19: 十九

"Why are we running! You wanted to go get bread but the bakery is in the opposite direction!" Seungkwan informs, his words heavy and breathy as Hansol drags him through the streets. He doesn't know why the younger is all riled up, but it's worrying to see him in such a panicked state. "Hansol!"

"Shush!" The brunette tells in frustration, Seungkwan immediately does as there was an obvious explanation to their actions. "just, just follow me for now!"

Seungkwan doesn't question him anymore, instead he picks up his pace to match Hansol's. They've been running for a minute or so, the stares of residents stick on to their bodies as they question their activities. But, they find two other boys following from behind them and brush off the worrying thoughts as they believed they were a group of friends just being friends.

"Prince Hansol is still quick! Good thing I can still keep up." Renjun comments with a light giggle, Chenle who trails behind him only glares as he didn't expect this much physical activity so soon. He cursed as they didn't have wings, that would have made their situation easier. But, their current focus is to follow Hansol as he definitely has information on the King's son. "Hansol! Stop!"

Seungkwan hears the calls, turning his head with a quick whip he catches the sight of the two boys. One with pink hair, while the other with a shade of dark blue. He assumed they're connected with Hansol in some way, but, he doesn't know how. "Pick up your speed, Minghao's place is somewhere around here." Seungkwan hastily states, Hansol nods and he does. Seungkwan has never ran so fast in his life, he's sure his feet were about to fall off.

As they exited a street and turned a corner based on Seungkwan's current directions. Hansol stops without any warning and finds Seungkwan bumping into him harshly. They almost fall, but the younger brunette catches him. Hansol makes eye contact with Jun, who has Minghao right beside him.

"What are you two-" Minghao tries to question, but his mouth is forced shut by Jun's palm. He begins to walk towards the two, leaving Minghao without a word said. "weirdo."

"Who." Jun mutters in the foreign language, Seungkwan gulps as he's never seen the red-head's expression so stern. "Hansol, who."

"You'll see.." Hansol replies lightly, trying to catch his breath as he was beat from their marathon. The footsteps from the corner increase, with Jun's excellent hearing it's not long until he catches the individuals the young duo was dealing with.

Renjun and Chenle stop, the excitement in Renjun's expression fades once he acknowledges the presence of Prince Jun. He backs away, immediately hiding behind Chenle. "Y—Your majesty." The blue-haired boy doesn't hesitate to bow, Jun shakes his head in disappointment.

"Don't you dare refer to me in that manner. Stand up." He spits, Chenle immediately does and cracks his knuckles out of nervousness. "What are you doing here? Entering the human realm without any fear of the consequences that may come forth to you? Chenle, I thought you knew better."

"It's not what you think though!" Chenle tries to argue, hoping he doesn't sound rude to the older male. "Jun...I face great danger if I don't return with Sir Seungcheol. My whole life and future is on the line! I hate to be selfish but I can not endure the punishments of the King."

Jun runs his hand through his hair, gripping onto the red locks due to the arising stress. Hansol instructs Seungkwan to stay put with Minghao so they can handle the situation, he doesn't bother to question his wants.

"Seungcheol doesn't want to become King, he's already told us many times." Hansol tells, Chenle nods as he knew that this was the case. "Renjun, you've gotten fast."

The pinkette peeks out from Chenle's shoulder, his eyes sparkle a little as he notices that Hansol has acknowledged his presence, and looks exactly the same the last time he saw him. Just a tad older. "T—Thanks Sollie!" The younger replies enthusiastically to his kindness, but, Renjun's perkiness dies down once he makes eye contact with Junhui. "We mustn't say something, we'll anger Sir Junhui..."

"Now you're addressing them with proper honorifics." Chenle mutters under his breath, Jun still caught onto his words and shoots him a glare. "Jun...I understand Sir Seungcheol doesn't want to come back, but please! I have no other plans to turn to, I'm running out of time!"

As the four discuss, Seungkwan and Minghao stand next to each other trying to understand the conversation themselves. It's clear they're in some predicament, none of them can speak demon and their problems make them curious to what will happen next. Minghao taps his foot on the concrete, waiting for Jun to finish up as they needed to get home. "You think we'll be dragged into trouble because of these new kids?"

