beach picnic

the next morning
*around 9 am*
dixies pov
i will just msg noah and say him sorry about what all happend last night i dont know if he was mad about it or not cause we didnt talk after he left the hospital
*conversation of dixie and noah on text *
dixie : Good morning ๐Ÿค
noah : good morning baby
dixie : ok so i dont knowย  if u are mad at me about what happend last night i am really sorry ik that u came to see me after all the things happend that day u were mad at me and you had the right to be mad at me cause i did the wrong thing i didnt even tell u that i was with him i am so sorry and after all that you still came without even hesitating u were sitting with me for 3hrs continously holding my hand without even moving and made me comfortable

noah : what are talking about even why will i be mad at u and its my fault i shouted at u that day without even listening i did that because i trusted u so much and seeing that hurt my heart but itsok i will never ever stop u from being friends with anyone i just saw it the wrong way and i should have listened anyways i am not mad on u about what happend last night itsok u dont need to be sorry my love

dixie : how are u so amazing, u are so patient and u literally suprise me everday with how incredible u are
noah: hahaha love u forever baby
dixie : love u more ๐Ÿค

dixies pov
from the past few days he has been so patient with me told me he loved me so much and he cared about me so much and the past days we have been fighting so those were not the best days so i decided to light up our mood and suprised a plan for him which was beach picnic we were deciding to for a beach picnic from many days but now i will suprise him

*it looked like this *
dixie : hey noah can u meet me at _____ beachย  at 1pm i have a suprise for you( my pov : i dont live in LA so idk any beach there so just imagine a beach )
noah : wait what ! ok i will be there where are u
dixie: i am here at the beach setting up the suprise for u
noah : ok alright bye love u
*around 12:30pm *
noahs pov
i have to leave for the beach so i will just get ready i just cant wait for what the suprise is i really want to know but i am just going there and i am so excited
*he reached there *
noah : ( i hugged her and said ) omg what !
dixie : did u like it ?
noah : i love it baby this is so pretty
*they shared a kiss*

dixies pov
we sat like this and enjoyed the moment we were spending together we talked about our lives and it was a really fun time and i was happy that he liked my suprise !

pls vote and comment some ideas what should i do next cause i am literally out of ideas:'(
