Ep 47: Elvis returns...

Digimon adventure
I do not own digimon
I do not own any of the characters
I do not own the script
Digimon is owned by Toaianimation
I only own Skylar and a few other fan made characters

A black cloud formed in the sky.

Ogremon is shown running away from a pack of Woodmon.

Ogremon turns around to face them.

Ogremon: get away from me you pile of Woodmon. I know your tricks. You pretend to be trees and then absorb the energy from unsuspecting Digimon as they pass by.

Ogremon beats them away with his bone club.

Ogremon: This is your last warning.

The Woodmon surronded him.

Ogremon: Alright you asked for it. How many Woodmon can a Ogremon chuck? If an Ogremon could chuck Woodmon? Pummel whack!

The blast of energy knocks a few of the Woodmon down.

Ogremon starts running for his life again. The Woodmon were right on his tail.

Ogremon: They sure run fast for tree stumps.


Mimi, Joe and I sat on a pinic blanket with out digimon.

Gomamon and Labramon were eating away happily on vegatables we found earlier. Palmon was looking over sadly at Mimi. I look up from my food at Mimi. I was worried about my friends. And I know she didn't want to fight anymore because she didn't want people to get hurt because of her.

Mimi: Joe, Skylar. Can I tell you guys something....?

Me: Sure, what is it Mimi. You can tell us anything.

Joe: (nods) What?

Mimi: I hope I wasn't to selfish for saying I didn't want to fight anymore...

I placed a hand on her shoulder.

Me: (smiling) Mimi that doesn't make you selfish. In a matter in fact that just shows how much of a sincere person you are. You worry about other people above yourself, and that doesn't show cowardness. You are a wonderful person Mimi.

Joe: Skylar's right. I don't think you were selfish. In fact I think you were pretty brave. What you said was true. Fighting just leads to more fighting and then nothing gets resolved. My brother Jim used to say the same thing after he got beat up. (Joe looks up in the sky)

Mimi: Joe? What is it Joe?

Labramon looks at him weirdly.

Labramon: Did you hear something?

Joe: It's nothing...Never mind.

Gomamon: Joe...

Joe: What?

Gomamon: Don't keep things bottle up inside. It's not healthy.

Joe stands up.

Joe: don't tell me about not being healthy. I have been not healthy for my whole life. So I should be an expert, and if I want to keep things bottled up I will.

Me: Joe that's a little harsh... Gomamon is only worried about you.

Gomamon: Yeah...wow Joe. It looks like someone needs a timeout in the corner. I was just trying to lend a friendly ear.

Joe: I know you were Gomamon. I'm sorry buddy.

I look down sadly at my crest. Did the dark masters really have a huge hold on my friends? Even though we were separated from Tai and Matt. We were still arguing...I was supposed to bear the crest of justice...and I'm doing a terrible job.

A tear stream down my face. Labramon look at me with worry in his face.

Labramon: Skylar?

Before Labramon could say anything else a dark cloud appeared above us.

All of us: Huh?

Palmon: What is that thing?

Joe: It looks like a meteorite!

The fire ball of rock was starting to fall towards the ground.

Me: That doesn't look good...

Joe: No kidding! It's coming this way!


Ogremon turns around quickly.

Ogremon: I can't get rid of you guys. Your not trees, your weeds. It can't end like this...Not before I beat Leomon. Huh?

Ogremon sees the huge heating rock in the sky.

Ogremon: What in the world?

The Woodmon run for cover.

The huge rock crushed all of the Woodmon. Ogremon was thrown backwards by the force of the impact.

Ogremon: Ahh!!!

Ogremon was thrown into a ravine.

*My friends and I*

We all shout in fear at the G-force from the hit.

Me: That felt like an earthquake!

Labramon: That hit was no joke. I hope it didn't hit anyone.

Palmon nodded.

Palmon: I hope your right. Because that could have caused a lot of damage.

Joe: I think we should check it out.

* crash site*

Elvis voice: ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Get ready for the comeback tour of the Year. Baby! I'm back.

*My friends and I*

We ran towards the crash site.

Joe: Look! There it is! The Meteor ended up on that cliff.

Me: It's not that far away, I think we will be able to make it over there in no time.

Labramon: Defiently after eating all that food.

Mimi: I wonder where on Earth it could have come from.

Palmon: Probably LA.

Gomamon: Huh?

Palmon: What?

Gomamon and Labramon sniffed the air.

Gomamon: I smell something.

Labramon: Me too...it smells stinky... but familiar...

Gomamon: It does... (Gomamon runs off with Labramon chasing after him) It's from over there.

Joe: Wait!

Me: Labramon!

We started to run after our digimon partners.

Mimi: Hey! Not so fast! I might sweat!

We ran for a few minutes.

