
Dirty Dancer?" Alex questioned. She bursts into laughter. She thinks the name is ridiculous.

I rolled my eyes. I don't know why Justin called me that nor do I understand whats so funny about it. I mean why would he even call me that? I'm just a dancer..

But I will be doing dirty dances with him soon..

"Oh shut up. Would you?" I said with a hint of annoyance. I crossed my arm over my chest.

"Alright alright." Alex says as her laughing fades but more laughter creeps up. She hugs me trying to apologize for laughing. "Okay okay! Ill stop." Alex says and she stops laughing.. "I wonder what he would do to you. As in -and I quote- "dancing"." She winks, I started to think about it also.

What was me and Justin truly going to do? I started to anxious just by thinking of it ..

"What do you think he is going to do?" I asked. I am curious of Alex's response. She shrugged as her lips parted.

"Maybe while you guys are dancing he would maybe touch and turn you on." She winks. She always has jokes, I see.

"No. I'm not like Carly, giving in isn't my thing. He isn't my boyfriend anyway." I said, he may have Carly and Alice wrapped around his finger but he is most definitely not going to have me wrapped around his finger..

"He soon will." Alex mumbled and I pinched her. "Ow! Gosh take a joke Sydney."

"Don't call me by my middle name." I said.

"Whatever. But all Im saying is, just be careful with him. Like I said before, people do want to f*ck him repeatedly. You're known in the famous society now so dont do anything stupid with him. Okay?" She warns.

"Okay." I said nodding, taking her word for it.



"Lindsey! Your clothes are in your room go get dressed." I yelled. She nodded running with her towel wrapped around her body to her room.

A beep came from my phone and I grabbed my phone. I unlocked it, seeing a text message from my Mother.

'From Mom:

Gabrielle? Gabrielle? Gabrielle Sydney Anderson!!! You never told me you're dating a celebrity !"

'To Mom:

Im not. Hes my dancer teacher remember? & U never told me When you're going to pick up Lindsey to hang out with her..'

'From Mom:

We'll get her soon. Me & your Father need time alone. For...'

'To Mom:

Whatever and for what?'She was typing till she stopped and never texted me back which made me raise an eyebrow.

What is her point of typing then stopping..?

My phone started to ring. I quickly picked it up, it must be my mom. She needs to continue what she was trying to say.

"Hello? Mom what do you-"

"Gabri..." A voice trailed off sounding extremely familiar.

In realization, I knew who it was.. My heart was beating faster than ever.

No. It cant be.

"Brody?!" I yelled in anger.

How did he get ahold of my number? Why is all of a sudden contacting me?

It's been so long since I heard his voice. .

The pain and sadness that he caused to me started to surface. My eyes started to tear up a little..

I held in my tears. I'm stronger now, he won't break me.

"I just need like two minutes to explain why Im calling." He begged. Why does he need to explain himself? He did enough explaining when he broke up with me. My leg started to shake in anger.

Their is so many mixed emotions I am feeling right now..

"How did you get my number?!" I yelled. Just by talking to him gets me annoyed ,Brody and I are not friends.

He better remember that.

"I got my ways." He said.

I felt like I wanted to scream but I have to be the bigger person.

"You've got two minutes."

"Okay. Explain, why you are dating Justin Bieber?" He asked.

Why is everyone saying that! Two friends can't hold hands?

He must've seen me on the news. .

"Im not! We're friends. Hes my dance teacher!" I yell.

He said he needs to explain himself yet he's asking me questions.. I don't need to explain myself at all..

"You don't need to yell." He said flatly, is he serious?

"I'm yelling at you because of what you done to me!"

This cheating bastard doesn't even deserve my time no more. Forget being a bigger person..

I don't need to waste my time talking to him.. I have better things to do..

"Why were you guys holding hands?" He asks once again yet I already answered him. "Hello Gabb-" I hung up before he could ever finish his sentence .

I rubbed my temples walking back to Lindsey, who was all dressed up ready for school.

