13- An above ground underground fight



It was almost the end of the school and I was in school when an announcement  came on, "can Istuki L/n please come to the front office with your bag." I got confused but grabbed my stuff and made my way there. "Hey Y/n." I deadpanned as I saw draken and mikey in the office aswell, "Y/n. Your going to go home." I nodded as I left with mikey and draken, "what's going on?" I stared at them as they explained. "The fight is going on now and we need you to be there. We got one of the guys in the gang to make draken a fake ID so he can pick you up!" I rolled my eyes and changed my shoes before following them outside to the bikes.

On the way there mikey went and got himself two dorayaki. When we arrived they parked the bikes somewhere near another bunch of them and we walked towards where the fight was going on. I gulled up my hood as we got closer, the more closer we got the more chanting and shouting was heard, as we reached the middle I saw Kiyomasa and another boy that looked familiar.

"Oi Kiyomasa!" As soon as everyone heard Draken's voice they all stopped and turned to look at him, "you've got quite the crowd. You sure are worked up, even though your the host." Almost instantly recognising him, one of them even shouted out his name and nickname. "Hey ken-chin! Look all my dorayaki is finished!!" I sighed at mikey's ignorance at the current atmosphere, read the room damn it! "Huh? I told you not to call me that damn nick name in public mikey." I shook my head but remained quiet through the whole thing. When they finally stopped their bickering someone recognised mikey and bowed, "GOOD WORK PRESIDENT!" Soon they all bowed "Hey! That's the president of toman!" We walked forward towards kiyomasa while everyone was still bowing. As we were walking forward another one of the people from the crowd stepped forward and tried to introduce himself, I gave him a side glance as draken spoke. "Your in the way." I then added onto drakens words "mikey doesn't talk to irrelevant people such as yourself." He stepped back and apologised, I almost felt bad for him.

When we reached Kiyomasa he gave a poor excuse of a bow to mikey. BAM. "Since when did you become so important, Kiyomasa? Your seriously going to greet the president with that shallow bow?" Kiyomsas bet over and yelped a 'I-I understand!' I watched as mikey walked over to the other person.. wait a minute.. is that Takimichi? It is! Mikey walked closer and takimichi fell over in fright. "Hey. What's your name?" The poor boy stuttered and then that's when I saw that he had been bruised badly and crying! "H-Hanagaki Takemichi!"

Draken and I walked forwards towards them. "I see.. Takemitchy." "Huh?" Takimichi gave a confused expression as mikey said his name wrong. "Thats what mikey said. So that's what it is right." I lowered my head and giggled quietly "Hey takemitchy. Your my bitch from now on. Okay?" I stared at his expression that looked like he saw a dead body, "W-what!?" Mikey smiled and turned to walk away but then he stopped in fornt of Kiyomasa. "Are you the one who started this?" Kiyomasa stood up high and slaimed that he controlled this underground fight. THUMP. Mikey swiftly kicked Kiyomasa in the head and stood over his knocked out body, "I hate underground fights... well.. Come on, Ken-chin, Y/n. Lets go." We followed mikey out of the area and went towards the bikes, "so what should we do with them?" I looked at draken as he asked mikey, "hm? Who?" Draken irked and then reminded mikey of the events that just happened, they discussed it and decided that kiyomasa would no longer be apart of toman. "What about takimichi?" Mikey shrugged and replied with "idk. Maybe we should visit him tomorrow."

Mikey drove me home and we walked to the door together, "alright bye." I was stepping inside when mikey followed. I gave him a confused stare and he smiled mischievously "I wanna say hi to Miss. Miyura." I shook my head at his childish antics but let him in and locked the door after him. We enetered the kitchen where Miyura was working and mikey ran to her, "Miss. Miyura!!!" He jumped on her back and surprised her greatly, she yelped and swatted mikey off her back angrily "Manjiro! What did I tell you about jumping around in the house!" She scolded mikey, "heh. sorry!" She smiled and shook her head at him "hi Miyura," I greeted her, "hi hun. I just finished cleaning the kitchen, we have some spaghetti in the fridge if you and manjiro want some." I smiled and nodded at her. I grabbed a plate and put some on, mikey also doing the same. We put our plates in the microwave, mine first then his and we sat at the table and ate our food.

"Alright. Bye guys!" I waved at mikey as he left and watched him as he opened the gate. He closed it and got back on his bike, he drove off towards his house.