Palmon: And I might trip over my roots.

In a clearing we saw a figure on the ground with debris all over their body. They look really injuries.

Me: That looks bad.

Palmon: I think someone is hurt.

Gomamon: Hang in there. We're coming.

Labramon: Just give us a second to help you out!

The three digimon ran over to the fallen figure.

Palmon: We got to get these branches off of him.

The digimon started to swipe away the branches.

Palmon: Ogremon! Yikes! We got to get out of here before he wakes up.

Ogremon slowly starts to move, and he puts his hand over his arm.

Mimi: It looks like he's hurt...

Me: (whispering to myself) Poor Ogremon...no one should be left behind...not even someone as heartless as him... Defiently when their injured like that.

Ogremon falls on the ground.

Gomamon: Good then he won't be able to chase us.

Joe: Do you guys remember him from File Island? He was meaner than a cat given a bath. Let's pretend we didn't found him.

Mimi and I exchange looks and nodded. We both ran over to Ogremon.

Joe: Hey! Mimi! Skylar!

Labramon: What are you two doing?

Mimi holds out a handkerchief.

Mimi: This cut looks bad.

Mimi places the handkerchief over his face, and started to wipe away the blood from his face

I placed a soft hand on the arm he was holding onto ealier. I was slowly moving my hand over it to check if any of his bones were broken. And like I thought, his bones were shattered.

Me: Ogremon...what happen to you? Who did this to you?

Ogremon groaned in pain.

Ogremon: (He opens his eyes. He looks between Mimi and I) You two are some of the digidestined.

Mimi: I guess you don't have amnesia. But try not to move anyway. Okay?

Me: Yes please don't move Ogremon. You are really injured, and you do not need to cause any more damages to yourself.

Ogremon puts his head down.

Mimi: Palmon look for some healing erbs. Gomamon and Labramon see if you two can find water.

Gomamon, Palmon and Labramon: Right! (The three of them ran off)

Mimi: Now Joe. I want you to-

Joe: I know. My father is a doctor and he's taught me a lot. I used to practice on my toys.

Ogremon: (Moves a little) Toys?

Ogremon has a pain expression on his face from moving.

Mimi: We told you not to move.

Me: Maybe next time you will listen to us...

With all of our combine strength we all moved Ogremon over to sit with his back against the tree.

I held my hands against his good shoulder which was luckily not broken. I was supposed to keep him held down and provide comfort when he needed it.

Me: (calming voice) Everything is going to be okay Ogremon.

Ogremon looks at me with a strange expression. He kinda look shocked that we were helping him.

Mimi places the handkerchief soak with the healing erbs on his wound.

Ogremon: Ow! That stuff burns! Be careful.

Mimi: You big baby. Don't you want to get better?

Joe: It looks like his arm might be broken. We might have to put it in a sling.

I look around us trying to find what we should use for a makeshift sling.

Me: But what should we used. (I started to slowly pat Ogremon on his shoulder) Don't worry Ogremon.

Joe looks down at his bag.

Joe: Ooh toilet paper.

Mimi: Do you have to do that now?

I sweat drop.

Joe: Really Mimi? (He starts wrapping the paper around Ogremon arm carefully.) I'm using this as bandages. Before we came back to the digital world. I thought of things we might need. And toilet paper was the first thing to come to my mind. There... just about finshed here. Well?

Ogremon: Feel's soft it must be tuply.

I smiled and patted Ogremon on his good arm.

Me: See Ogremon, your going to be better in no time.

Joe: Well lay off the digivolving for a few days and you will be good as new.

Mimi: Joe I never knew you were so resourceful.

Ogremon: Why are you digidestined being so nice to me? Especially after the way I tried to destroy you on File Island. You could have left me here to rot but instead you save me. Why?

Me: Because that would make us just as bad as a villain. And we would never leave someone who is hurt left to themselves.

Mimi: (nodding) We were taught if someone was in trouble you always help them out. That means even if they were trying to Pummel you into Oblivion.

Ogremon: Geez I never thought of it that way... Thanks I owe you guys one.

Ogremon stood up.

Mimi: Don't mention it. Besides that's what friends do. They help each other out.

I nodded and waved at him.

Me: Well i hope can recover quickly Ogremon. Maybe one day we can see each other again.

We all turn around and started to walk away.

Joe: Bye.

Ogremon: Wait! Don't leave now. (He starts crying) I never had any friends.

Mimi: Oh (She turns around) Well you have them now.

Me: Yeah we are good friends Ogremon. Don't think anything about the past because the past is the past.

Ogremon had tears in his eyes as he look at us with a smile.

Gomamon: I never seen an Ogremon cry before...

Labramon: Me either. It's like a rare occurrence...like seeing Santamon or something.

Joe: Don't tell me you need toilet paper to blow your nose.

