small sniffle before shaking your head and smiling quite falsely "anyway i have work to do so..i don't really have time." You picked yourself up, dusting off your white doctors coat and putting your favourite coloured pen into your top pocket. Upon the dining table laid your medical bag that had to go with you everywhere. You snatched it quickly before checking it had all the needed supplies inside.

Loki looked on after you as you had gotten up. His heart was in the right place....it was just a very hurtful place that you thought was truly unfair.

"I got a call yesterday" The words that left your mouth were quick and emotionless "there should be a car outside for me, some agents need tending to i'll be back as soon as i can" And with that you pecked Loki's pale cheek and waved to his brother before darting out of the door into the black ominous car outside. 

It was very late into the night when you arrived back at the house and you were ready to pass out in your comfy warm bed. You pushed open the door as quietly as you could, hoping that you didn't wake anyone and started to make your way to the stairs before hearing voices in the kitchen, which sounded too distressed for your liking. Your back clung to the wall as you got close enough to hear the conversation between the two brothers you temporarily lived with. 

"Are you mad?! Father would have him executed on the spot as soon as he crossed the bridge!"

"I understand that brother but if you talked to him...told him he wanted to make amends then there could be a possibility of him-" 

Thor huffed cutting off his sibling harshly. There was a tense silence. 

"And what of HIS father Thor?" There was another seemingly sadder silence this time. Loki had looked up at his brother's distraught face and knew exactly what the situation was. 

"When?" The green eyes of the god glinted. 

"As.." Thor paused, hurt with the information he beared "as soon as Y/N was exiled...father had him.." a shaky breath came from him as he held his hand to his face. 

A frown laced the mouth of the trickster, in utter disgust and of hurt. "Who else knows of this?" 

"Fury and I....and now you"

You didn't know if your trembling knees could support your weight as you covered your mouth. [He couldn't be...] You thought as tears threatened to escape your eyes. After taking a deep breath you rushed as fast as you could up the stairs to your room, the door almost slamming shut as you collapsed to your bed. 

"He didn't do it...he didn't do it..." you repeated to yourself as you held your knees close to your chest, the tears that once threatened your cheeks now gaining freedom to stream onto the pillow beneath you.......

{Well uh hi again! Long time no see huh? i can not believe how many of you have read this and genuinely like this story so i am glad to present you with this part. I apologise if it is a little lackluster i have taken to improvising as i write. As always please give me your feedback and stay tuned for the second part of going home! i shall try my hardest to get it up soon i promise! Cya!}

