

The door opened and I entered into the room with a plate of food in my hand. The room was dimly lit but I could clearly see her. Her thin and petite frame was leaning against the wall for support. Her hair scattered all over her face. There was tension and stress clearly visible on her face even during sleep. There was frown on her forehead and stains of dry tears on her cheeks. Her fair skin turned into dusty dark one due to staying on the dirty floor for the last two days.

''Sejal, wake up.'' I said lightly but got no response.

''Hey, wake up.'' I said shaking her slightly and she jerked a little.

Opening her eyes, she looked around, adjusting to the dim light. Her eyes landed on me and her expressions changed. There was some fear but there was some fire too.

''What are you here for?'' She asked immediately, her voice sour.

''Boss has sent this food for you. Have this.'' Saying this, I bent down to her level, to untie her hands but she moved back.

''I don't want to have food. Give this to your boss only and ask him to have it.'' She said with a venomous voice.

''Listen girl, don't make it more difficult for yourself than it already is. Eat this food quietly.''

''I said I don't want to eat it. Don't you get it?'' She shouted turning her face to the other side.

This girl is getting on my nerves now. She is getting food even when she is kidnapped, she should be grateful to us but rather than that, she is shouting at me. Now, I would have to use another way to make her eat.

She kept on looking in the other direction. I quickly gripped her shoulder and she gasped. She opened her mouth to say something and taking the chance, I put the morsel of food in her mouth. She glared at me but started eating then. Her light brown eyes were fixed on mine as she spit fire through them. As soon as she finished chewing and tried to speak up, I again stuffed her mouth with the food.

''Now, take this food and have it otherwise, I will keep stuffing your mouth with big morsels.''

''For me to eat this with my own hands, you need to untie my hands you dumb head.''

''Hey, what did you just call me? A dumb head. How dare you?''

Before she could reply, my phone rang. I saw the caller Id, it was boss. I picked up the call and went to the farthest corner of the room.

''Yes boss.'' I said as I attended the call.

''Aangre, has she eaten the food?''

''No boss, not yet. Throwing tantrums in eating the food.''

''Make her eat in anyway possible. I don't want her to die and as soon as she finishes the food, come to me quickly.''

''Ok boss.'' With this, the call got disconnected.

I came back and untied her hands.

''I am letting you go this time, but, don't you ever dare call me a dumbhead. Now eat quickly, I have to go.''

''Then go. Who is stopping you?''

''Madam, do you think you are very clever and I would leave you here with your hands untied so that you could run away, huh?''

''Well, that was the plan.'' She said sheepishly.

''Since your plan got ruined, now, eat quietly or else you would not want to face the consequences.'' I shouted and she flinched. Somewhere in my heart, I did not like scaring the girl but that's my job. I could not do anything.

She started eating quietly and I kept on looking at her. She was eating quietly but quickly. I can understand, the girl must be starving. She did not have food since last two days.

She finished the food and returned the plate to me. I took it from her, tied her hands together and left the room to meet boss.

He was in the gym. I reached there and found him busy with the punching bag.

''Did she eat something?'' He asked me once he stopped punching the bag.

''Yes boss, she ate to her heart's content today.''


''Boss, what are we going to do with them? I mean, what's next?''

''Nothing, we would keep them captive until the news, of me murdering someone, subsides and then I will make sure that these two do not mess anything around.''

''Ok boss. What did you do with Riddhima? I mean where is she, umm, how is she?''

''That's none of your business Aangre. Go and find out about the Malhotra's next move. I want the updates before the day ends.''

''Ok boss.'' I nodded and left to finish the work assigned to me.


I don't know why, but I felt a bit uneasy when Aangre asked about Riddhima. Putting these thoughts aside, I started thinking of Riddhima. This girl has been occupying my thoughts since the day I got the file of her details. There is something that attracts me to her. I like holding her close to me. I like the effect which I have on her. I like her closed eyes, her quivering lips whenever I stand inches apart from her. The way her bosom hardens against my chest whenever I pull her to me. The way she holds me for support, the way she tries pushing me away with her tiny hands, everything seems so amazing.

Thinking of her, my thoughts drifted to the incident that happened in morning.


''Mr Raisinghania, look I have eaten the food, now, take me to Sejal please. I want to meet her.''

''I won't let you meet her.''

''But why? You said you will think once I have my food.''

''So I thought over it and now I have reached to the conclusion that I won't let you meet Sejal. If I allow you to meet my trump card then what sort of kidnapper would I be sweetheart?''

''That is not fair. You are backing off your words now.'' This one sentence hurt my ego.

''VR never backs off his words. I said the last decision would be mine and my decision is that you can't meet Sejal. That's it.''