Ogremon: (He starts wiping away his tears with his good arm) It's alright. I'll just use my sleeve.

Puppetmon's voice: That's got to hurt with all those spikes.

All of us: Huh?

We all turn to the sound of the voice.

Puppetmon: Here's a riddle. What has four strings and is made of wood?

All of us: Puppetmon!

Puppetmon: No a violin. But that's a good guess. I guess you guys are not music lovers.

Gomamon and Labramon raced foward.

Labramon: (Barring his fangs) Leave us alone.

Gomamon: Yeah, it's you we don't like.

Puppetmon: Oh yeah? Do you like this?

Puppetmon fired yellow beams of light out of his hammer.

Gomamon and Labramon jump back.

Puppetmon: I along can play a really mean Saxophone.

Palmon: I got to digivolve!

Mimi: But...

Mimi shakes at the thought of it.

Joe and I held out our digivices.

Joe: Gomamon digivolve!

Me: You too Labramon!

Gomamon: Right!

Labramon: On it!

Joe's and my digivice started to glow light green.

Gomamon : Gomamon digivolve too ...

Ikkakumon : Ikkakumon!

Labramon : Labramon digivolve too ...

Seasarmon : Seasarmon!

Ikkakumon: Harpoon Torpedo!

Seasarmon : Sun's courage!

Puppetmon dodges the attacks.

Puppetmon starts to laugh

Joe looks puzzled, while I bawled my fists.

Joe's and my crest started to glow.

Ikkakumon: Ikkakumon digivolve too ...

Zudomon : Zudomon!

Seasarmon : Seasarmon digivolve too ...

Cerubumon: Cerubumon!

Puppetmon: Take this puppet Pummel!

Zudomon: Vulcan's Hammer!

Cerubumon : Elemerald blaze!

The three attacks hit but Zudomon's hammer flew into the air.

Zudomon falls on his back. Cerubumon was starting to run to fight Puppetmon but Zudomon's hammer landed roughly on his back. The two of them dedigivovle into their rookie forms.

Me: Impossible!

Puppetmon: Don't tell me play time over.

A jungle call is heard from a distance. I raised an eyebrow. It sounded like someone was trying to rip off Tarzan...

I saw a shadow swinging on the vines in the woods.

Puppetmon: Alright already!

A metal monkey landed on a tree branch. He look really familiar.

MetalEtemon: Get diggie with it. MetalEtemon is in the house.

Puppetmon: Who is this guy?

Me: Oh no! Not Elvis!

MetalEtemon: What did I you girlie? Don't you go comparing me to that king wannabe!

I roll my eyes.

Me: Look who's talking...

MetalEtemon: (growling but then he smirked and started to clap) A superstar like me deserves a little applause baby. After all...it's been so long sense we seen each other.

Joe: How could Etemon be back?!

MetalEtemon: I used to be Etemon kid. But that was a long time ago. Now I'm MetalEtemon! Oh thank you. Thank you very much.

Gomamon: If you thought Etemon was tough MetalEtemon is a Mega digimon. With his banana peel attack, he will have to peel us off the floor.

Labramon: He also got way more annyoing...

Palmon: Just what we need. New and unimproved.

MetalEtemon: Let me tell you how I become me.

He pulls out a microphone.

Me: Oh please....don't tell me your going to sing....have mercy...

MetalEtemon: (singing) Now here is what aspired when Etemon expired. Listen up baby! I'm sure you all remember the battle I had with MetalGreymon. I will tell you, he is one tough dinosaur honey. After that I was swallowed up by a black hole. I think I gave it indigestion. My digital information scattered across the universe. I pulled myself together and chilled out for awhile in digimon limbo. My information was chopped, sliced, creamed. I felt like a full speed blender honey. But I refused to return to the digital world until I was bigger, better and had a beautiful set of metal hair. Now I'm back to get my revenge on you digidestined. I am low down and revengeful-

My friends and I were covering our ears with our hands.

This was the worst.

Puppetmon: Enough!

MetalEtemon jumped off the branch he was on.

MetalEtemon: I just got started there you oversized footstool!

Puppetmon: Who you calling oversized?

MetalEtemon: Watch your step. Banana slip!

Puppetmon slips on a banana peel.

MetalEtemon: What's wrong? Too much of a wax build up?

Puppetmon: Puppet Pummel!

Puppetmon hits MetalEtemon in his leg. The monkey grabs his leg and started to hop up and down.

MetalEtemon: Ow! I will use you as a toothpick!

MetalEtemon tries to tackle Puppetmon. But the puppet jumped into the air. Puppetmon fired with his hammer and MetalEtemon blocked it with his hand.

MetalEtemon: That's all?

MetalEtemon punches Puppetmon in his face.

