Chapter 1: Rebellious

In the cold street, I saw a woman wearing a thin dress walking down the street. The woman's face was so delicate that she could not move her eyes at a glance. Only at this moment, her face was full of tears, and she was completely unaware of the bitter cold wind and the darker the sky.

Quiet and desperate to walk, the whole person is like a puppet, completely unaware, tears confused eyes, this life, she once again experienced the desperate pain, just thinking back and forth over and over again in my mind If someone is cold and ruthless, it seems like a curse, so she can't get rid of it!

"Oh, swearing at you, is a shame of my life!" On the day of the wedding, she turned into a little girl because she did not fall red! This is what she said in her childhood!

"You don't know how to be shameful. You don't have to say it. We haven't had your daughter since then. Come here, give me this unscrupulous woman!" Are these relatives?

"Two uncles, two uncles, you can't do this to me, I am embarrassed, I..."


The faces of these people kept circling in their minds, and the words that pushed her to despair were always eroding her heart!

Shen Jingzhen really doesn't know why, why has it changed overnight? She originally thought that marrying people is a new beginning, but why...

Why are you doing this to her? What did she do wrong? Those people were so good to her before she got married, so kind, so she almost thought she could have been so happy, but why...

The heart seemed to be beaten by a hammer. The whole person was already numb, walking and walking, suddenly felt a pain in the back, and fell into the boundless darkness!

Woke up again, Shen Jingwei only felt that the body was colder, and the surrounding area was dark, and the faintly can still feel the wind blowing, quietly opening his eyes, looking at the woman in front, the face The smile made it even more painful to the quiet eyes. "Jingya, what are you doing?"

"Oh, my good sister, you finally have such a day, how, how?"

"Where is this? What are you doing?" Watching it around with vigilance, Shen Jing looked at Shen Jingya's face very wrong, and his heart was full of panic.

"Oh, my sister, say you are stupid, you are really stupid! Do you think you were the former Shenjia prostitute? You are now, no father and no mother, but a lonely woman without power. If you are a family, can you really marry you? If you don't care about this reputation, you don't want to take the initiative to retreat. This is what you think, can you still live to the present? But now, now, you are not worthy of Shaodong's brother. Grandma has no way to protect you for a while, so, let's go with peace of mind, the next thing, my sister, I will replace you. Oh, my sister is afraid that I still don't know? My sister and Shaodong are both happy, but my sister has always been in front of us, let us be depressed!"

When talking about these words, Shen Jingya has always been smiling, and the beautiful face is accompanied by such a smile, but it really makes people feel very gloomy.

"Shen Jingya, you!" I did not think that the benefactors I thought were actually hooked up with my sister!

"Oh, quiet, oh, you have to blame, you can only blame your life is not good. Who let you block my way, but I really did not expect that Shaodong brother did not directly deal with you, Also let you be his little sister, afraid that it is also attracted to your face? Just a pity, he can't see it in the future! Oh, sister, sister, thank you for your success! Sister, hello, let's go. The younger sister will take care of you and take care of you. You can enjoy these blessings that you didn't enjoy!" When he said this, Shen Jingya's face was vicious, and his eyes were full of sorrowful eyes. "Do it!" "

After all, regardless of the quiet rebellion, people directly put her into the cold lake with stones!

The autumn lake is cold, and the quiet shackles are tightly tied. They can't resist completely. They look at the cold faces on the shore, and feel the cold water immersing themselves in a little bit, quietly, completely at heart. Are desperate!

Why, why should this be done to her?


What did she do wrong?

The body is cold and cold, and the quietness only feels more uncomfortable, the breathing becomes more and more difficult, and the despair and hatred in the bottom of my heart are also sinking deeper and deeper, until finally lost completely. Intuition! 
