Episode 2: Toodles and Quoodles' Runaway Railway!

Plot: Toodles and Quoodles are off on a perfect picnic with Boodles in tow. But once Engineer Goofles tries to follow the three on a train, quite an odd mishap happens. And soon enough, Boodles ends up on Goofles' now broken-down train. Will Boodles and Goofles ever catch up with their friends, or will a classic, zany, and cartoony adventure ensue in getting them there?
All: 🎶 What we would do without you-dles, Toodles?
What we would do without you? 🎶
Toodles: 🎶 But now that I'm here in Toodopolis, there's just so much more to do! 🎶

Boodles: 🎶 Like scaring! 🎶 BOO!
Goofles: 🎶 And goofing! 🎶 Whoa!
Quoodles: 🎶 And having some fun! 🎶
All: 🎶 No Toodles isn't the same than just one!
We're just living in our clubhouse, hanging under the sun!
And helping out with Mousketools for everyone!
So, what we would do without you-dles, Toodles?
We'll always be right here for you! 🎶

Toodles: 🎶 And now that I'm hanging out with oodles of Toodles... 🎶
Quoodles: 🎶 And Quoodles... 🎶
Boodles: 🎶 And Boodles... 🎶
Goofles: 🎶 And Goofles! 🎶 Hyuck!
All: 🎶 Every single day is always something new!
Oh, Toodles! 🎶
It was just another beautiful day in Toodopolis, and Toodles, Quoodles, and Boodles were all gathering their things. Why? Because they were all going to go on a perfect picnic together. "Alright, guys. We got everything?" Toodles asked. "Yes, Toodles, my dear. We do have everything." Quoodles nodded sternly.

"Not everything, or everyone for that matter." Boodles said as she had crept up on the two when they weren't looking, scaring them. "Oh, right. Almost forgot you, Boodles." Toodles said as he'd packed some boxes of grape juice for them all to share. "Okay, gang. Let's get this show on the road!"

Toodles: 🎶 Nothing can stop us now!
I'll tell you how we're gonna make it happen.
Let's take a ride!
And spend a day in the countryside. 🎶

Quoodles: 🎶 Good times are here to stay! 🎶
Boodles: Boo!
Quoodles: 🎶 We'll get away, and have a perfect picnic. 🎶

As Quoodles sang while putting the picnic basket into the trunk of their car, she accidentally stuffed Boodles inside, and slammed the door down on her.

Quoodles: 🎶 We'll sing a song.
And absolutely nothing will go wrong! 🎶
Boodles: Oh joy.

Toodles and Quoodles: 🎶 Now, we're heading down the open highway.
And I'm glad you're going my way.
Everything is just so peachy keen! 🎶

As the three rode in their car, they heard a train's whistle as Goofles came by in an engineer outfit, riding on a train. "Hey, Goofles!" Toodles greeted as Boodles rolled her eyes at the sight of the train. "Howdy!" Goofles replied, "Beautiful day for a picnic!" "Yep." Quoodles said with a sweet little grin, "We're off to Runamuck Park." "See y'all there!" Goofles waved goodbye as Toodles, Quoodles, and Boodles sped off on their way.

Toodles and Quoodles: 🎶 Nothing can stop us now!
I don't know how it could get any better.
We'll travel hand in hand
Across this wonderland.
Strike up the marching band,
Cause nothing can stop us now! 🎶

🎶 Nothing can stop us now!
I don't know how there could be any trouble! 🎶

Unfortunately for Boodles, as soon as they sang that, something did stop them (or at least her). Toodles and Quoodles' car hit a speed bump, causing her to fly up the air, grabbing onto the picnic basket. Boodles screamed for her life as she fell back onto the caboose on Goofles' train. Then, to make matters worse, a nice apple pie flew out of the basket and onto the smokestack of the train, frightening Goofles (who was busy suntanning as all the chaos happened).

As the train reached the inside of an old run-down barn, Boodles took cover under the seat of the caboose as the whole barn exploded with a huge BOOM! Once the smoke cleared, Boodles looked back up to find a gaping hole on the other side.

"Oh, hey! Didn't see you there, Boodles! Wanna take a ride on my train?" Goofles asked her. "Um...sure, I guess." Boodles replied nervously as she looked back at the big hole again, wondering to herself how it got there. "Excuse me for a moment." Goofles said as he looked towards the busted engine, "Hmm. You mind going up to the front row car while I fix this here locomotive?" "I suppose so, Goofles. I won't cause any harm up there." Boodles replied as she did so, "Then again, I am at least known for scaring people out of silliness and not out of death." She silently whispered to herself as Goofles got out a toolbox. "Thanks. Be done in a jiffy to take you to the park!" Goofles whooped as he got to work on the engine.