Puppetmon: You fight dirty!

MetalEtemon: I'm not dirty. I just got detailed at the car wash the other day.

I sweat drop.

Joe starts pushing Mimi and I to the woods.

Joe: Now would be a good time to escape.

Me: That's a good idea.

We started to run, Ogremon runs after us.

Puppetmon sticks his tounge out at MetalEtemon.

MetalEtemon punches a tree, due to Puppetmon jumping out of the way. The tree breaks apart and lands on top of him.

Puppetmon laughs.

When MetalEtemon wakes up he sees that he is slapping himself.

MetalEtemon: Ow! Ow! Hey! Cut it out!

Puppetmon had tied strings to the monkey's body.

Puppetmon now forces MetalEtemon to tickle himself.

MetalEtemon: Hey quit it! I hate tickling! Come on!

Puppetmon: Now I can finally take care of those kids... Their gone!

MetalEtemon races foward.

MetalEtemon: It's your fault you peice of rotten wood! (He rips the string off his body)

Puppetmon: You recycled tin can!

MetalEtemon: Big dumb puppet!

The two jump at each other but Puppetmon jumps over him. Which causes MetalEtemon to crash into a tree.

MetalEtemon: Hey! Where are you going?!

Puppetmon: Home. Your lousy at name calling.

MetalEtemon: Oh yeah! I'm Metal and your wood. Whatever you say bounces off of me and splinters you in half!

MetalEtemon races off.

MetalEtemon: Who needs him anyway. Besides I can find those digidestined myself. After all I am the ultimate metal detector.

MetalEtemon lands on a tree branch.

MetalEtemon: How hard can it be to find a bunch of kids?

*My friends and I *

Mimi: So does it still hurt?

My friends and I are inside a tree.

Ogremon: Actually no. Not really. I need to know how I can ever thank you all.

I smiled.

Me: Ogremon it's not a big deal. We are just glad your okay.

I hugged Ogremon a little on his good arm.

Mimi: Oh forget about it. You don't need to thank us.

Ogremon: No I have to. It's an ancient tradition for all acts of kindness. (He slams his good fist agasint his chest) It's a part of my sacred code as an Ogremon.

Joe: Sacred code? What are you? A member of King Arthur ' s court or something?

Me: Joe...don't upset him.

Mimi: Oh...that's romantic.

Ogremon: (Crying) I'm sorry I will try to be meaner next time.

Gomamon: Yeah you will ruin your reputation.

Labramon: (laughing) We don't want to ruin your chances of ruling the digital world.

We all laugh.

Mimi: Ogremon can I ask you a personal question?

Ogremon: Yes it's true I don't floss...

I sweat drop. That was Defiently not something I think Mimi would have asked him.

Mimi: That's not what I was going to ask. Why do you fight with Leomon? Do you hate him?

That was a good question and I did wonder about that time to time.

Ogremon: No. It's not a thing about hate. It's our destiny to fight each other. He and I will be rivals for all eternity.

Mimi: Well if that's your only purpose in life. What would happen if you actually won?

Me: Mimi has a good point Ogremon. You have to think about that...

Ogremon: I never really thought about it before. Maybe I will take a vacation. A cruise is always nice.

Me: (mumbling) Where is a cruise in the digital world?

Mimi: And after that?

Ogremon: what do you mean after that?

Mimi: well after that you wouldn't have a rival anymore.

I nodded. Mimi was right, if Ogremon defeated Leomon. Then they wouldn't be able to fight anymore.

Ogremon: of course we would. He and I are like two old warriors. Fighting a war that has no beginning and has no end. The only reason that I exist is to beat Leomon. And if he was gone...well...ah....(He placed his hand on his forehead) I'm so confused

Me: Ogremon at least think about what would happen if you beat Leomon...

Mimi: You got to have more purpose in life then just beat Leomon.

Ogremon: You two leave me alone. You can't possibly understand. This rivalry is old as time itself. I don't care what happens. I will think about it after I defeated Leomon.

Me: But then it would be to late to change your-

Joe looks over at Ogremon.

Joe: you're getting way too excited. I better take your blood pressure.

I heard a Tarzan like scream from a distance. Please don't tell me Elvis is nearby...

Joe: What's that? It came from out here.

We all walked outside

MetalEtemon: I found you!

Joe: Run!

We all started to run.

We ran for what felt like hours but we finally got away from him by hiding in the shrubbery.

MetalEtemon swings on a vine past us.

MetalEtemon: you can't hide from me. I'm the king of swing.

The Monkey finally swung away.

A loud roar was heard and a lion digimon appeared in the clearing.

Me: Wow! That's one cool looking digimon.

Mimi: What is that?

Joe: Friend or foe?

The lion jumped into the clearing.

Ogremon laughs as he holds up his bone club.
