Love 1 - With This Act, I

☆ Ichimatsu Special ☆

Ichimatsu was standing at the other side of the door, pondering if he should stay to listen to their conversation or leave to be with his cat friends. Cat friends never betray anyone anyway. Ichimatsu leaves the house to find his cat friends.

He could still feel the tingling sensation at his knuckles from yesterday - the punch he delivered to Karamatsu as he was pissed as hell as his own brother had dared to lie to him. The nerve.

"..Tsk!" Ichimatsu clicked his tongue as he kicked a nearby trash can and earning himself a few stares from the crowd. It wasn't like he cared - he doesn't ever - and definitely not that he wanted attention from any of them.

He wanted Karamatsu to notice him, but not this way. Karamatsu might be a total ditz but he is, of course, manly in his own ways. However, Ichimatsu is much more manlier than him in anything he does and there will be no questions asked. None.

Ichimatsu sat by one of his cat friends and just stared at the city through the alley. How utterly disgusting. Couples were pouring out of nowhere like nobody's business and there he was, looking as if he was coupled with a cat. It wasn't that he minded, though, but he must preferred a

"Ichimatsu?" A familiar NEET voice came from the city and to the alley. It sounded like his big brother, Osomatsu. Osomatsu had always been an asshole so he never liked mingling with the likes of him.


"Oh come on, don't ignore me, Ichi!" Osomatsu grumbled disapppintingly.

"Leave me alone." Ichimatsu growls at his older brother, slightly irritated that his relaxing time is ruined by Osomatsu.

"Aww fine. I'll just go find Karamatsu then." Osomatsu pretended to walk away as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"...Do whatever you want." Ichimatsu growls again before transforming into his cat form and jumping away to another alley. Why is going to another brother his business to begin with? He didn't care much.

It wasn't like Osomatsu could do anything bad to Karamatsu. Even if he did, how bad could it be? Karamatsu had taken shit from the brothers, even Ichimatsu himself. Shit that could hurt people in the inside so bad that you would want to...

'I'm trash,' Ichimatsu thought to himself as he landed on a building's rooftop. He sits down and grips tightly onto his unique purple hoodie that he had.


"I-I-sniff-matsu..!! What are you doing here...?"

"No, why are you doing here?"

"N-nothing buraza. Bloody nose, you know! Cool things happen to me, even accidents!"

Ichimatsu still remembers his brother's terrified face, posture and the cold sweat dripping down his face. Pure Terror. He had struck pure terror into Karamatsu's soul.

'I'm...I'm so disgusting...' Ichimatsu thought as he starts fantasizing about Karamatsu's scared face. The brothers had all the same faces and yet... Ichimatsu liked Karamatsu's scared look the most.

Ichimatsu tried being scared with his own face but to no avail. Karamatsu's face just does it for him. He didn't know why, really. It's not like Karamatsu would mind, right? He wanted Karamatsu Girls, so why not a Karamatsu boy like Ichimatsu himself?


Probably won't happen. Their relationship is too complicated. He could actually try kidnapping Karamatsu and locking him up forever in an apartment only they know but it isn't much fun if the other party is terrified of you all the time.

However, no one would probably care if Karamatsu went missing, right? The brothers didn't even went to pay for Karamatsu's ransom money when he got kidnapped by Chibita, much less go find him. This would be no problem, right? An easy task, right?

Ichimatsu sighs as he rubs his temples roughly. His head hurt from just thinking about that. Trash like him aren't supposed to think that hard. He is a NEET for god's sake! He jumps off the building and lands perfectly on the ground like how a cat would land on their feet and not get hurt.

It was time to go home.

He walks as slowly as possible though. He didn't want to see his bastard brothers that fast.


Karamatsu rushes out of the house and took big steps each time. He avoids Ichimatsu's gaze so Ichimatsu had to grab his arm instead to catch his attention.

"...What is-"

"Don't, TOUCH ME!" Karamatsu slaps his brother's hands away as he stomps off and disappears into the crowd of citizens. Karamatsu's face was red and filled with snot and tears. Ichimatsu was starting to crack. He was furious.

Ichimatsu swung open the door violently as he stomps into the living room where all his brothers were. All of his brothers had the same look of terror. They were afraid and shocked. Osomatsu was holding Karamatsu's fashion magazine in his hands but it fell onto the floor the moment Ichimatsu enters the room.

"Would anyone care to explain to me,"

The Matsu brothers swallows hard as Ichimatsu continues his sentence.

"What, the fuck just happened with Karamatsu just now?"
