Inlove not Involve

"Lotte! Sucy placed something on my food again!" Akko whined.

"Akko, y'now i'm not your mom and Sucy stop doing when you don't ask permission to Akko!" Lotte said while glancing back and forth to Sucy and Akko.

"Oh, don't worry honey. Akko can take a little test of 'is that really a potion, ofcourse not because it's unfinished and so meant it wouldn't work'!" Sucy said before slightly yelling the few last words.

"Lotte! Make your girlfriend stop acting like i'm your child in your relationship!" Akko nagged.

Lotte mentally slapped herself as she let out a sigh while turning back around to continue reading her book.

"Akko, I told you the potion was unfinished when I accidentally got it over your food fantasy." Sucy said while rolling her eyes.

Akko huffed before deciding to play along.

"Sure pops! Don't forget to give a goodnight kiss to mom later." Akko said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Akko!" Lotte yelped, face red as she watched Akko flop herself in the

"Sucy if it really does something to me by tomorrow i'm going to kill you." Akko threteaned before going to sleep.

"If it does work genius." Sucy frowned.


"Hey, Diana!" Hannah called out.

"Yes, Hannah?" Diana said as she glanced to her side with a look of curiosity.

"Are you going to confess ro 'Kagari' today?" Hannah smirked.

Diana blushed, chuckling as she lightly nudged Hannah by her arm.

"Hannah! Diana!" A sudden yell was heard.

Both turned around to see Barbara catching up to them.

"Barbara--WOAH!" Hannah yelped when Barbara clinged unto her.

Diana laughed, watching the two who acted like children.

"Alright that's enough. Let's go!" Hannah giggled.

Barbara smiled, getting off Hannah and walkimg beside Diana.


Lunch hours were always a blast for Akko. Whether she gets to eat soup or not, she likes it when she gets something to eat.

"Akko." Akko glanced beside her to see Diana standing.

"D-Diana! What's up?" Akko stuttered at first but tried to regain confidence through a question.

"Can I speak private matters with you for a moment?" Diana asked.

Akko glanced over to Sucy and Lotte before smiling over to Diana.

"Sure!" Akko agreed as she stood up and walked over to Diana.

"Make sure not to get anybody pregnant Akko." Sucy joked, quickly earning a light hit in the head by Lotte, before getting nagged.

"Sure pops, no one is getting pregnant." Akko joked back.

Sucy beamed when Akko did respond to a dad joke she had in mind.

"Akko!" Lotte yelped.

"See yah!" Akko quickly dashed, holding Diana by the hand as they ran out the cafetiria.

And slowed their speed as soon as they were a few meters far from the cafetiria.

"So....where do you want to go to discuss this 'important matters' of yours??" Akko asked.

"I don't know really," Diana began, before continued with, "perhaps the tower I suppose."

Akko agreed and they both made their way over the tower.


"Damn it's real quite here." Akko lightly whistled as she looked around the lower grounds of the tower.

Diana took a quick sigh, before taking a step on the first case of the stairs.

"What's the important matter to discuss?" Akko asked.

Diana stopped on the first case and turned around to face Akko.

"Getting to the point I see?" Diana raised a brow.

Akko nodded with a hint of suspiciouns. Diana noticed it.

"I know this might sound out of the original, it might sound really fictional and all--" before Diana could even finish her long monolouge she was stopped by Akko.

"Ok, i'm gonna have to stop you right there. Don't move!" Akko blurted out as she walked over and infront of Diana, slightly pulling her down by the arms.

'A kiss!?' Diana thought as she watched Akko struggle from how short she was.

Diana snickered, looking over to Akko's red face. She lightly blushed from the move.

"Do you want me to step off the first case?" Diana asked.

"Omg! Yes please!!" Akko felt embarrased.

"You said don't move though." Diana joked.

Akko groaned in defeat, while Diana chuckled at her so sudden actions.

Akko continued to whine but stopped when she felt a small peck on her nose.

"Diana..." Akko mumbled.

Diana sighed, before saying, "I was going to say I love you but you stopped me halfway finishing since you were needy for a kiss."

"What!?? I'm so sorry!! I love you too!!!" Akko shot up from the realization and quickly apologized.

Diana giggled, taking a step down the first case to hug Akko better.

"Even though I was very rude to you. I liked you at that time for being cute." Diana smiled.

"When I really fought back that was just me hiding the fact I had a big crush when we first met." Akko smirked.

Diana blushed, before giving another light kiss on Akko's nose.

"We need to see our second hand parents!" Akko beamed, while running with Diana held by her hand.

"Second hand parents??" Diana was flustered.

They both ran until they made it to Akko's dorm.

Slamming the door open, Akko quickly yelps when she saw Sucy quickly stealing a kiss from Lotte.

"Is this the wrong time to barge in?" Diana asked.

Lotte flushed, waving her hands mid-air after yelping, "no! No! It's alright! What do you both need exactly??"

"Approved, you can both become an official gay couple. Now shoo." Sucy huffed, holding Lotte by the waist from behind while swaying a hand over to Akko and Diana.

Akko gleamed before yanking Diana out of the room. They swore they heard a yelp when they went out.

Whilst running over to Diana's dorm.

"I have not a single clue why you're doing this Akko." Diana was still flustered until this point.

"Hannah! Barbara!" Diana called out after she opened the door wide.

"Omg." Diana quickly covered Akko's eyes from the sight of Hannah topping Barbara on the desk.

"And on the desk? Really?" Diana sighed.

Hannah and Barbara stammered.

"Anyways! Were an official couple now!!!" Akko beamed.

"Really!? That's great news!!!" Hannah squeeled.

"The only problem she wants to deal with is your 'approval' to us." Diana sighed.

"Approved!!!" Hannah and Barbara yelled at the same tims.

"Are you happy now?" Diana asked.

Akko smirked, before saying, "there's just one thing missing."

Diana raised a brow, before she was even able to ask her mouth was shut with Akko's lips over it.

Diana flushed.

"There! Now it's complete!!" Akko giggled.

Diana covered her flushing face mumbling, "I can't believe I got involved on this."

"What!? No! You're inlove! Not involve!!" Akko corrected.

Diana chuckled as she closed her dorm door shut.