Seungkwan snorts, "Definitely. No doubt about it."

"And Yanan still works as a guard for Tulia so—"

"Yanan?" Jun questions, cutting off Renjun who speaks of the familiar male. The pinkette nods to confirm. "....how is he?"

Hansol snorts, rolling his eyes to then nudge the boy. "Childhood crushes never fade, huh? You still have him on your mind?"

Jun pushes the boy away, making him stumble towards the side. "Guards of Tulia are not allowed to invest their time in love. Especially with the Prince of Silora.."

"You never denied your feelings though?" Chenle then brings up, Jun cheeks flush a bright pink. He turns around to catch the faces of Seungkwan and Minghao. "He'd be happy to see you."

"I would too...but, there's more out here." Jun decides to end the conversation there and walks back to take Minghao back home. The younger ravenette retorts, trying to pry his fingers away as his grip becomes deadly.

"Jun! No need to be so firm!" Minghao whines, still trying to pull away. Seungkwan only watches the two leave as he needs to wait for Hansol. "did they rile you up? Come on, talk to me."

"I've wasted my breath already, let's just go home please." Jun's voice is the definition of tired, his back begins to slouch and Minghao watches as his fingers uncurl from his wrist. "let's just go..."

Minghao doesn't understand the change in attitude with Jun, especially since he was an energetic boy with much to say during most times. There's an urge to try and push some words out of the other to get some information out of him - but being the prince of a demon realm, Minghao decides not to. "Get some rest when we get home." The ravenette instructs, his soft side reveals as it was needed for Jun.


While back with the other four, Hansol introduces Chenle and Renjun to the older boy. Seungkwan, who awkwardly introduces himself doesn't know what to say after as they stare at him oddly. "How'd you get tangled up with such a human?" Renjun questions out of curiosity, Hansol laughs,

"His friends found our house. It was Seungcheol's plan to make them watch after us."

"Are they insulting me?" Seungkwan tugs at Hansol's shirt, the brunette shakes his head and Seungkwan lets out a relieved sigh. "we should get going, bread shop can wait tomorrow."

"What about them?"

Seungkwan raises a brow, "I— I cant take them in? Unless they have some manipulation power like Chan. I don't think I'd be able to."

"Do you have a place to stay?" Hansol asked the two before they take their leave. Renjun who looks over to Chenle waits for an answer.

"We'll figure it out. I personally don't want to get wrapped up with you two anymore, especially since Junhui seems pissed." Chenle tells, Hansol only shrugs his shoulder at the minor details they brought up. "We'll take our leave for now. Until again we'll meet."

Hansol nods and waves a goodbye. Seungkwan and him begin to walk back home while Renjun and Chenle return back to their original trail. "What are we gonna do about our residential situation?" Renjun questions to Chenle.

"Just wait." Chenle replies. He's calm and collective which doesn't make Renjun feel any better. "I have something up my sleeve."

With the two other younger boys, Seungkwan turns to Hansol to ask a couple of questions. He wondered why Jun sped off with Minghao in such a hurry, and where the two boys he just met were. "You have questions I know. Chenle and Renjun won't be a problem, trust me."

"Yeah...but, what made Jun so fired up? He dragged Minghao home while you guys were still talking."

Hansol scrunches his nose, thinking before he spills. "If I tell you, you won't tell Jun right?"

"Of course not." Seungkwan promises, he presses his pointer finger and thumb together. Gliding it across his lips to replicate a sealed zipper, "my mouth is shut."

Hansol smiles, finding the action funny. "Well, Junhui had a crush on a guard back home. But, since he's a prince and the guard is stationed in my empire, there's no way they could be together. Besides, love is odd in the demon realm. The only official pairings are the King and Queen of each kingdom. While residents are just individuals who pass on into the after life."

"Seriously? Wait, is there a penalty for falling in love or is it just uncommon?"

"Just uncommon," Hansol answers. "but, it's better not for a demon to fall for someone. Especially human."

"Well...the rest doesn't seem good from my take."

The brunette shakes his head, "Trust me, it isn't."

Though, the terrible consequences seem to fly over the heads of some boys.

a/n: sorry I've been taking a long time to update ): I'm thinking about my college major and I'm stressing so much I literally might burst -  things are still building up so stay with me pls 🥺
