Chapter 4

Its getting close to five and I'm not even ready yet. I sat here for the past forty minutes running through my closet of doom. I have so much stuff but most of them are old. Since the move, I hasn't been able to go wardrobe shopping. My main focus was to 'settle in' before anything else. Alicia Keys boomed through my mother's stereos followed by the smell of pine sol made way to my room. I couldn't think straight. I know I am taking this visit to seriously but I can't help it. I am getting this funny feeling in my stomach to which I can't describe it. My legs feel like noodles my heart won't stop racing. I guess this is to be expected from someone like me. I am a plus sized anti-social black female with curly hair and freckles. I dress like a tomboy in all black. And the more I think about it, the more things makes sense. He doesn't like me that way, I thought. He is just being nice, trying to show a follow artist his talent, that is all. You are just blowing this out of proportion. 

I can tell myself such things but in reality I don't really know. To which is the reason why I keep pacing back and forth in my room having a panic attack on what to wear. 

"Nu-nu..." My mom's voice interrupted my inner thinking.

"Yeah ma?" I said. Giving up, grabbing a pair of black leather pants with a black silk button up top. I love this shirt because of the beautiful diamond buttons and the Capricorn symbol on the color that shimmer a stream of silver.

"You gonna eat before you leave? I know its getting late and knowing you, you will be staying out." She said swerving her thick hips to the song, snapping her fingers and bobbing her head.

"Nah I am good I will eat when I get back I won't be staying out tonight." I said laughing a little by her dancing. She is like an old woman trying her best to drop it like its hot but knowing if she does, she won't get back up. 

"Alright now... I expect you to be home at a decent time then. It ain't safe out in these streets no more. And I'll be damned if something happen to my oldest child." Momma was always this way, very protective. The fear of letting her kids face the world was too great. She saw too much to even let us learn but then in due time she finally let us free. But always she would say 'use what I taught you and the most important thing to remember to never let no body use you.' I wanted so badly to say 'you should have let us stayed in Oklahoma but I rather hold my tongue before getting my teeth knocked out for speaking out of term. 

After getting dressed and getting my hair in place I walked over to my mom giving her a nice peck on the cheek. She wrapped her chunky arms around me speaking into my hair. "I love you baby stay safe.." she kissed my afro causing me to whine.

"Uugh...moooooommm no. You don't know how long it took me to get it like this. Now you messed it all up." I said looking in the mirror puffing up parts of my hair fixing the curls.

"Oh girl hush up. If you went and got your damn hair straighten like I told you to do then you won't be struggling right now." She said dancing off back into her room. In the mixture of pine sol I could easily smell the weed that came from her room. She sing louder to the song causing me to wince a little.

"Looks like a girl, but she's a flame

So bright, she can burn your eyes

Better look the other way
You can try but you'll never forget her name
She's on top of the world
Hottest of the hottest girls say
Oh, we got our feet on the ground
And we're burning it down
Oh, got our head in the clouds
And we're not coming down".

She was singing one of my favorite songs and she was ruining it. Shaking my head I walked out the door heading to the bus stop. It didn't take me long to hit downtown to head over to the light rail. Running down the steps I could hear the train departing. I swore under my breath running to the bottom of the steps chasing it down but it was too late. I was now left alone in the quiet station. 

I plopped down on the bench looking around. Empty. Not a near being in sight. The only sound were the power working in the room behind me and cars moving right above me. I reached in my bag pulling out my headphones. Checking my phone to see the time I sighed. The next train wont be arriving until the next thirty minutes. I whipped out my sketch pad finishing up my main character who I adore so much. I named her Sia, the creator. She live the perfect life unlike me. She have it all, the perfect boyfriend, friends and family. She live in a lovely big house with a white husky she call Lady. 

I was drawing the outline of her hips before someone plopped down right next to me. He sat there cross legged staring ahead. At first I would think creepy. The man was awkwardly staring at nothing, I couldn't help but to stare. As if he felt my eyes upon him he would turn slowly and looked at me. He had green eyes with skin the color of chocolate. His hair was cut low and nice and he wore an all black suit with an Aries symbol on his tie.  He was very handsome for an older guy... breathtakingly gorgeous. But his face expression was hard and stern, serious at most. I think he do not like me staring at  him.