''Ok fine, then, I do not agree to your decision. I will make sure that I find Sejal and escape your clutches. And once I escape, believe me Raisinghania, I will make sure that you rot in jail.'' She said these words, pointing her finger at me. But this was it. This girl needs to be reminded that she is not here for a holiday that she can roam around anywhere and I am not her boyfriend who would easily listen to her shouting and do nothing. She must understand that I have kidnapped her and she is a hostage here.

She turned and started moving in the other direction but before she could step further, I pulled her, bent down, caught her thighs and lifted her up on my shoulders. She protested, hit me with her tiny fists, tried kicking me but nothing affected me. I was so blinded by rage that all her pleas went in vain and I kept on walking.

Opening the door of her room, I threw her down on the floor.

''Girl, you needed to be reminded that you are captive here, not on a holiday. So your punishment is that you would stay locked in this room without food and water until my further orders.'' Her expressions were horrified. When she fell down, her suit moved a little revealing the milky skin of her waist. I controlled the urge of touching that milky skin but since,I was very angry at that time, I left the room, locking her door. She kept on banging it, asking me to open it but I didn't budge.


Since then, I was busy with the punching bag. I could not think of anything else other than her. She is driving me crazy. Thinking of this, I punched the punching bag for the last time and went to my room to take a cold shower to calm my nerves.


Moving inside the bathroom, he turned on the faucet of the shower. The water ran over his body calming him a bit but then, his thoughts again drifted to her. The way her body responds to their closeness, creates havoc inside him. He knows she doesn't like him getting close to her but the effect he has on her says something else. Her milky skin teases him as if challenging him to touch it. Her scent makes him go insane. Her long black hair add more to her beauty. Her nose reddens as she gets angry at him. Her strawberry lips which part when she quivers as if inviting him to taste them. Her swan like neck, which cranes whenever he goes near her, invites him to mark his territory. The mole on her collarbone urges him to kiss it. Her ample bosom. Her slender waist. Everything about her fascinated him. Everytime he pulled her close to him, the monster inside him awakened.

''Aaaahhhh.'' He shouted to get clarity of mind.
He knew that after the news will subside, he would have to let her go. But he was not in the mood of it. From his thoughts, one thing was clear, that he wants her badly and he would make her his at any cost. In no way, he is going to give her a chance of slipping off his hand so easily.

Determined, he came out of the bathroom wearing his night suit. He laid on the bed and thinking of his next move which is going to change Riddhima's whole life, drifted to deep slumber, for the next day would be adventurous.


I came out of my thoughts as the door opened. There he was, standing in his full glory, wearing a formal suit and shades with his hands in his pocket.

I stood up and glared at him. Today, there was something different in his eyes, a devilish glint. An evil smirk was plastered on his face. Why do I feel he is here on purpose? There is some fire in his eyes. Oh god! Why am I getting bad vibes?

''Good morning sweetheart.'' He said but I didn't revert back. Instead, I turned my face to the other side.

''I said Good morning.'' He again said, this time a bit angry. Though I looked at him but I didn't reply even then.

And then I was pinned to the wall behind me, caged between his hands. His face was few inches apart and I could feel his hot breath falling on my face. Anger was clearly visible on his facial features. But the thing which was scaring me more was this closeness. Due to this closeness, I could feel butterflies inside my stomach.

''I have told you already, that I don't like being ignored.'' He roared, making me flinch at his tone.

I opened my mouth to say something but he pressed his palmeto my lips preventing me from speaking anything.

''V..ummm..'' I again tried speaking but he pressed his palm more tightly on my lips. A shiver ran down my spine when his palms came in contact with my lips.

He came even closer to me, our foreheads almost touching and spoke in a husky voice '' You have got a lot of chances to speak. Now it would be me who speaks and you who listens otherwise the outcome will not be good.

This closeness was making me go breathless and as if that was not enough, his free hand went to my back and started grazing the bare skin of my back and drawing patterns on it. As I could feel his hand moving in circles, my eyes closed on their own accordance.

But soon realization hit me and I pushed him away from me.

''How dare you do that? How dare you touch me like that?'' I yelled at him and raised my hand to slap him but he twisted it behindy back and held me intact.

''Keep you anger under control sweetheart. You would need it later on.'' He whispered in my ear as I struggled to get out of his hold.

''What do you mean?'' I questioned him to which replied '' You don't need to know that now. For now, you just have to know that we are heading back to Mumbai. Be happy.''

With this, he dropped my hand and left the room. I was angry at him for touching me like that but my happiness overpowered my anger as I sat thinking of the opportunity to escape his clutches.

Hi guys, this is the update. Since I could not contact Riddhima so I asked Vansh to remind her that she is kidnapped 😂. Do tell me how it was and do vot for it if you liked it. Suggestions are always welcomed.
Do tell me in the comments section why do you think Vansh is heading back to Mumbai and what would be his plans to claim Riddhima?
Thanks for reading.