Im not going to be stuck with Brody again..

Never again...


I and Alex walked to the studio steadily, we were talking about Brody and about the "dancing" me and Justin are going to do.

She is pretty shock that Brody even had the audacity to call me.. But I didn't want to continue discussing Brody with her.. Brody is my past..

"You know people are waiting for your first tweet." She stated trying to light up the subject. I am already tensed up about the Brody subject..

I hummed not caring much of social media. I really dont get on social media, its really not my thing.

"Well Justin followed you back though."

"Ugh. Im not tweeting nothing." I stated.

"You should." Alex said opening the door of the studio causing my stomach to twist with nervousness.

I walked in seeing Justin wink at me. I weakly smile then quickly speed away to the dressing room.

"I see you and Justin have a little chemistry together." Alice says and my smile fades. I don't really talk to Alice and her even talking to me about Justin is rare. . "You and him are in the news. I wonder why he would want you." She spat, I rolled my eyes.

There's no chemistry going on with me and Justin. Is she angry that he isn't giving her attention? He isn't grinding up on her no more or something..?

"Excuse me, open books not legs, blow minds not di.cks."

Alice rolls her eyes in annoyance. Her hazel/gray eyes glares at me in disgust..

I do adore her eyes, she has Heterochromia, which means her both of her eyes are a different color. One was gray and the other was hazel.

But her as a whole person, I do not adore.

"Are you just jealous because Justin is paying attention to me not you?" I asked.

"A bit sassy are you? But Justin doesn't do sassy he does sexy and Im the sexy one."

I got up and left because I didn't have time for her. I need to get ready for rehearsal.


After dance, everything goes smoothly and I start to pack my things.

"Nope you're not going anywhere." Alex smirks. "Remember?" I groan and put my bag down. "See you at your house." Alex says then leaves.

That was it. All the dancers were gone and I felt sick to my stomach. I sat down on the wooden bench waiting to see Justin.

He walks out his office with a music player.

He puts it down, looking at me.

"This is a warm up." He announces, I stood with ease.

I am nervous but I am ready for this deal.

He presses the play button. He makes his way to me. I am trying to focus on my breathing, hoping I don't panic.

He grabs both of my hands, his hands soft and warm. He slowly moves his hands onto my waist but I move away.

I wasn't used to this in a long time. I'm not used to this touch..

"No." I scold.

"Hmm you're not use to people touching you like that?" He said darkly, he bits his lower lip. He grips me tighter pulling me onto him..

The air is hot and suffocating. I felt breathless.

His body pressed onto mine. The skin to skin contact causing me to gasp.

I gulp looking at him in the eyes. A small smirk forms into his lips.

"I used to." I said. I am abit skittish.

"Just relax." He said as we move in sync. I watch his dance movements, "Slow dance."

Our bodies so close I bet he could hear my heart beating so fast, "Even though we are in sweats set the mood. Put your head on my shoulder." He said.

I did as I was told, his Armani cologne scent filled my nostrils which caused me relax a bit. "Now I'm going South. So relax." I was confused of what he meant but once his hands were on my I knew what he meant.

His grip on my tight.

I tensed up a bit. "Relax babe." My lips parted to say something but he shushed me. Babe?

I pulled my head away from his shoulder to face him. His eyes are a gorgeous honey brown and his lips kissable.

The only thing I see is Justin leaning in and I couldn't believe I was leaning too. "Alright were done for today." He said.

Then he pushed away.

What the actual f.uck?!

He puts me in this mood then just brushes me off.

"That's it?" I asked nonchalantly yet I knew in my mind, there's nothing to be nonchalant about.

"Yes. Today was just a warm up." He said.

Warm up my . .

I wanted more..

This deal is really pathetic if he is going to do these 1 minute dances. These are basically teasers..

"Hmm." I said . I grab my things then leave..



I want you and my future readers to be able to read my book smoothly..

Thank you.**

