Pregnant * Symptoms

Symptoms and early signs that you might be pregnant

The only way to know for sure is to buy a pregnancy test.

Feeling a change in your body a difference in your appearance or your body just going through changes that you just don't understand.

Well you might be pregnant check yourself for these following symptoms.

Some woman many have little to no pregnancy symptoms others have too many. But not ever woman have same experience with their pregnancy while some have different symptoms in each of their pregnancy's.

this is what should take place in a text book normal pregnancy.

Couple days after conception, your eggs/egg attaches itself to the uterus wall this is where you should see the first sign that you might be pregnant because when that happens you should experience spotting even cramping.

Implantation bleeding occurs from 6-12 days after your egg is fertilized something right in between those days.

The pain you feel for while having these cramps feels like menstrual cramps as if you having your period. The spotting that you see will seem like the first day of your menstrual period.

Beside the absent in your monthly bleeding. Some woman notices a white milky discharge from their vagina. The vagina walls starts thicken immediately after conception.

This particular discharge may or may not continue throughout the pregnancy its typically harmless and don't need treatment. Note> if your having and discharge with and bad see a doctor immediately.

Changes in your breast are another very early sign of pregnancy. When you're pregnant your hormone level changes and that cause your breast to become swollen, tender or sore. While some woman doesn't feel any changes some may feel heavier or slightly tender when their partner touch their breast. Your areola may also darken.

This may change within a few weeks because your body is getting use to the hormonal changes in your body as well as it might ease up.

Lately you might be feeling very tired and fatigue and that's normal in pregnancy in its early stages.

Most popular called morning sickness is called nausea is the number 1 symptom sign that your pregnant not all woman gets it. Even though its call morning sickness it can occur any time of the day.

While some woman has weird craving some have smell issues and others the smell a particular food, plant, rose, flower or person can from any where to turn them on to make them want to vomit.

Morning sickness may not last throughout the pregnancy or it may not.

Missing period is in the top five of symptoms that you might be pregnant or in some cases your period might be delayed. You can experience bleeding during your pregnancy although if that happens ask your doctor whats normal and whats a sign of danger.

Watch out for mood swings, frequent urination, constipation, back pains, headaches, dizziness and fainting. Get a pregnancy test or a blood test to know if you are pregnant for sure cause the only way to know as soon as possible if you are indeed pregnant.

having sex is highly affective in weight loss in adults and can help you to lose an ridiculous amount of weight if its followed and done correctly and in the end the results of using  sex will shock you and everyone around you. You will be looking more lean fit and fabulous. Sex helps your metabolism by normalizing and regularizing your body and help filters your body and help your body get ready for conception. Wishing and waiting to have a child just give sex a try. 