"You know, it is very rude to stare rather than to say hi." He said. His voice was strong and smooth like Kahiem's but his sounded a little more, darker? I simply looked away before nervously clearing my throat. I sat back and stared at my picture as I mumbled under my breath.

" bad..." He simply chuckled before speaking again.

"An exquisite peace of art, love." I cocked a brow before turning my eyes back to him. Shockingly the man had a smile upon his face. My god he had white teeth, so clean. "As in unique. You never heard of the term dear?"

"Yeah I know what that meant but you called me love..." I said, rubbing the thumb against my nose, a very bad habit of mines. 

"Hmph, it's formal for me for those of whom I do not know." Okay this guy is talking alien, I thought. I shifted my weight adding a little more shading to her skin.

"Well, word of advice sir. Don't call random women 'love'. It's...weird",  I said..scrunching up my nose. He laughed again standing up as the train approached. I sighed. 'Crap he has to take the same train as me?' I mentally spoke, placing my things back in my bag before standing up. We both walked inside and took a seat. My destination was only three stops ahead. Hopefully I will get off before him. I felt him sat behind, his eyes on the back of my head. To which that wasn't the thing that made me feel uncomfortable. It was like I was being pulled into him. Like something deep inside of me wanted to turn around and I don't know, be next to him. In a kind of way, he felt like a powerful being to me. Yes I know, maybe its because I watch to much anime or read to many books but I couldn't help but to get this uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach.

My stop came and I quickly walked off the train. I arrived at Kahiem's building looking down at the sheet of paper. Fourth floor apartment number 410. I was about to head to the elevator when the security guard at the desk stopped me.

"Excuse me miss. May I see your ID? You have to sign in." She said. She had brown curly hair and dark skin. She was a chubby woman maybe in her mid thirties. I gave it to her watching as she wrote down my name. "What apartment number?"

"410..." I said. She handed back my card and told me to go ahead up stairs. Didn't take me long before I was now standing in front of Kahiem's door. I lightly knocked and the nob turned, the door swinging open. There he stood with a small smile on his face. He stepped to the side allowing me to come in. I took my time gazing around the house but what caught my eye was the amazing out plastered all over his walls. 

I saw pictures that look straight out of manga, comics, and alot of other art such as abstract art, pictures of egyptian art and many more. His home was amazing to be a studio apartment. "You hungry?" He asked me. I simply nodded picking up my jaw as I took a seat on his black leather couch. I watched him head into the kitchen taking out some steak from the fridge. 

"You can cook?" I asked him a bit surprised.  Not many men can cook from experience of those who I know. My old best friend Tony couldn't whip a pot of spaghetti even if his life depended on it.

Kahiem gave me  a bright smile added with a chuckle. "Heh uhhh you can say that", He said. He placed the steak onto a plate grabbing pepper, meat tenderizer, unions  and peppers. I can almost drool as I would think on how he was going to make a great meal. "My mother was a great cook back in the day. She taught me many things before she passed away. 

When I looked at him as he cut the unions and peppers I saw a bit of a look in his eyes. Pain, perhaps he was sadden from the lose of his mother or could maybe living that exact moment as we spoke. I stood up opening the cabinets searching for something to change the subject. He looked at me a bit confused. 

"What are you doing girl?"

"Trying to find some barbecue sauce and honey this can't just be plain. My mother taught me a few things as well" I said looking at him from the corner of my eye. He just put up his hands in surrender and shook his head. 

"Aight, Ms. Chef Nitefall. Do your thing."


Hey Everyone I know I am late for the update but I have been super busy. Alot has been going on in my life even as we speak but the reason why I updated a chapter was because alot of people is reading this. When I saw that i was overjoyed and it gave me a reason to continue this story. I was gonna quit to be honest but its been bothering me for months. I have written so many stories but  i have never finished them. This will be my very first finished story. Keep commenting, voting and supporting. Tell me what do you guys think about the story so far. What do you think about Kahiem? There will be slow posting for each chapter, the story is already written but editing upon what the readers what to see. But please do enjoy...btw The pic is also Envy. ^^
