○ 15 ○

Is it weird that I do that with my sweater? Because I love doing that its fun~

Reader's P.O.V

"Suki da yo"

I couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief. I always thought he saw me only as a friend. I was relieved and happy he chose me although I couldn't help but feel guilty, guilty of not able to make him happy. He deserves happiness but will I be capable to provide that?

I briefly closed my eyes thinking, would his feelings change if I told him about my past or would he remain by my side as he declares.

"Y-You don't have to g-give an answer y-yet I ca-"

"I love you too" I quietly interrupted him opening my eyes a blush spreading across my cheeks

"What?" he questioned

I breathe in my heart beating nonstop "I love you too" I said louder this time with more confidence "I've loved you from the day we've met" he was silent for a few minutes the only thing I could hear was our breathing and my heart crazily beating.

"Can I kiss you?" he suddenly asked my blush getting fifty shades darker. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down closer to my face our lips inches away.

"You don't have to ask" I replied my breath fanning over his lips. In that moment he pressed his lips to my own. I quietly moaned not able to hold it in. My hand found its way up to his hair tugging and pulling his roots earning a few groans. He kept pushing me until I was laying on my back he crawled on top of me his legs straddling me while the kiss kept going.

He pulled away as to get some air. I smiled up at him tears already long gone. He leaned forward once again nuzzling my neck. His wet muscle I then felt causing me to arch my back hitting his chest with my boobs. A blush came across both of our faces. What the heck was that? It felt...good?

I stared at his eyes mesmerized "(Y/n) I-" We jumped back from each other startled by his device ringing. He scrambled to his feet taking out his phone answering the call.

"Shoyo!" the device yelled I recognized that voice and she didn't sound happy

"Yes?" he squeaked a giggle escaping me

"Where are you!? Do you know what time it is!?" his mother yelled loud enough for me to hear. I looked down embarrassed it's my fault he's getting yelled at I kept him here for my selfish reasons.

"Okasan I'm at (Y/n)-chan's place" her yelling stopped the only thing that could be heard was her silence. I gave Hinata a questioning look but he just shrugged

"It that so~ Sorry for interrupting I'm expecting you're staying at her place so have fun bye~" with that she hung up

I couldn't help but redden he was going to stay at my place? Not like I minded or anything but where was he going to sleep? I can't let him sleep on my couch he would be too uncomfortable. An image of me and him sharing a bed popped in my mind. I shook my head holding my redden cheeks.

"Um..." he cleared his throat nervously scratching his neck "Sorry to bother you"

"No it's fine I don't mind"

"So where would you like me to sleep?"

I fidgeted with my thumbs for a second then spoke up "You can sleep on my bed" he blushed scratching his red cheek

"So we will be sleeping together?" he innocently asked

"I was actually thinking of sleeping on the couch" I saw him frown

"But I want you to sleep close to me" he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

"You do?" I asked blushing he blushed also realizing what he just said but nodded nevertheless. I made food enjoying his presence the sadness quickly fading away as if it was never there.

"(Y/n)-chan?" Hinata said appearing behind me as I washed the dishes. I hummed his arms finding its way around my waist "I want you" he whispered

"What?" I asked blushing turning the faucet off to face him

"Ahh that not what meant" he yelled waving his hands "I meant as umm...like a...I want you as my girlfriend" he said

I kissed the corner of his lips "Baka of course" I said ruffling his hair his worried expression turned into a happy and relieved one. He grinned nuzzling his nose with mine I giggled at his happiness.

"Also I want you to stop calling me by my last name we are on first name basis. I want to hear you say my name" he whispered in my ear goosebumps arousing.

"Alright Shoyo" I said testing it out sounding weird but at the same time it felt right "No wait Sho-kun"

"Sho-kun?" I nodded clasping my hands together happy with the nickname "Your nickname"


We both went to my small room. I let Shoyo take a quick shower since he was kind of sweaty. I laid on my bed smiling to myself with my (Fav. Color) pj's. My heart kept beating I felt a little anxious sharing the same bed.

I stared at the ceiling the note coming into mind. I frowned when remembering I still have yet to tell him about it. I have to move out in a few days. My frown deepened not sure how to tell him. What will he think?

Surely he must've figured it out by now. Left for adoption, not old enough to live alone the end result is being sent to an orphanage. I covered my eyes with my arm tears brimming my eyes.

Stop. Don't cry. Not now everything is going well I don't need my tears ruining everything.

The darkness my arm was providing disappeared as my arm was lifted from my face. I almost squeaked out in surprise finding Shoyo hovering over me. I haven't even heard him come in.

"Why are you frowning?" he asked tilting his head his tone full of worry

No. I didn't want you to see like this

"Hina-" I gasped as he squeezed my thigh pretty roughly I bit my lip almost letting a moan escape at how good his hand felt "I mean Sho-kun I was just...thinking" he looked at me curiosity filling his brown eyes.

"About what?" such a persistent boy

"Nothing important really" I answered I didn't want him to know actually. I wanted to enjoy these moments without having to see him frown knowing I would be leaving. We may not go to Karasuno together anymore I may have to change schools all because of the stupid location.

"Tell me" he demanded nipping the outer shell of my ear I squirmed under him "Your upset about something"

"I-I..." he stopped waiting for me to finish "I'm moving out" I quietly whispered giving in a lone tear slipping out

"I know" was his response to my surprise. I know he's not a complete idiot but how did he know? I never said anything or did he figured that out on his own?

"How?" he gave me a small smile

"The boxes" I arched an eyebrow confused thinking for a moment when it clicked I was already packing my stuff since yesterday "Where you going?"

"An orphanage" I replied averting my gaze away from his

"Then..." he said grabbing my attention as I looked back at his brown hues. He set his forehead against mine eyes closed "Let me enjoy these moments with you beside me"

I switched the light off getting under the covers with Hinata. His arms caging around my small form. His body producing warmth causing me to cuddle closer to him. It was weird but I felt like a married couple blushing at my thoughts I hadn't noticed Hinata's hand crawling down my back.

The action itself sent shiver down my spine. He chuckled his hand going under my shirt doing circle like motions with his finger on my bare skin. I was getting sleepy and before my body could completely shut off I heard him say

"Goodnight my love..."

Uhh took a while to update I wasn't in the mood sorry, but hey I did.

Something just happen to me a few weeks ago. This middle schooler said behind my back that I was ugly.

(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

Pretty insulting, and to make it worse I'm a self-conscious person those words just won't go away keep repeating over and over
.....But anyways

Bye Bye~
