❄️First Day eh (BOO)❄️

Scorpio Part
"SIS WAKE UP COME"Yelled my little Tamia jumping on top of me She was 16 and I'm 18 oh how rude of me,Hey I'm Scorpio Dixon my Dad own Apple and my mum a stay at home Mum. I have 16 siblings,you must be thinking WOAH your mum and dad are CRAY but they adopted half of the kids so thanks LORD.and I'm not the oldest the oldest is Josh and Taylor They're 21.AGH I'm off topic so today I'm going to college for Hero's and Villian training in America.

I live in America,My home state M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N. Michigan you must be thinking I feel bad for you but the is only a 2 hour flight hehe well anyway I need to Pack ✌🏽.

Cancer Part
"CANCER WAKE THE HELL UP"I heard my older sister yelled That's right I Five older sisters and yes my life is a living hell. Hi I'm Cancer and no,not the disease Cancer I'm just named after a Zodiac I wish my name was Crab, but I'm not any I got ready for college and I open my window to my neighbor Scorpio dancing in her room and packing. Then opened her window and talked to me

"Stare much"she said brushing her long black half blue hair "Nope,but I'm packing"I said sitting at my bay widow and her sitting at her's "For what"she said


Scorpio Part
"College"He said
"Which one"I said crossing my arms then braiding my long ass hair into genie braid, I braided my hair in a bubble braid all the way to my butt it's hard but easy. I continued to pack and to talk to Cancer

"So then my sister ran into the wall"Cancer said still packing too "Woah you finished your hair quick"
"Hey,you get used to braiding after 3 years of long hair"I said finishing packing up and her does to.

We walk out the door waving to our families then to the airport

Pisces Part
I woke up to the smell of pancakes since I'm the only child I also woke up to my husky that was gray with white very cute. I put a crop
top pink top and some pink leggings, I already packed so I said bye and went to the plane ride. I sat next to a boy and a girl the girl had a bubble braid and was mixed and the other was a ginger and had freckles. And I said
"Hi,I'm Pisces I'm going to Heroes and Villans"

"You are too, hi I'm Scorpio and that's Cancer" the girl said and I noticed the girl had two toned hair like Melanie Martinez one of my FAV artists so I ask her

"Hey is your hair based off of Melanie Martinez"I asked

"Ya I love her,they call me crybaby crybaby-" and right before she starts singing the full blow song a girl with blue long hair started singing
"We're GOING trip on a ship in our favorite rocket ship zooming though the sky little Einstein's" then Scorpio and Cancer joined in and sang it all louder
"WERE GOING ON A SHIP IN OUR FAVORITE ROCKET SHIP ZOOMING THOUGH THE SKY EINSTEINS I PEOPLE". Then before we all knew it everyone was singing it even the elderly and adults.

After The Plane Ride on Delta because they the da best I love them anyway

Scorpio Part
When I walked in and went to the gym I noticed they put hand cuffs on me and not anyone else that's weird then I met up with cancer who was also walking to the gym. "Hey Cancer". "Oh hey Scorpio why are you handed cuffed" "I don't know they would tell me" I said trying to scratch my head "Need to scratch your head" Said Cancer chuckling "Yes can you itch it for me"I said pouting and doing puppy dog eyes "Fine you got me"He said then itched my head as we reached the gym

"FINALLY WE MADE IT"cancer yelled putting all eyes on him and me then we laughed and got to our seats

Leo Part
As I walked to my seat I heard

"FINALLY WE MADE IT"putting all eyes on the ginger and two toned hair girl and boy and they sat next to me YAY new friends

"Hi, I'm Leo I'm new are you?" If you're trying to make friends always tell your status

"Oh yeah we're new too I'm a Hero and She's a Villian"said cancer who I start he was kind of hot to. As we got into a conv and so we talked until


Great even the headmaster is Mean

After they got their dorms

Libra Part
As I saw everyone was gone I had a tear in my eye I had everything but going to college anyway. Hey I'm Libra a nice friendly 18 year old who just got into college but because I have to leave-

"KIDS FOLLOW ME, GUARDS GO BY SCORPIO" then I noticed that a mixed girl had handcuffs and a like a taser if you press a button I don't know. When we got somewhere it was a.......

Wait for it

No even warm




yeah a mansion I get to share a mansion with 12 other people how cool but anyway I have to un-pack Bye

Leo Part
Was we walked into the mansion we were all sent to our rooms my room looked like this

SO PINK I LOVE IT AHHHH I need to calm down anyway I noticed that there was a HUGE Tv that curved and stretch out wall to wall and our walls were pretty big I was about to watch when "KIDS FOLLOW ME"I heard Miss.Betty say and went to a room that looked like this

(DONT LOOK AT THE HOUSE). And it has Targets for god knows what and I saw miss Betty again
"OK,today you will be testing your powers. First I need Scorpio."

Scorpio Part
"OK,today you will be testing your powers. First need Scorpio." What why me
"So you all saw suicide squad right" everyone nodding
"Okay well Scorpio has the power or gift or whatever of duh duh duh Deadshot"

"Great now we're all dead"Said cancer rolling his eyes playful then Betty said

"Do you know how to use a gun right"she said that worrying "Yeah,my dad taught me when I was 4"then everyone stepped back for when I just blushed "You never told me that"Said cancer stepping back even more when just walked up to Betty and took the Gun.
"Okay So Scorpio I need you to look at that target then shoot" "Okay that sounds easy" I said nodding then I shoot and I hit the target??
This is the video how it went down

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then it was Leo turn

Leo Part
Then it was after Scorpio it was time for me Cool right I am HAPPY I need my power Powers rules

"Okay Miss.Leo your power is FIRE" Said Miss Betty "That sounds BORING"I said it in the same way she did "Just start doing your power or whatever"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"WOAH,now that's a power"I said looking at my hands of what I just did
"Remind me to never mess with you and Scorpio"Said Cancer "Oh you'll know not to mess with me pretty boy"Scorpio making her long ass bubble braid into a high ponytail man I wish I had long hair down to feet.

"Okay Kids now it's time for Cancer's Power"Said Betty "Your just like doctor Who"then I heard Scorpio chuckle a little then I giggle and a of the kids snicker.

Cancer Part
Doctor who just great my dreams are dead WHY. Oh Miss Betty is calling for my power

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"AHHH"I heard scream from Gemini has we saw her hair now hair "CANCER WHATEVER THE HELL OF YOUR NAME IS WHEN ITS MY TURN WITH MY POWER IM GOING TO KILL"I Cancer running away with Gemini chasing me "Oh dear"said miss Betty "Okay Virgo your power is you can talk to animals and even plants" "Oh so I'm Sofia the first" and Virgo rolled this eyes and started talking to a Bunny "GUYS I HAVE A PET"Shouted Virgo has we all ran over well not Gemini and Me

"Aww the bunny so CUTE"I Pisces giggle out has we all had turns to pet the bunny and It was SUPER cute
