7 Do you remember me?

He whispered into my ear: "You were the girl at the airplane. Your advice made me hope in hard situations and I was looking for you for such a long time. I have a lot of questions," he smiled at me as his brothers were calling him. "But I think we will have the possibility to talk about them later." I couldn't believe it. He remembered me and my name oh my god?! Just don't faint, just don't faint I told myself. Behave normally and don't forget to tell him about the fireworks.

When he turned around I said: " Michael?" I waited until he looked at me. "But be carefull when it comes to the fireworks, please. Trust me. Tell someone to place them a little more far away, please. I will tell you later why it's important." Michael first looked at me with wonder but then he smiled and nodded. "I will." His brothers were on the stage preparing everything and called him once again. He ran to them with such an elegance. Wow how was it  even possible to be and to move so flawless as an human being ?! I hoped that he hadn't noticed me fangirling over him. I wanted to behave normal in his presence.

"Michelle come on, we gotta do the sound check together and improve some imperfections on the stage", my coworker shouted. For a moment I've forgot that I was working for Pepsi today and just was in trance while thinking about Michael. Quickly I ran to him and he explained the details we were supposed to change. He told me that Klaus would come in half an hour to change something with the fireworks because Michael wasn't completely satisfied. I was so happy and was wondering if everything would go right. While we drank our Coffee in our break we could listen to Michael and his brothers preparing for the video recording for the commercial. Finally they started recording and everything looked perfectly fine.....