As Boodles got out of the front row car for a moment (she'd put her things aside so Goofles would know that's her spot), she looked around at all the strange things that surrounded Goofles' office. One picture had Goofles in the same engineer outfit he was wearing now, with the phrase "Employee Of The Month" written on the frame. Another hanging about had what looked to be a nice young-looking fellow with a mustache hopping onboard a train that read "Walt Disney Railroad" on it's sidecar. But the most shocking picture that Boodles laid her eyes on (and paid attention to the most) was a huge full-scale map of Toodopolis' historic Runamuck Park.

As Boodles looked upon the map in awe, Goofles calmly flew over and put his ear beside her. "Yep, Runamuck Park sure is beautiful. At least, when you really view it the right way." "Goofles, about that engine?" Boodles mentioned, reminding him about the explosion earlier. "Oh, I fixed it, alright." Goofles winked, gesturing over to the now-repaired engine, complete with a nice bow tie he'd put on, wrapping it into place.

As Boodles went back to the front row car, she put on her seatbelt and held on to a lap bar that Goofles had installed on all the cars (just in case things would go off the rails, which they'd soon would). With an "all aboard" from Goofles, and the train's whistle going off, Boodles held on tight as the two went back on track and off to Toodles and Quoodles' picnic.

While Goofles' train rode along the track, Boodles took a look around and saw what a lovely place Runamuck Park really was when seen in-person. Everything looked so alive and beautiful! The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and Boodles could even see a jazz-happy dapper quartet riding a tandem bike across the lane. The wondrous sights and glorious sounds of the park truly reminded Boodles of how happy she really was living in Toodopolis with her friends.

As the train rode inside of a tunnel, Goofles turned on a speaker inside the front row cart so Boodles could hear him. "Testing, testing! Is this thing on?!" He loudly hollered as Boodles shuddered from the sound, "Can y'all hear me out there in the back?" "I can hear you for MILES, Goofles. FOR MILES!" Boodles screamed as she suddenly calmed herself down from her little outburst of rage.

"Welcome aboard, Boodles!" Goofles declared as he pressed a button that opened up a little window on the locomotive, "Ready for a relaxing ride around the park?" "If by 'relaxing', you mean 'chaotic', then yes. I am set." Boodles sourly replied as she settled into her train car. Suddenly, Toodles and Quoodles' car drove in through another tunnel. In fact, it really looked like their car was riding right beside the train!

Toodles and Quoodles: 🎶 La la la la la la! 🎶

As the two were happily continuing their song, they spotted Goofles and Boodles. "Hi, Boodles!" Toodles ear-waved as Boodles sheepishly ear-waved back. "Hello there!" Quoodles blew a kiss as Boodles caught it with her ear and crushed it in protest. "Hiya, Goof!" Toodles said as he started to parallel-park the car. "Hey, Toods and Quoods!" Goofles greeted. "Be sure you take good care of Boodles for us." Toodles responded mid-park.

"Gawrsh! She's with me! What could possibly go wrong?" Goofles remarked as he pressed a button, causing the locomotive's window to close, "Welp, back to work!"

But of course, as soon as Goofles said "what could possibly go wrong", something did go wrong: right as Toodles parked the car near a small ledge, it accidentally hit a track switch, causing it spin around wildly til it landed on the right side—and NOT the left!

"Oh no! I must've hit that TRACK SWITCH!" Toodles dramatically yelled as Goofles' locomotive disconnected from the other cars, causing them to separate. Heck, even as the front row car's speaker disconnected, Boodles could even hear Goofles singing an oh-so-appropriate song to himself:

Goofles: 🎶 I've been workin' on the railroad,
allllll the live-long dayyyyyy!!!! 🎶

"Goofles, wait!" Quoodles said as he was now long out of earshot. "This is ALL MY FAULT!" Toodles cried as he slammed his face on the car horn. As the train cars separated in all the cartoony chaos, Boodles held onto the picnic basket and her car's lap bar really tightly as it started to swerve out of control.

"Oh no!" Quoodles yelled, "She's jumping the track!" "Quoodles, let's get Boodles and stop that runaway train!" Toodles declared as the action (and Boodle's car) stopped for a moment.

Quoodles tried starting the car back up, but once it did, it went in reverse instead of forward, which only made Boodles start to chuckle a little as her car exited the tunnel and drove into...the Wild West?

As Boodles and the rest of the cars swerved and spun all around the desert, Toodles and Quoodles ended up following on horseback. "Don't let them get away!" Quoodles warned as she almost got to Boodles' car. "Not a chance!" Toodles declared as he tried to reach for Boodles' ear. That only ended up making things worse, as off the two went. Through a lot of tumbling out of the road and onto a string of balloons, they then found themselves floating up high in the air.

Next thing Boodles knew, the cars twisted and turned through a carnival where a whole lot was happening at once: a bunch of kids were in line for the funhouse ride, fairgoers were bouncing their butts off on the bounce house, and even Donald Doodles was running a popcorn stand, fiddling with the butter as he accidentally squirted some into his eye.
