
Today we left L.A and headed out to Oregon. I wasn't as excited to go here just because I found L.A much nicer. Saying that, I've never actually been here before so I shouldn't judge it.

Koby still had that attitude on him and as much as I tell him to stop, he doesn't listen. I'm not sure what has made him behave this way but boy was I losing my temper with it. Considering he has been acting like this, it has put me in a bad mood which is never good for anyone, especially the paps at the airport.

We were running super late so as soon as I had everything packed up, I made my way towards the door. I turned around, waiting for Koby to go out first but he just sat on his suitcase, arms folded.

"Move it, now!" I said, losing my patience

"I don't want to go"

"Sadly you don't make the decision to stay or go, so get moving" I huffed

He still didn't move. Dear god. Have kids they said, it'll be fun they said!

"Right then I will get Amy to take you back to New York and you can go back to school tomorrow" I told him, walking out the room

"No!" He shouted, storming out the room

Knew that would work. He didn't even have school this week anyway. When I knocked for Theo and Amy, we all began to head downstairs to the car that was waiting.


We were now on the plane, it took just over 2 hours to get there so it wasn't too bad. Since everyone was watching a movie, I decided on texting Chloe.

Chloe: Good morning! How're you today?


Beca: weird, i was about to message you! morning has been pretty shit, to be honest, how are you?

Chloe: Oh. How come? Also, I am good!

Beca: kids.

Chloe: Ah I see! Being a pain?

Beca: just a tad. not sure what is going on with him but i will talk with him tonight.

Chloe: Good luck! Any plans for today?

Beca: work, again. you?

Chloe: I'm just taking a wander around my town, thinking about going to the local coffee shop to just read and have a drink.

Beca: sounds relaxing. wish i could be alone for a few hours

Chloe: Maybe find some time today and just have an hour by yourself?

Beca: i might try, i have meetings most the day though.

Chloe: Jam-packed day by the sounds of it?

Beca: yeah, like always.

Chloe: Hope you get to have some downtime. It's nice to get away from the stress and just relax on your own without anyone else having to bug you. The park and the lake are by far my favourite places to go.

Beca: there is a park by my house that i love going to. just take the dog and some music, get away from it all for a little while. it helps.

Chloe: It always helps to have time for yourself!

Beca: true, wish i could do it more often

Chloe: Doesn't have to be outside, even having a bubble bath or a nice long shower helps.

Beca: i don't do bubble baths but i do love long showers!

Chloe: Weird, bubble baths are so relaxing

Beca: baths in general, bathing in your own filth?

Chloe: How dirty do you think people get?

Beca: reminded me of chandler off friends who hates bubble baths

Chloe: I love friends! Also, you are Chandler! Except he ended up loving baths...

Beca: true, that won't happen with me.

Chloe: Maybe one day.

Beca: probably not

Chloe: Hmm.

I didn't reply to that message since we would be landing soon, plus my phone was on 20% and it had to last me until I got to our hotel. Even though me and Theo had to leave straight away, I could at least grab my portable charger.

"Prepare to land soon guys" George says

I grabbed my laptop from the table, shutting it off and placing it in my bag. Koby just grumbled and put his seatbelt on. I swear the attitude on him today, is annoying me. He has never acted like this so I haven't ever dealt with it before.

"Traffic to the hotel is quite bad so we are going to have to head straight over to see Ed's management Bec" Theo told me

"But my phone is dying" I pouted, making him laugh

"You can borrow my portable charger"

"This is why you're my best friend" I said

"Just me and you Kobe. We'll get some ice cream before heading to the hotel" Amy told him

He only nodded, looking out the window. I mouthed for Amy to talk with him before I got back and she nodded. Maybe he would talk to Amy better.


Beca: think i might have to take your advice and have an hour to myself, i'm about to go insane.

Chloe: Have fun! Text me if you want someone to talk with. Don't stress too much.

How is she so positive about everything. It was nice to hear since I wasn't like that. I had just finished the last meeting of the day and was just a tad stressed. Amy had taken Koby to get ice cream since they didn't go earlier. Since they would be about an hour, I decided to take a walk near our hotel. I just needed an hour to myself.

"Im going to take a walk" I sighed, looking at Theo

"You have no idea where you're going?!"

"I have google maps, it'll be fine" I told him

He didn't bother saying anything else, he knows I'd go. I smiled at him and said I would see him later. Hopping out of the car, I began to walk down the road, headphones in. After walking for about 10 minutes, I came across a small coffee shop on the corner.

I ordered a black coffee and sat in the corner, it wasn't busy in here thankfully. Nobody noticed me anyway considering I had my hood up and sunglasses on. I probably looked like I lived on the streets but whatever...

@//becamitchell: this is definitely me at the moment...

Since I didn't have anything to read with me, I decided on texting Chloe. She was the only person I actually to the most on text.

Beca: hey, can we talk? i am alone and trying to de-stress!

Chloe: Of course, always here to talk.

Beca: i've noticed. all you do is work?

Chloe: True, I am actually out of my house today for once. I decided on going for that drink

Beca: no book?

Chloe: I was but then you began texting me.

Beca: oh, sorry! you should go back to it

Chloe: Don't be sorry, I would rather talk with you.

Beca: really?

Chloe: Any day!

Beca: that made me smile, god how soppy does that sound!

Chloe: Very but I am glad I made you smile. Sound like you need a smile after being stressed.

Beca: thank you chloe. i really enjoy talking with you, i can actually tell you whatever without you caring. it's nice to have someone who is up for a good rant!

Chloe: I enjoy talking with you too! Glad a simple David Guetta tweet got us talking!

Beca: the power of twitter

Chloe: That is very true!

Beca: i should be getting back home. i want to have a shower and get some dinner.

Chloe: Of course, me too! Talk whenever you are free.

Before leaving, I took a photo of the coffee shop I was in since it was actually very cute. Plus, their coffee was amazing!


@// becamitchell: found a cute coffee shop today, their coffee was amazing.

I had just got back from dinner with everyone and we all decided to head to bed, just because it was nearly 9 PM and for some reason, we were all tired.

"Mum I want that" Koby told me, pointing to some game on the TV

"Suggest you start saving then" I told him

"Why won't you buy it"

"You think I am going to buy a $400 game after the attitude you've had the last few days?"

"Yes" He sighed

"Think again Koby"

He was about to say something when I cut him off.

"No. You can listen to me now. I am not sure what is going on with your behaviour at the moment but it needs to stop, I've had enough of the bad attitude towards me and everyone else. You've never been like this and I certainly didn't raise you to act like this"

"I miss daddy! I miss our special days out" He said, bursting into tears

"I miss him too Koby, so much but it isn't a reason for you to act like this. He is always looking out for you but he also didn't raise you to be like this. Make him proud Kobe and stop acting out. It isn't you. Where has my caring and polite little man gone?"

"Here" He sniffed sadly

He climbed onto my bed and gave me a hug.

"Right we promised Theo an early breakfast so get some sleep okay? I love you" I said, kissing his forehead

"Love you mummy"

I smiled as he kissed my cheek, going over to his bed. Before I headed to sleep too, I checked my phone. I checked my main Twitter account before going over to my private one. I had a few notifications for random people but I just went through the feed instead.

@/ bellabitch: I was in the same coffee shop as Beca Mitchell? How didn't I see her? Life hates me....

Excuse me?
